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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    I'm thinking about all you just-banded folks!! Thanks so much for posting your experiences, it's so exciting!!!!!
  2. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Congratulations, socialdad!! Can't wait to be on your side of the world. The anticipation is killing me, but I'm just ready to get this over with!!!
  3. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    *cough* right.
  4. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    I told my boss and one co-worker, my parents, and my 10 closest friends. But I'm not telling anyone else for now...
  5. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Hi Kami, I haven't started the pre-op diet yet, but it sounds like yours... A couple of shakes a day, 1c veg/fruit, etc... I have to go look at it again tonight and buy some shakes, but I'm not too worried because I've done 10-day fasts before and know how to get into the mental groove... So I think I'll be feeling better once I start the diet, because I'll have STARTED already. This anxiety of anticipation is making me nuts because I know I can eat still, and I don't know if I will be able to afterwards. But I feel better having said it out loud, and I'm so grateful that I'm not alone here!!!! Where are you from? I'm in NYC going to Dr Fielding.
  6. SashaWLS

    I Dont Know What To Do Anymore

    Hi there... For what it's worth, I was SURE I wanted the sleeve, but my doctor talked me out of it. It's great for many people, but 1% of the people have a leak, and that could mean 5 months in the hospital in agony. And even if it is very successful, 1/3 of the people end up gaining all their weight back—not because they overeat, but because their stomachs stretch after the wounds heal as part of the healing process... If you gain all the weight back, your only option is the band. My dr said he has banded 100s of sleeve and bypass patients. He said that while the bypass and sleeve are 3x as fast for weightloss, it evens out over the 3-5year mark and that the band is a better choice.
  7. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Hi everyone... Will be banded on April 18th, and tomorrow's my last day of real food before the liquid diet and I'm freaking out... More than freaking out, I'm having a very real physical anxiety attack... My palms are sweating, nerves are all twisted up and I've got hot adrenaline rushing through my body. The idea of all the "you can never ever have this again" foods are totally stressing me out. I'm not worried about the actual surgery or pain, I'm worried about the food. I feel like an addict about to have his fix taken away and I'm in a panic. Please someone tell me that I'm going to be ok? I've done my research and I'm sure I want to do this, so please I don't want any responses that it's the worst decision you ever made. I don't know what I am expecting this to be afterwards, but I feel like it's going to be the end of my world and I'm SCARED!!
  8. SashaWLS

    A Horrible? Ting Happened To Me

    I don't know what you should do, but I have a friend who got the band at age 70 (she was 260lbs) and she's kept 80 pounds off for the last 8 YEARS.
  9. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    I'm April 18th... Getting NERVOUS!! Finally feel like I've finished overeating and having 100 last meals and I'm almost thankful the liquid diet is coming up so I can be done already. hahaha. Excited!!!
  10. Hi there... Can't believe the surgery is less than a month away!! I've been so excited for so long, but now I'm starting to get scared. Mostly I'm scared that I'll be a failure at this, just like every other diet I've been on. I know the lap band is "a tool" and that it won't cure me. But that's exactly what scares me. I fear that I'll be one of those people who eats sliding foods, or who does whatever the bad people do to not lose weight... This last month has been such a food nightmare for me. Every meal is a last meal and I feel disgusting and tired and depressed. I'm sure that part of that is how badly I've been eating. You can't eat the way I've been eating and feel good. There's a huge part of me that can't wait for the liquid diet just so this binge can be OVER already! I don't know. Is this going to work for me? I'm flakey and disorganized, I just don't know that this is something I'm going to be good at! All that said, there is a glimmer of hope. I'm a binge eater, not a grazer, so if nothing else this will probably stop that... *sigh*
  11. SashaWLS

    Approved...now Sad??? Wth?

    Hi Lisa, I'm getting banded the day after you (!!) and feel EXACTLY the same way. Now that it's all scheduled, I'm freaking out. Every meal is a last meal, I'm emotional, I'm depressed... I look forward to connecting with you again when we're on the other side!
  12. I was SURE I was going to get the sleeve. There are 100 reasons from the ghrelin elimination to not wanting a foreign body in me, to hearing horror stories about the band, and the list goes on... But the surgeon today really really strongly advises getting the band for the safety ratings, and he's talked me out of getting the sleeve... But now I'm home, and I'm sitting here crying. It feels irrational, but I'm so scared that I won't be successful. That I'll get surgery and just continue to be a big fat failure at losing weight just like I always have been. So many people say they stop losing or gain it all back. And I just don't trust myself to muscle through it. I don't WANT to be on Weight Watchers again. I already lost 75 pounds and gained it back. I don't WANT to never be able to eat rice again. But I really really don't want to be fat anymore. I don't know what to do... I don't have the right to put my life at risk and get a surgery where I could have major life complications. It all just feels hopeless. Have you been where I am?
  13. I'm up and down to the fridget 10 times an hour, and I use going to Starbucks as a way to take a break at work. I am always fixing something or making something... I'm trying to imagine, after being banded, what I will do with myself! Does this drive you crazy?
  14. How much does the band help you alone, vs. you really pushing to follow a plan like weight watchers or something else? I know everyone says "the band is a tool" but I want to know what that really means... If you just eat what your body tells you, do you lose nothing??
  15. SashaWLS

