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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. I seem to be managing the cramps by lying on my back and pressing lightly on the cramp and very gently trying to push the gas bubbles along my intestinal path... It's making me pass gas a little and easing the pain...discovered this last night...
  2. SashaWLS

    Is Very Hard

    I'm having a very hard time keeping up with my 4yo daughter!! In fact I was about to ask how others were dealing with this...mi just want to lie down after working all day, and coming home after work to take care of her 100 requests,too is EXHAUSTING!!! Day 4 post op was the worst, day 5 was ok and day 7 is hard again...
  3. SashaWLS

    2 Days Post Op And Miserable!

    I ditto the hot liquid sentiment. I lived on hot chicken soup broth my first two days. The doctor told me that warm liquids make the band stretch a little bit, which eased the pressure... I also think that walking was hugely important and helped all the gurgling and sharp gas feelings... Also try gasex strips!
  4. I had that all throughout pre-op!! Woke up in fear that I had ruined my chances for getting the surgery.
  5. I assume this is normal 5-days post-op, but I want to be sure... There's a huge bruise under my belly button and it seems like blood has been collecting inside the part of my stomach that folds down... I feel fine otherwise, but want to make sure I'm not the only one. Doesn't seem like something to call the doc about unless this is very weird to you all.. thanks
  6. SashaWLS

    Banded Yesterday

    I had a really sore throat too. For Soup I highly recommend going to a Jewish deli and getting matzo ball soup broth.
  7. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    OMG are you ok?????? You must be scared, but you sound ok... I'm sending you all my prayers for no spreading and a speedy banding...
  8. SashaWLS

    3 Yrs 8 Months Out

    Wow, what a great story! Thank you so much for posting, and congratulations!
  9. I don't get those stomach aches (6-days postop) but it seems like you're eating a lot of dairy... Maybe try a day off from cream soups and switch to broths? Good luck!
  10. SashaWLS

    Constipation Pains???

    H, and if all else fails, my mother recommends Calmol suppositories...
  11. Hi... You guys are really sweet... I'm just really struggling. Physically I'm exhausted but not in pain, it's mostly emotional and I can't get a grip on all the responsibilities I have. My elderly father moved last week and I need to get his old apartment empty (almost done) and his new place is CHAOS because he refused to downsize, I work full time, my husband works two jobs and I'm taking care of my 4yo daughter in the evenings... Last night I had a total stress meltdown and yelled at my daughter who is suddenly having phantom back pains and wouldn't go to sleep -- and then i felt guilty and cried hysterically for 4 hours and didn't fall asleep until 4am, then had to go to work at 9am... I had 6 hours of meetings today and didn't eat until 4pm when I had a cup of the saltiest Soup ever. Yuck!! I'll be ok. I feel better every day, but last night I thought I was going to ruin my surgery and cause a slip because I was so upset. Today I feel better, but it's just too much. I talked to my boss and im going to take half day tomorrow and go in at noon... I still had the email I wrote last night in my clipboard, so I pasted it below.... Thank you guys for being nice. ---- I'm so overwhelmed... I had surgery on Weds and thought I'd be recovered enough by now to go back to work... Work was ok, but taking care of my 4yo daughter tonight alone just pushed me over the edge. I don't feel well and I haven't been able to stop crying for the last 2 hours. I know I need to go to sleep, my back is aching and I've got pain in my shoulder again, and I'm afraid I'm going to throw up... But I've worked myself up into something I can't seem to get down from. I don't know how I'm going to work full time and take care of my daughter at night and recover. I feel like everyone in my family wants something from me, and I can't see clearly enough to figure out what help I need...I'm sure I'll figure it out in the morning, but I'm afraid I'm going to pop a stitch or something in the mean time... I'm just so tired! And I feel guilty for yelling at my daughter even though I know it up just happens sometimes... I've got to find a way to calm down! Anyone been here? I don't know what I'm asking for, but this is physically and emotionally harder than I thought it would be.
  12. SashaWLS

    Information Overload

    I think you missed "freak out and have emotional meltdowns" somewhere in there. Or is that just me? hehehe.
  13. I was given some advice by a lady in the waiting room at my surgeon's office. She had lost 110lbs and was THRILLED with the surgery. Her advice was that while it's fine to tell anyone you want, just keep in mind that once you tell them, you can't un-tell them. So be selective. I thought that was great advice. I have no problem with the decision or what other people think and I'm usually a blabber-mouth when it comes to stuff like this... But I decided in this case to protect my privacy. My weight issues are public enough without having to be at someone else's mercy for when they feel like discussing it... So far I've told my parents and in laws, 8-9 close friends, and 3 coworkers. I assume I'll tell others as time passes, but I'm in no rush. Once it's out there, it's really out there and I just don't know if I'm going to want to talk about it.
  14. SashaWLS

    Constipation Pains???

    One note about Smooth Move tea -- you drink it at night and it works by the next morning. Don't drink too much if you're not very constipated or you may have an explosion, if you know what I mean. But if you're hurting trying to push, it's the best!!
  15. For what it's worth, I feel like a total nut job. This is much much harder than I thought it would be emotionally. I've been crying a lot the last 24 hours and I feel totally overwhelmed.
  16. For what it's worth I feel like a complete nut job. This is much much harder emotionally than I ever thought it would be.
  17. SashaWLS

    Post Op Protein Shakes

    I highly recommend the premixed shakes called ' 'lean shake' from GNC... Much thinner than most of the others, and I really liked what it tastes like. I'm five days postop and can drink 2, almost 3, of these without a problem.
  18. I was embarrassed by being so upset... I couldn't figure out how to delete the thread.
  19. SashaWLS

    Is This Restriction?

    Silverdime, I feel exactly the same way. Banded 4/18 and have this bubble pressing up against my diaphragm that I feel like I can't get rid of. So annoying!!!
  20. SashaWLS

    Refried Beans

    I'm day 5-post op and have been totally fine with big mugs of spicy Soup. That said, 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice gave me a HORRIBLE stomach ache to the point where I thought I was going to be sick.... So I'd say take it slow and see how you feel...
  21. SashaWLS

    Does Anyone Else Feel This Way??

    This was my only reservation about having the surgery... I LOVE to eat. I'm not where you are yet, but I'm sure there has to be a mourning period for your old relationship with food...
  22. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Can I just vent for a minute? Today was my first day back to work after surgery last Weds... It was a long day, I'm tired, and my husband has work plans tonight so I'm on daughter duty. Just my luck that my 4yo seems to have done something to her back and is whining and crying and needs me to fuss over her. Finally got her to take some children's Advil and she seems to be out of huge pain. But WTF could happen to a 4yo's back??? There's no bruise, no injury at daycare, so WTF? I'm so tired, all I want to do is lie down and she won't stop needing me for stuff. No fair!!!
  23. SashaWLS

    Omg! I Just Screwed Up!

    Hooray, you made your first mistake and survived. I'm sure it's one of a huge stretch of them to come! :-) I'm sure mine is coming right behind yours, and hoping it won't be a painful one!!! How are you doing now? You posted about 45 mins ago, so I assume it has gone down by now but wanted to say I hope you're feeling better.

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