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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. Totally fine today, thank you so much Sunshyne! I must have just been very irritated, but I'm 1000x better today and am able to drink a yogurt smoothie and some tomato Soup. No idea how I'm going to manage getting 60-80g Protein a day, but I'll deal with that once i"m back on food...
  2. SashaWLS

    I'm An Emotional Wreck...

    I was banded on 4/18 and I'm a mess... I really feel lousy. The food is fine. The not eating as much is fine... Even being in bandster hell is fine. Clearly it's not about the food... Cause I'm REALLY feeling down... I'm not normally depressed, haven't been in years and years. Usually I'm happy, bouncy, optimistic... But EVERYTHING is bringing me down. I've been mad at my husband, can't seem to let things go, my mind is racing with minor annoyances, I think my mother may not be talking to me (she has issues anyway) and it's sending me into a small tailspin, and I'm just all over the place. I also know that I'm used to eating to cover my feelings, to numb myself, so intellectually I get what's happening to me... What I don't get is what to do about it!! I want to curl up in a ball and have everyone just leave me alone. I mean, I expected to have some emotional responses after surgery, but I just didn't expect to be THIS upset!
  3. Had a bad first fill... Way too tight, painful, had to get some removed...
  4. SashaWLS

    Am I Being Sensitive

    On the flip side, the man's gotta eat, and why don't you go in another room? It's easier to control yourself than someone else... Not minimizing your feelings, but it doesn't have to be about you, it could be that he's focusing on his needs and letting you focus on yours... Seems like a reasonable thing...
  5. SashaWLS

    My First Fill!

    Lucky!! I also had my first fill today, but it didn't go so well. Got 3.5cc but had to go back and get 1cc taken out... Still not feeling quite right...
  6. SashaWLS

    Please Help

    Like Jess & Cocobean, I've gotten that left side under the rib-cage runners cramp pain on and off. It's definitely gas for me, my doc showed it to me on my esophogram — there was this huge ball of cotton-candy looking fuzz there, about the size of a softball. As for pain higher up, that could be that you're over filled. I just had my first fill today (3.5cc) and had to go back and get 1cc taken out. It felt like when you tie a rubberband tight around your finger and it turns red and throbs? At first it's like, wow, look at that. Then after a while it just aches and feels like it's going to fall off! Immediately felt better with 1cc removed, but I'll tell you, I'm still not 100%, though I'll wait a day to see if the pain I'm having is just tighness from drinking some broth or that my band is still too tight... Not sure this is the same for everyone, but this was my experience.
  7. Hi Donna, Make sure you try drinking a decent quantity of each shake you try, so you're sure that you like it before going to buy a whole bunch... I loved the Isopure the first time I tried it, but then realized that they left a really slimy coating in my mouth when I had a whole glass. YUCK! My favorite, by a very large margin, is GNC's "Lean Shake". I think it's new to market, because they seem to be on sale constantly near me... What I like about it is that it's much thinner than others I tried. I think because it has real skim milk in it and isn't lactose free...
  8. SashaWLS

    I'm An Emotional Wreck...

    thank you guys!!!
  9. SashaWLS

    Overfilled At 5.8Cc!!!!!!!!!

    I didn't read her post and scoff. I read her post this morning and realized that my first fill was actually too tight, so I went back to the doctor to get unfilled... As someone one month out after surgery, I'm not on this board to look for rainbows and unicorns. I'm looking for information, and I absolutely want to read posts like hers so I can learn from her experience. I appreciated her post. And I also appreciated yours, and love hearing that you've had a great experience... I can't speak for everyone here, but I do realize that her opinion of the surgery, like yours, is based on her experience and hers alone... Some people have good experiences. Some have bad. This isn't religion, so I don't see any reason to be dogmatic. There's room for everyone to have, and share, their point of view.
  10. OMG I feel so much better!!! They took out 1cc and instant relief. It felt like having a rubber band tied around my finger that was throbbing and in pain from lack of circulation... And I could feel the Water moving through the band this time, not just sort of seeping through... I still feel nauseous and achy, but it feels more like irritation than the tight throbbing... At least I hope!
  11. But is it supposed to hurt? Like sharp, throbbing?
  12. Nevermind... I know in my heart that this is too full. After reading some other posts this morning about being overfilled and damage to the stomach, I'm going back to the doc now to have some taken out before I hurt myself. I don't think this should hurt...
  13. I was banded exactly one month ago on 4/18 and am really feeling lousy. The food is fine. The not eating as much is fine. I need a fill, but even bandster hell is fine... What's not fine is that I'm really feeling down... I'm not normally depressed, or haven't been in years and years. Usually I'm happy, bouncy, optimistic... But EVERYTHING is bringing me down. I've been mad at my husband, can't seem to let things go, my mind is racing with minor annoyances, I think my mother may not be talking to me (she has issues anyway) and it's sending me into a small tailspin, and I'm just all over the place. I really appreciate Jen75's comment on another thread about how we're used to eating to cover our feelings, so intellectually I get what's happening to me. What I don't get is what to do about it!! I want to curl up in a ball and have everyone just leave me alone. I expected to have some emotional responses after surgery, but I just didn't expect to be THIS upset! Has anyone else gone through this? I feel like I'm supposed to be all happy that I'm losing weight (I've gone down a pants size already) but I just feel anxious and depressed....
  14. SashaWLS

