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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. SashaWLS

    Please Spare Some Info

    Jean, what book did you write? I'm on a mobile device using the app, so I can't look at your profile if it's there...
  2. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Hi there-- we were banded the same day. I've been fine up until a few days ago, but I don't think I have any fill. Have my check up on Thurs... I will say though, that while I can get a lot more food down, I'm still eating a fraction of my pre-band self. Today's lunch was 1/2 chicken/avocado sandwich from Pret and 10oz gazpacho. Probably could have stopped before finishing the second 1/2 slice bread cause I was really full, but I don't think I should be able to eat that much...
  3. Thanks!! The veggies thing is a great idea... I'll try to focus on salads and raw veggies which I miss when tighter...
  4. SashaWLS

    Lapband & Amusement Park Rides

    why wouldn't you be able to ride them?
  5. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Anyone else suddenly able to eat much more? The last two days have been very hard for me.
  6. That's a great NSV, but I want to remind you that even if you were still fat, you're STILL not that person. Fat is something we do, not something we are. You will always be you, and you'll always be awesome and have value, regardless of what shape you show the world. I also would like to offer a suggestion for your husband. Because this student is a kid, even if he's an older kid, this can be turned into a teaching moment... At some point, he could say "I know when you look at this photo all you see is a fat person, but that's because you're a teenager and don't know how to look beyond the surface. As you get older and your brain finishes growing, you'll be able to see more than just that." There's probably a way to tie this into an art lesson, about seeing beneath the surface, and trying to paint what's inside... Or whatever. But if he gets angry, he's telling the kid that he's right... And he's not. He just doesn't know.
  7. Anyone know about scars? What I should do to make them heal best. What not to do? Mine were looking AWESOME the first few days, no redness, no swelling, but then I think I made a mistake. Day 5 or so I put some Neosporin on the one near my bra with a bandaid thinking it would heal quicker (they do on tv, after all!) but it suddenly got very red and hasn't gotten white again. :-( Did I do damage?? The stitching under my belly button is neat and white and flat, and I didn't use any Neosporin there. I want to kick myself for doing that!!! But I also wonder if it isn't just that my bra rubs it, causing it to heal slower. I know there are a lot of people in the medical field here, so I was hoping for some advice. Thanks!
  8. SashaWLS

    Need Advice For Dorm Living

    Well, I'll just post and assume you're in NY... -- Duane Reade has Breakstones Cottage Doubles (cottage cheese on one side, fruit on the other) -- Duane Reade and all delis carry Sabra 1/4c servings of hummus -- Duane Reade and all delis carry Fage Greek yogurt -- Whole Foods salad bar has mashed potatoes and often tilapia or some other soft fish
  9. Before my surgery I asked my surgeon "Is this really going to work?" He said "Well, tomorrow I'm operating on someone who lost weight and needs a smaller band now" Maybe you need a smaller band?
  10. SashaWLS

    Need Advice For Dorm Living

    Hey, I see you went to Dr Ren-Fielding -- I went to her husband! Are you in NYC? I have lots of advice if you are. Tell me where you live...
  11. Anyone know about scars? What I should do to make them heal best. What not to do? Mine were looking AWESOME the first few days, no redness, no swelling, but then I think I made a mistake. Day 5 or so I put some Neosporin on the one near my bra with a bandaid thinking it would heal quicker (they do on tv, after all!) but it suddenly got very red and hasn't gotten white again. :-( Did I do damage?? The stitching under my belly button is neat and white and flat, and I didn't use any Neosporin there. I want to kick myself for doing that!!! But I also wonder if it isn't just that my bra rubs it, causing it to heal slower. I know there are a lot of people in the medical field here, so I was hoping for some advice. Thanks!
  12. Hmmm... Not sure, but here's what I had today so far... breakfast protein shake - 170cal lunch 2oz-ish grilled salmon - abt 100cal 3 artichoke hearts - abt 90cal 4-5 thin apple slices - abt 15cal also a couple of calcium chews - 30cal Total so far is around 400... I figure I'll probably have a dinner something like lunch... So figure I'm getting around 600-800 a day?
  13. Hrm. No idea. Sorry. I would call your doc, and make sure you're drinking enough water! Don't get dehydrated.
  14. in the words of my husband... "never leave a good party in search of a better one"
  15. What about vitamins? Are you taking iron and calcium at the same time? Your body can't absorb both...
  16. Maybe it's more dairy than your body can handle? Are the protein shakes dairy free?
  17. SashaWLS

