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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SashaWLS

  1. SashaWLS

    Please Explain...what Is Pb?

    I'm not 100% sure, but I think it means "progressive burping"
  2. Oh, no! No private message came through. Try again?
  3. I couldn't care less about ice cream but juice is killing me! I really try not to have any, but I just love it so much!!! Only once in a while!!
  4. SashaWLS

    Kinda Freaking Out...

    you've been banded for a month and the swelling has gone down, that's why you can eat more. don't worry, but do go in for a checkup. I'm sure it's nothing.
  5. I got the band with Dr Fielding on April 18th... GREAT experience. I love them. He's a rockstar. The nutritionist, Despina, is a sweetheart and answers all my questions via email (though I don't take advantage as much as I probably could)... In general I'm a huge fan... The whole process from start (info session) to end was about 3 months. It took longer because I had to find a good time to do the surgery with work, but I probably could have done the whole thing within 2 months... My insurance covered it. Everyone there is awesome. Laura has been doing my fills, she's lovely... And my scars are PERFECT!! The neatest, tidiest little lines you've ever seen. What else do you want to know? happy to answer any questions.... Have you picked a doctor?
  6. This was me... I had about 200 last meals!! I went on a world-class OUT OF CONTROL binge for about 2 weeks until the liquid diet and gained 7 pounds! I was freaking out that I'd never be able to eat again. That said, the second I started the liquid diet I was fine. It was all about the anticipation, and not the reality. The reality is that you can do it and it's not a big deal.
  7. You need a fill and eat a regular-portion plate of food? Or is it just going down and I don't have to worry? Ideally I know I should control myself, but I feel hungry all the time. I'm just trying to figure out what if any damage I might be doing while I wait for my appointment next Tuesday.
  8. SashaWLS

    Really Scared To Get Stuck

    OMG your story is terrifying, Marci!! I don't think Sombra needs to know about a massive band slip right now, since she's already so afraid. For me, the HUGE moral of your story is try not to throw up! And certainly don't make yourself... Sombra, really, don't worry. I was also terrified of getting stuck. I imagined the worst horror story, with lack of breathing, huge bowling balls in my chest, having to go to the hospital, etc... BUT IT'S NOT SO BAD!!! It's just uncomfortable. The first time I got stuck I was eating mango and it accidently slipped down my throat before I got to chew it up enough. It was so slippery!!! And I knew the second I swallowed that it was too big, so I stopped eating and I just sat there, white knuckling it until I felt it stick... That particular food felt like having some extra suction applied above the band. Like a little flap that covered the opening. It was super annoying, but that's it. And after about two hours I felt a little SLURP and the pressure was instantly gone. Have you ever eaten popcorn and have one of the little flakes stick in your throat? You know it's in there, it's annoying the hell out of you, you want to get it out, but you know it's just popcorn and it won't stay like that forever... That's sort of what stuck feels like. JUST UNCOMFORTABLE. And whatever it is wants to go down, and it will eventually, but it's going to take it's sweet time to wiggle its way through. The best thing is to stay calm. And you can also try the following: Drink super-hot tea. It stretches the band and 9 times out of 10 whatever's stuck will go down. In fact 10 times out of 10 whatever was stuck went down. This has worked 100% of the time for me. If one cup doesn't work, try two. Touch your toes, try to burp, and raise your arms above your head and then back down to your toes again. Move around. The motion of your arms going up and down and your belly folding over can sometimes move whatever's stuck along. If it's meat, try papaya enzymes and/or pineapple juice. I've never tried this, but I hear it works. If all else fails, go to your doc and have them unfill you, let the food through, and then put the liquid back in. But don't worry!!! You'll be ok. The anticipation is WAY worse than the actuality!!
  9. Here's my help -- be kind to yourself!! Don't worry about exercise right now. Yes, it's great to do it, but don't make yourself nuts. You WILL lose weight. You WILL get more energy. And you ARE still healing. This isn't going to happen overnight. Just try to really listen to your body and heal for now. You probably need the rest... Exercise will come with time.
  10. SashaWLS

    What Did You Eat For The Fourth?

    Oh, if you haven't been banded yet, don't worry!!! It's a whole different ball game. I only ate 1/2 a hotdog because I got full. You can be certain I wanted to stuff the other half in my face!!!! And I only ate a 1/4 burger because once I started eating it I felt it was a little hard to chew up and I was getting full anyway, so I threw the rest out. Those Beans though, glad I started on them last because I probably could have eaten a TON of them!!!!! Thank god for socially-appropriate-eating, otherwise I would have taken a whole plate of the beans. Haha!
  11. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    Oh Marlene, what a drag!!! Do you really have to get the entire lap band removed, or just the port? Did you think about maybe getting a second opinion? I feel so bad for you!!!
  12. SashaWLS

    April Bandsters!

    I am more comfortable if I haven't eaten anything. But my last fill I went in and was in the middle of a stuck episode! I was afraid they wouldn't fill me, but instead she pulled out all my liquid to let the food pass through, and then put it all right back in with the +.7 — didn't even require a second stick with the needle. Did it all in one go-around, and it worked great. Next time though I'm going to let a few hours pass between eating and filling!
  13. SashaWLS

    What Did You Eat For The Fourth?

