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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. Well, your partner would have to be PRETTY large to poke your band, cause it's behind your ribcage!! :-) But I don't think you need to worry as long as you've healed completely and aren't doing something that can pull your port out of the stitches in your abdominal muscles...
  2. Try a 3-day pre-op diet, you'll clean out, lose a bit, and wipe the slate clean
  3. Help! I constantly have horrible, sharp, white-knuckling gas pains and I don't know what to do... I'm 2mos post op and was fine for a while, but I frequently have to take gas-x and today on an airplane thought I was going to explode!! Anyone else have this and get past it??
  4. SashaWLS

    Horrible Gas Pains, 2Mos Post-Op

    yes, but this is gas. It's responsive to Gas-X
  5. SashaWLS


    don't worry about it... if you're not burping gas bubbles, you're fine. besides, the rule is to help you be comfortable, not to freak you out...
  6. It sounds like you're irritated... Try getting a big mug of HOT tea with honey, as hot as you can drink it... It'll open the band and soothe your stomach.
  7. Lisa, you can do it now!!! I did a full triathlon with Team in Training a few years ago—you just need to train, and be ok with being slow.
  8. This is great. Here's what I look forward to: Wearing my engagement ring every day (not just a few days a month when I'm not bloated) Not having people glare at me if I sit next to them on the subway Being able to shop in regular stores Running around with my kid at the playground for more than 2 minutes Being able to wear short-sleeved shirts without rolls on my arms :-( Not having to retake photos with my husband 3-4 times to get one where I look ok Buying and wearing the same size clothes for more than one season.
  9. SashaWLS

    Horrible Gas Pains, 2Mos Post-Op

    Yeah, it's definitely not the surgery, but I can't figure out what it IS... Can it be caused by more carbs? I've been on vacation and have eaten more carbs the last few days...
  10. SashaWLS

    Foreign Object

    According to this, it's even worse... Over 1/100... https://sites.google.com/a/clos.net/mini/mortality-rate-sleeve-gastrectomy-over-1-per-100
  11. SashaWLS

    Realize Band?

    My surgeon said he usually gives realize to the bigger men and lap band to the ladies...
  12. Drinking before is ok, just make sure it has passed before eating...
  13. I was terrified of feeling it and I can't... I can feel the port if I go digging for it, and lying on my stomach on the computer isn't all that comfortable anymore because I feel a little achy. I can also feel cool liquid draining through when I drink, but that's comforting because it means all is flowing...
  14. SashaWLS

    Burp Problems

    I get this too and am still trying to identify what the issue is... I think it's related to eating too many carbs, but I'm just not sure...
  15. I'm stuck at the moment, too... Swallowed too quick and didn't chew enough... Right now I'm burping a lot. In a little while, if this doesn't go down on its own I'll make some hot tea to try and expand the band...
  16. I am so excited!!!!!! I haven't been able to wear my engagement ring since I had my daughter 4 years ago. Yesterday I got my second fill and found I was down another 5 pounds and have officially dropped to below my pre-baby weight... So I decided to try it, and sure enough, it fits!!! While it was very tight at first this morning, my finger seems to have adapted around it and I can now twist it and slide it around on my finger just fine. It's not strangling me!!! I am so so happy!!!
  17. SashaWLS

    In Mourning

    You're not alone. Not being able to eat has brought up a lot of ooooooold emotional issues. I seem to be over the hump and back to feeling well again emotionally, but it is hard. One night I was going so insane I had to go to a movie just to escape the crazy in my head!! Good luck. You'll be ok. But feel free to talk about anything here!
  18. Get a ring tightener! There are a lot, but here's one link... http://www.amazon.com/Snuggies-Sizer-Assorted-Sizes-Adjuster/dp/B00668J39Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338936908&sr=8-1
  19. They overfilled me at my first fill and I had to go back 2 hours later and get some taken out. When you tell them what you can or can't eat and how you've been doing, make sure you're honest!! I think I exaggerated how much I could eat, because it was more of a comparison than anything else. You'll be fine. Even that hiccup was fine. My second fill was a breeze.
  20. SashaWLS

    6 Weeks Post Op

    I also lost 26lbs the first three weeks and then none for a few weeks afterwards. But yesterday I went for my second fill and found that I lost another 5. Don't get discouraged, you'll lose again.
  21. Hi there... Yes, you should probably try to eat better, but the tone of your post sounds to me like you're "acting out." Feeling rebellious is natural. No one likes feeling like they've got handcuffs on, or they're trapped into having to eat a certain way. You're testing the limits... And right now, there aren't any, so you're just eating crap and feeling guilty!! Remember that this is a big change, and you have to expect that It's going to take some getting used to. Your job now is to see what it's like eating with the band. What can you tolerate, what can't you... But please, don't use the surgery as vehicle to beat yourself up! You are NOT failing at this, and you are NOT causing yourself harm. You're simply eating foods with a higher calorie count. Which is fine... You're allowed to do that. It is your decision. You'll probably lose weight a little slower, but you can decide to do that for a while. And then at some point, you can decide that you want to try and lose faster, and make different choices. This is all up to you! Be kind to yourself.
  22. SashaWLS

    Complications Post Op

    The one thing I've learned from reading these boards is that you need to trust your instincts. You may not know the band yet, but you know your body, and you know when something doesn't feel right. Go back to the doc and make him pay attention to you! I'm 2 months post-op and haven't yet thrown up. Throwing up is not a "normal" thing you just have to deal with... My first question to the doc would be to find out if there's liquid in the band, and if there is, have him remove it.
  23. SashaWLS

    Unhappy With Lap Band

    Does this happen when you take tiny bites?
  24. SashaWLS

    Does Yoplait Make A Sugar Free Yogurt

    Right after surgery, I couldn't eat mashed potatoes. They were way too heavy for me. But cottage cheese, which I never liked before, was fantastic.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