    New To Forum

    Welcome!! Sorry you've had such a hard time of it. Wanted to share that I had left-side pain (like a runners cramp, under my left rib) for about a week and a half after surgery. It seemed to get much worse before it got better and I couldn't put ANY pressure on my left side, not even to sleep... At my one-week checkup I was still in a lot of pain, but the doc showed me the xray from the esophogram and she said "See this white cotton looking stuff over here that's the size of a softball? That's gas!" But it did go away! I'm 3 weeks post-op and totally pain free. Good luck to you!
  18. Hi there... We were banded the same day. I had some trouble going the first few days, and some funky stomach and back and forth between constipated and diarrhea while I was getting used to eating again, but I've been pretty regular for the last 2 weeks... Have you tried calling your doctor? What are you eating? Did you have something that didn't agree with you? Beans, something fizzy, spicy? Too much dairy? Too much oil? Anything you can trace this back to?
  19. FYI Kathie, you can appeal your insurance denial. I've heard that some people got the decision reversed. Good luck to both of you!
  20. SashaWLS

    Shout Out Request

    I was banded 4/18 — lost 12 in the preop diet and 14 the week after surgery. No idea how much I've lost in the last 2 weeks cause I don't have a scale, but I'm hoping it'll be lots when I weigh in next Thursday. My clothes are loose, I feel good, and my husband said I feel smaller when he hugs me. That said, I bought some pants one size down and they DEFINITELY don't fit yet...
  21. Hi... I'm 3 weeks postop and I'm finding that there are a whole host of foods that used to taste awesome that no longer taste good. The shakes, for one, used to taste like chocolate milk, but now they just taste sour. And yogurt tastes weird. I had to get my husband to taste it and tell me if it was off, because it tasted so sour to me... Has this happened to anyone else?
  22. I don't know about all the really bad stuff, but I recommend really doing your homework about what surgeon to use, and what after-care they have. From my research, good aftercare is as important if not more than the surgeon... I've only been banded 3 weeks, but I've already lost 26lbs since the pre-op diet, though it's likely considerably more because I haven't weighed myself since my first checkup two weeks ago... So far so good. The surgery was easy. Recovery wasn't too bad. Eating now is weird. I just had my first "stuck" today on day 2 of real food because I swallowed some mango too quickly before I finished chewing. I guess old habits die hard. But it wasn't SO bad. It certainly didn't feel worse than after a huge binge where I not only felt gross physically but also totally hated myself on top of it... It was just uncomfortable for a while. And yes, people have complications and slips and all sorts of things that go wrong. But people also have diabetes and bad hips and ankles and get out of breath tying their shoes... So it's all relative. In the end, I figure I have to at least try, and we'll see what happens from there... And FWIW, I never ACTUALLY decided I was going to get banded. I put a stake in the ground one day and said "I need this" and then went to an info session. Then a few days later I found myself calling for the surgical consult. And then, I don't know, somehow one foot was in front of the other and here I am banded. It's really all about what YOUR pros and cons are. If you think you need it, and you want it, do it. Don't let fear of the unknown hold you back. But if you don't think you need it, or aren't sure you want it, then think about it some. You're young. Take the time you need. But I'm glad I did it.
  23. SashaWLS

    In Surgery Now

    LOL! I was like WTH???? :-) Hope everything goes well.
  24. I used to love Crystal Lite and diet iced tea, but for some reason both taste weird to me since the band... My favorite post-band is Powerade Zero. Tastes like a Gatorade.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