    Oh Patty, I wish I had planned something! I just ate whatever was in front of me and stopped when I was full... Looking at my list I could have done without the lemonaid, a cheese or two, and without the oreos. But I'm not beating myself up, and all things considered, I had some restriction today. Other days I seem to be able to eat much more, but today was ok...
  14. SashaWLS


    I had HUGE emotional issues the first month or two after surgery. Here's a link to a thread I started, lots of great advice there: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/topic/146935-emotional-rollercoaster/ The thing that helped me the most was realizing that all this emotional up and down is OLD STUFF coming up. It's the first time in years you're probably allowing yourself to feel anything and not eat over it... And realizing that my periods are WAYYYYYY far over into crazy land now. I never used to feel them, but I get nutso PMS now and turn into psycho b***h. hehehe. It's hugely annoying, but also at least predictable. :-) Good luck. Keep posting.
  15. SashaWLS


    Oh don't feel regret -- I have a friend with the sleeve and she's having a HORRIBLE summer. Can't drink liquid fast enough, sick from everything -- she's even having to cancel her summer vacation because she's worried she won't be able to stay hydrated!!! This may be slower, but it will happen. I was wishing for the sleeve, but after 3 months I've lost 30+ lbs and can wear my engagement ring again. I haven't worn it in 4 years!!! You'll get there.
  16. SashaWLS

    What Did You Eat For The Fourth?

    Not my best day, but not my worst and WAYYYYY better than it would have been pre surgery!!! Over the course of the whole day I had: kid-sized bowl of Cereal with milk 2 light bon-bell cheeses an Hones-Tea 100cal cranberry lemonaid 1/2 hotdog and 1/4 burger (no buns on either) 1/4c baked Beans 1/2 cob of corn a glass of white wine Power Aid Zero 2-3 tbsp tabouli salad and 2 crackers 2 oreo Cookies couple of raw carrots small cup of Maker's Mark on the rocks 2 sports-bottles of Water This felt like a lot for me and I think I need a fill, but looking back, not a terrible day!
  17. SashaWLS

    Two Weeks Post-Op Anxiety

    just listen to your body!
  18. SashaWLS

    Changed My Mind

    I wanted the sleeve because I have absolutely no intention of having this reversed... I want this to be permanent... But after doing a lot of research and not rushing into surgery, the decision came down to a numbers game... -- The mortality rate for the sleeve is 1/200... In the band it's 1/2000. -- 1% of the people who get the sleeve have a leak, and if they do, they're in AGONY in and out of the hospital for possibly 5-6 months at a time -- 1/3 of the people who get bypass or sleeve gain it back with no other option afterwards than to get the band (i.e. carny wilson) IMHO, the sleeve is a fabulous option when it works. But the risk that it could turn out to be a total disaster is way way way too high for me AS A FIRST ATTEMPT. Later, if the band doesn't work for some reason, it might be a good alternative as the next option. But why start with something that's more invasive than you may need?
  19. SashaWLS

    Are You Stretching Your Pouch If...

    Ack! That does scare me. But in a good way. Yikes...
  20. SashaWLS

    Lap Band And Family

    As an overweight daughter who has concerned parents of her own, I say this in the kindest most empathetic way possible... I don't think you're in a position to "lead" her one way or the other. You haven't gained complete control of your own weight, your still in the losing phase, and she's 24... Unfortunately your high-impact parenting days (in terms of being able to affect her habits) have been over since she was about 7yo. And now that she's 24 and an adult, you only barely have in an influencing role, because it's something that you haven't completely mastered for yourself... Your experience is only a help to her if she decides to have the surgery herself. It's great for YOU that your surgery is working, congratulations!!! But it's probably a lot of pressure for her. She probably feels like a failure, is depressed, or feels hopeless about her own situation because she identifies with you, and yet she's not losing herself... My suggestion is to say nothing. Tell her when she looks good. Try not to be the food police. Don't talk about her weight or habits unless she wants to, and then only be a listener. At this point the best thing you can do is be the kind mom who's supportive with unconditional love. That's it. Anything else will feel like you're rubbing your success in her face.
  21. SashaWLS

    Liquid Diet=Terrifying

    Oh Ashley, I TOTALLY know where you're coming from. I was absolutely terrified leading up to the liquid diet. Something about the idea of "the end of food completely and forever" threw me into an absolute panic. However. It was fine. Just try not to drive yourself crazy. And remember that you WILL be able to eat after the surgery. This is not your last food or anything else. You can do it, and once you start, it's much much better than the crazy anticipation... Good luck!!
  22. SashaWLS

    What Did You Do With Your Clothes?

    I was thinking going to thrift store, though I've never been before. I honestly don't feel like shelling out a small fortune on transition clothes. I say donate them to the store and be done with it. Someone who finds them will be very happy.
  23. SashaWLS

    Question R/t Fill

    I'd have them take out a little today. There's no reason to suffer.
  24. I'm sure if you've had the band for a year you know better than me what gas pain feels like, but I thought I'd bring it up just in case you wanted to try taking an antacid or gasx to see if your pain responds. If it does, you know that it's that, and gas can feel like other things. Other than that I have no idea, but hope you see your doctor and figure out what's going on!!
  25. SashaWLS

    No Drinking During Meals, Why????

    this is torture for me and I still drink a little bit while eating. I try not to, but I get desperately thirsty while eating and end up having a few sips...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