    Struggling Emotionally

    NC Mama, I am hoping you're right!!!!!
  15. SashaWLS

    Struggling Emotionally

    Thank you. I have to say that I TOTALLY hadn't considered exercise.
  16. Is it going to hurt? Will I be throwing up? I can sort of eat anything now, not as much as pre-band, but no restriction. I know I need a fill, but... wah! I'm nervous!!
  17. SashaWLS

    Struggling Emotionally

    Thanks Jacki! I have a therapist and am seeing him tomorrow, but it doesn't help immediately. Just wondering how long this will last.
  18. SashaWLS

    Emotional Wreck!

    For what it's worth, I got a lap band exactly one month ago today and I'm a TOTAL MESS!! No one on the lap band site is talking about this, so I came over here hoping I wasn't alone. I've been crying, yelling at my husband and kid, freaking out, and just flat out depressed!!!
  19. Oh thank you for this thread!!! I got a Lap Band on 4/18 and there are almost no posts on the lapbandtalk.com site about this topic... No one talks about feeling messed up, or depressed from this, so I came here in the hopes that I wasn't alone... I really feel lousy. The food is fine. The not eating as much is fine... What's not fine is that I'm really feeling down... I'm not normally depressed, or haven't been in years and years. Usually I'm happy, bouncy, optimistic... But EVERYTHING is bringing me down. I've been mad at my husband, can't seem to let things go, my mind is racing with minor annoyances, I think my mother may not be talking to me (she has issues anyway) and it's sending me into a small tailspin, and I'm just all over the place. I also know that we're used to eating to cover our feelings, so intellectually I get what's happening to me. What I don't get is what to do about it!! I want to curl up in a ball and have everyone just leave me alone. I expected to have some emotional responses after surgery, but I just didn't expect to be THIS upset!
  20. SashaWLS

    Left Side Soreness

    I had the left-side pain really badly the first week and a half... Couldn't even lie on that side. Felt like a major runner's cramp, just under my ribcage. It's gas. My doc showed me this big gray ball of gas on my esophogram, in exactly the area that hurt... Take a lot of gas-x, make sure you walk a lot, and just give it time. It will go away...
  21. You can also bring hard boiled eggs (add mayo for egg salad) cold-cuts, hummus, fruit, a few protein shakes, soup, cheerios...
  22. I'd ask my doc for a trial run of Prilosec... If it works, there's your diagnosis... Obviously I'm not a doctor, and I'm not advocating taking unnecessary medicine, but if this doesn't hurt you, why not try it...
  23. SashaWLS

    Day 2Post Op Concerns

    Definitely skip the vitamins until you feel like you've healed a little... Missing a week won't hurt you long term, but stuck when your stitches haven't healed yet... ?
  24. I would love to hear from people who've done this for a while. If you know you need a fill, and you're able to eat too much, what techniques do you use? Do you stick to liquids until your fill? Try to white-knuckle it and just diet? Go a little crazy and don't feel bad about it? I'm getting my first fill on Thursday and for the last 2 days I suddenly able to eat again! Like a most of a plate almost if I let myself. I've been trying to go easy on myself, and trying to just be cool for a bit, but I would love some experience to draw on, how do I even think about this...
  25. For me, full is a tightening or pressure behind my rib cage, but has nothing to to with my stomach...

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