    Mom got rid of my thin clothes! so sad

    I've been talking about this very topic for weeks in therapy... I have thin clothes in my closet, and wonder if, after I'm banded, should I keep my fat clothes... What I'm coming up with is that maybe it isn't so good to live in the past or the future, and maybe it's best to focus on where you are at the moment and what you need. I don't know if it's helpful to use our past or our future as a "measuring stick" to see if we're being successful or a failure. Either way, I wish you all the best to a speedy thin!!!
  16. I was SURE I was going to get the sleeve. There are 100 reasons from the ghrelin elimination to not wanting a foreign body in me, to hearing horror stories about the band, and the list goes on... But the surgeon today really really strongly advises getting the band for the safety ratings, and he's talked me out of getting the sleeve... But now I'm home, and I'm sitting here crying. It feels irrational, but I'm so scared that I won't be successful. That I'll get surgery and just continue to be a big fat failure at losing weight just like I always have been. So many people say they stop losing or gain it all back. And I just don't trust myself to muscle through it. I don't WANT to be on Weight Watchers again. I already lost 75 pounds and gained it back. I don't WANT to never be able to eat rice again. But I really really don't want to be fat anymore. I don't know what to do... I don't have the right to put my life at risk and get a surgery where I could have major life complications. It all just feels hopeless. Have you been where I am?
  17. Hi there... Sorry if this is a repost, I'm not sure my other post went through (can't find it!)... I was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind sharing your experiences: 1- How long did you have to wait before your surgery from the initial consult? Did you feel that was too soon, too long? 2- How quickly were you up and around. And just *how* up and around were you? Were you ok to do work or were you lying in bed... Could I be on the computer? What was it like post-op? Things are busy for me right now but I do see a lull for a few weeks in April, so I could do the surgery at that time. But since May will be stressful, I'm not sure I'll be 100% up to it. I wouldn't be terribly physically active, but I just have a lot of stuff going on... Alternately I could do it in June when things calm down, but I'm nervous as it is and I think the waiting will kill me!! What's your advice? I'd like to do it in April, but don't want to rush recovery. Any thoughts? Thanks so much!!! Sasha
  18. SashaWLS

    Band Vs. Sleeve - Really Upset...

    For him it's a numbers game. The band is MUCH safer than the sleeve overall, and complications in the band are FAR less severe than the complications of the sleeve. If all goes well, then it's fine. But if you're that 1% who has a leak, then it could be 5 months of misery in a hospital or death... He said he'd do the sleeve if that's what I really want, but he wanted to give me his point of view... And the fact is, I believe him. It makes sense. And I don't think I have the right to risk causing some horrible health problem if I don't need to. I have a 4yo daughter and a husband I love, and a great life and wonderful friends. It doesn't seem like it's worth doing ANYTHING that has that kind of risk... That said, I'm really scared that having the band is like having nothing. And that I won't be successful.
  19. The surgeon is Dr Fielding at NYU in ny... He's supposedly one of the world leaders in all bariatric surgeries... For him it's a numbers game. Having a leak is HORRIBLE and possibly fatal, and the band has nearly equal weight loss over a 5 year period... I don't know, I'm really upset.
  20. I was SURE I was going to get the sleeve. There are 100 reasons from the ghrelin elimination to not wanting a foreign body in me, to hearing horror stories about the band, and the list goes on... But the surgeon today really really strongly advises getting the band for the safety ratings, and he's talked me out of getting the sleeve... But now I'm home, and I'm sitting here crying. It feels irrational, but I'm so scared that I won't be successful. That I'll get surgery and just continue to be a big fat failure at losing weight just like I always have been. So many people say they stop losing or gain it all back. And I just don't trust myself to muscle through it. I don't WANT to be on Weight Watchers again. I already lost 75 pounds and gained it back. I don't WANT to never be able to eat rice again. But I really really don't want to be fat anymore. I don't know what to do... I don't have the right to put my life at risk and get a surgery where I could have major life complications. It all just feels hopeless. Have you been where I am?
  21. That's awesome!! I'm so happy for you! Are you up and around, or back to work yet? Do you have more energy, or are you still feeling like your'e recovering?
  22. I've done "The Master Cleanse" before which is a 10-day fast, and got that... I read that it's because you're getting the toxins out of your body. But I don't want to say for sure because I haven't had the WLS yet. :-) How do you feel, 8-days-out???
  23. I just want to thank you guys for posting during your experience!! Good luck to you both and speedy recovery!!
  24. SashaWLS

    First Day Of Work

    How long were you out of work?
  25. Hi there... I have my consult tomorrow (saw the dietician and nurse today) and I assume he'll want to set a date... Which TOTALLY stresses me out!!! I want to do this, I'm excited, I'm looking forward to it, and I'm also scared. So I thought I'd ask you guys about your experiences... 1- How long did you have to wait before your surgery from the initial consult? Did you feel that was too soon, too long? 2- How quickly were you up and around. And HOW up and around were you? Were you ok to do work or were you lying in bed... What was it like post-op? I have a TON going on right now. I'm moving my elderly father in March. Work is very busy right now. And I have a big volunteer project which is crazy busy for me in May... My two options for surgery dates are in April or in June... On one hand, I'd love to have part of the summer feeling good about myself, and I don't want to sit and think about this for too too long... But on the other hand I don't want to rush recovery if I'm not going to be feeling well... What would you do? Thanks so much!!!

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