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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. SashaWLS

    Post-Op Liquid Diet?

    I did 4 weeks liquids, but that included soups and stuff... Wasn't a problem, I didn't feel much like eating anyway.
  2. Oh yes, all the foods with zing and tang... I used to love spicy foods, anything with artichokes, pickles or anything else super vinegary (even salt and vinegar potato chips) and that sort of thing... It's partially heartburn, but mostly they just don't taste good to me anymore. It's totally weird.
  3. SashaWLS

    Im scared

    I was also terrified. But it was the single best thing I've EVER done for myself, and if I had known how easy it would be (and how natural it would ultimately feel) I would have done it years and years ago.
  4. SashaWLS

    How do you deal with stress?

    I'm having a lot of trouble these days. My father had a stroke and will outlive his money at the rate we're spending on medical bills. Next year I may need to move so I can have him live with me. But I also have a young child who's just started school and needs a lot of care. My career is taking off and I've made huge leaps this year from being pretty senior to moving into the executive suite. It requires a lot of attention and focus... So all told I'm maxed out, and I really haven't been eating well. Today I didn't eat at all. Well, I had coffee at 11:30am, a few pieces of chocolates from someone's stash at work, and then some chicken Soup at 4:30pm. For dinner I ate my daughter's leftover mac & cheese and corn... Yesterday I only ate candy, because that's what was around the office. The day before that I ate mostly salad, but had the fat off my husband's steak for dinner... So I don't know. I'm struggling. Not overeating per se, but certainly not being healthy. Not sure what else to do about it. Bought some Protein Shakes tonight to keep on hand at work, so I can get through the day and eat something!! And then other days I can't stop eating every 5 minutes. Dunno.
  5. SashaWLS

    September 2013

    From the album: During

  6. SashaWLS


  7. SashaWLS

    November 2013

    From the album: During

  8. SashaWLS

    September 2013 (not my baby)

    From the album: During

  9. SashaWLS


    From the album: SashaWLS

  10. SashaWLS


  11. How did the meet & greet go? I was in San Francisco for the weekend, but would have loved to join...
  12. SashaWLS

    Day 1 Feel So Alone

    I found the period before pre-op diet, and then the pre-op diet to be the most stressful, anxiety-inducing time of the whole surgery experience!! The anticipation of loss. The fear of deprivation. The actual deprivation. It really does a number on your head. That said, once I had the surgery it's all felt surprisingly natural. Don't worry, you'll be ok. It won't be more than you can handle.
  13. SashaWLS

    Not Feeling Full

    Sounds like your swelling is going down, and that you are ready for a fill!! Don't worry too much right now on specifics, just try to get through the healing phase and follow directions. Congrats!
  14. Hazel, we're in total agreement!!! To be clear, I was speaking to the child's FEAR, not the reality of modeling and action... Kids with overweight parents fear that it's a pre-determined fact that they will be fat just because mommy or daddy is. If my dad's overweight and I identify with him, then it must be a given that I will be fat too. It can feel fatalistic, like it's a done deal. When the original poster said her kids were perfect (by that I inferred she meant thin) it concerned me that she might be setting up a Good vs Bad judgement... My point was that she should keep HER experience her own, and not conflate it with that of her kids. They do have a choice. And they will have their own experience. And if they ever gain weight, that doesn't mean they're "bad"! Additionally, I've seen people use their own weight loss surgery as an opportunity to make themselves feel better by preaching how great they are for having found the solution or have all the answers... And while I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT think ccjll was doing that in her post, I think it's important that we all stay humble, especially when beginning to make big changes in our lives.
  15. I'm usually totally open and tell everyone everything, but this I didn't want to tell... I told a few of my closest friends, but not many. There are a few reasons... Mostly I think I'm just sick of talking about my weight, and I REALLY didn't want to give anyone permission to randomly start talking to me about it. Every person I have told has had a million questions, and I don't have the energy to educate the world. It's exhausting. Part of why I'm fat is that I don't want people to look at me, I want to be invisible. In the past when I've lost weight, I've freaked out as I got thinner. And this time I wasn't sure how fast or slow it would work, so I didn't want people looking at me, wondering.
  16. SashaWLS

    Two weeks post opi

    congratulations! just take it easy and listen to your body.
  17. SashaWLS

    Advise needed.. Starting over

    IMHO, you'll never be "finished" so I wouldn't worry about success or failure. You've lost some. Gained some. Had a complication. Made a tweak. Lost some more. Stayed focused. Kept on it. No biggie... Where's the failure?? It's really not about some final judgement--it's about ongoing action. You're in control some of the time. Out of control some of the time. Up. Down. You're human, and it's not a big deal... Goal weight is just a number you made up anyway. It's not real. And there is no race, no finish line, no boos, and no ticker tape parade. Being fat or thin isn't who you are, it's what you're doing. So keep doing what you're doing and then do it more. It's all good!
  18. SashaWLS

    Favorit protein drink?

    I tried a bunch and didn't like any of them except the GNC Lean Shake in chocolate... It's not lactose-free though, if that's an issue. I personally think having skim milk in it may be why it tastes better than the others.
  19. Based on your comments, I hear that you're concerned about what behavior you will be modeling for them, and what conclusions they will draw from it. So I think if you come at the conversation from that standpoint, you'll be fine talking to them about anything!!! Here are some positive things you might think about reinforcing: - You have taken every action to make sure you do this safely. You're not taking risks with their mom. - You think they're mature enough now to be included in hearing about adult decisions. - You're in control of your life, and you're taking action to make it better. - None of us are ever finished working on ourselves, and we have to constantly take actions in small and sometimes big ways so we can be proud of ourselves. One thing I want to note from your post though, is that they are not perfect... I know you didn't mean it literally, but the surgery doesn't have to be a value judgement of one's success or failure, so I don't think you have to worry about reassuring them about their own bodies. And in fact, it might be better not to make any connection to them at all. They're not going to stay the same as they grow, they'll go through skinny periods, fat periods, high-energy periods, whatever... But it's not about you... In fact, nothing YOU do is an indication of what will or will not happen to THEM. They are in control of their own future. As you are in control of yours. Good luck!!!!
  20. SashaWLS

    An epiphany

    That's so exciting, congratulations! I still remember the first time I sat on the subway thinking it would be a squeeze, only to find that there was lots of room on either side. Enjoy getting used to your smaller size!!!!!
  21. SashaWLS

    To tight??

    Can anyone explain why it supposed to take so long for a fill to take effect? I've never experienced that, and I can always feel my feels right away, or If anything, it gets looser over time…
  22. SashaWLS


    We'll be here with you!
  23. It's really unbelievable, and I am still having this weird out of body experience... Last night my husband and I went to visit a friend who just had a baby. We took lots of photos of each of us holding her, and then this morning, he posted all the photos on Facebook. I have never, and I mean NEVER, in my entire life, looked at a photo of myself and thought I looked skinny. And I know in person I don't look skinny--I mean, I'm 5'2" and a size 14--But these photos! I just can't get over it!!! I look almost gaunt! Bony cheekbones, no hint of a double chin, indents in my neck, sharply edged shoulders, small arms... WHO IS THIS PERSON???? It's so weird!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. SashaWLS

    Oh lord

    I really only like the GNC lean shake in chocolate. Just saying.
  25. SashaWLS

    Bucket list?

    But for some reason I can't stand artichokes anymore, and they were one of my favorite foods pre op.. ButI still love tacos!!! Though now I sorta pick them apart as I eat them rather than taking giant bites. Anyway, enjoy your last meals!!! Look forward to seeing you on the other side!!

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