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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dee257

  1. Hello Girls...So Happy our girl Janet is on the road to recovery....you are in my thoughts and prayers....hoping this goes as smooth as the first knee did....

    I went to see my nutritionist today ...and I was down 6 lbs !!

    that is good for me...but she is sending me in today for a small unfill...she feels all the stress I was under played havoc with the band and needs a lil fine tuning...also she thinks I should take a zantac twice aday...so I'm seeing the cute Dr A at 3....

    I love this new computer has spell check every place I type !!!

  2. Alex...I got banded because I knew I had to take control of my weight once and for all...as Im sure many of you know I have a handicapped son who needs to be lifted all the time and my bellie was getting wider then my arms were long...but what I have gained through all my weight loss is a confidence in myself that I never knew I could have...and with confidence comes wanting to shop and wear nice clothes...makes me not embarrassed to go to functions with my husband and all sports events with my children..I cheer louder today then I ever have at football games..I walk up and down bleachers with out wanting to cry inside that my butt is hitting people in the face or scared im going to fall...

    As for my arms...omg they have grown too...lol...I now lift my son with ease and have the energy to do all day to day activities....Thank you Alex for this forum ...it has helps me through many tough spots

  3. As for me...today is 5 yrs that our family was bless with making CJ a forever part of our lives..I thank God for CJ every day he has had such a positive spot in each of our lives...and people who meet him say they same....

    The whoopee pies didn't stay in the house I made them for the boys football team.....the pee wees played last night and lost in the final mins...~sighs~ but as always Isaiah says we had fun !!!

    I had a surprise visitor yesterday ...another foster son that joined the marines and has grown against all odds....he has the will power of a very mature adult...he always has...he came to us a week befor Christmas with just one pr of jeans and 4 white T shirts...and even after spending al kinds of money for clothes for his chiritmas he continued to wear just them dang T shirts...years after he left here....he sat down with me one day and said...mom know why I didn't want the clothes....well long story short....growing up he had to buy...wash..take care of his own clothes... cuz he was the adult in the home...taking care of a drugged up mom...part of his nightly rutien was to wait till she passed out on the front porch and then he would drag her into the house so the neighbors wouldn't see her in the morning....Sooo he just wore the white Ts as his signature...and no one knew he didn't have clothes...

    Ok tomarrow I see my nut....she is going to be happy with my weight..130..but she isn't going to be real happy that I have had acid reflex for over 2 weeks....and I just cant seem to eat.some days..I have ate my share of sliders...What I don't understand...last night I ate one hard shell taco from Taco Bell and it seemed to go down fine...but for the rest of the night I couldn't even keep Water down...in the mornings even coffee and yogurt hurt going down....but by night time...im so hungry...I eat sliders..

  4. Oh Michele..so sorry to hear you had to say good bye to your doggie....they are truly Man and womans best friends....wooo hooo on your 90 day challenge...that's awesome...congrats !!!

    Janet my thoughts and prayers are with you this morning...you are so strong....God will take care of you through this ...

    Terri..you are going to have to teach us all to quilt one of these days...maybe we can do a skyp thingie...are you relaxing...finally at home...

    Dawn could your scratchy throat be from all your screaming on the death trap ride you were on !!! Hope its nothing that last for long...

    Carole your home is going to be spectacular when your done...so glad your PE is going good also...

    Diane...your always in my thoughts also...hope lifes treating you good...

  5. Good Morning girls...

    I hope everyone's doing wonderful...It is soposta hit 90 today ...Im so happy for the Indian summer...kids have been wearing shorts and that saves on school clothes....

    I have whoopie pies in the oven for the boys football game tonight...not sure if ya all know what they are....in PA its a staple food...two round cakes together with frosting between them...kids love um...

    We are off to see Kalebs doctor around 12 today...so I will pop back on when I can...

    Janet thinking about you as you get closer to your next knee surgery...

    Terri...Im waiting to see a pic of your scrap booking !!!

    Carole...funny having my foster children having babies now doesn't make me feel old...just makes me happy they stay close to us..

    Dawn and Michele....so proud of the moms you are ...and how you both deal with your day to day lives...

    Diane...hope your hanging tough girl !!!

  6. Oh Janet I laugh so hard at that Lays potato chip commercial where she is getting her nails done ....and the girl goes to answer the phone and the lady getting her nails done dips them into the chip bag !!!!........Kaleb had a good day with cyber school...even joked around with me during it....Cjs nurse says he giggled all day long....and Mister Grumpy Isaiah came home with smiles...this morning he remembered he had left his sneakers out by the pool all weekend and had to wear a lil tighter pair....on top of not being a morning person...didn't make for a happy boy.......ok im off to football practice and I work tonight so I wont be back on for the night...I sure love being able to be back here again....

  7. hugs good morning girls....I had a awesome weekend !!! Friday was Cjs dr apt that went so well... we lowered one seizer med to 8 mls down from 11 mls a yr ago.......Charlie worked all weekend so it was a mom and boys weekend...Saturday we went to a b day party at a park for one of my very first foster children...I had him for his 4th bday and here he was celebrating his 21 !!! He asked me to take his 2 month old son for the night...wich I did gladly and we all enjoyed him so much......Sunday Jakie and Isaiah had football games...Kalebs g/f had a family reunion he got to go to that and they brought him to the games.....we lost both but my boys did great...Jakie was quarter back and he gave 110%...Isaiah just has fun.....Cj laughs every time one of the moms cheered.....and my oldest son who I don't see much showed up for both games !!!! With my grandchildren ....so yes I had a great day......... Dawn thank you for reminding us to live for the day...so important....You looked like you enjoyed that ride......Terri and Janet Im glad you got your cards.....Carole I hope you get yours today !!!.......sorry every thing runs together I cant seem to find indents on the putter yet...but yes I am so loving this big text and big keys and a big screen !!!!...Now today I have lots of running around...back to CVS to fight for Cjs meds is first stop...them to state colleg to take my girl for a dr appt......love ya all !!!!

  8. Hope your feeling better ......and it doesn't really matter why you ate what you ate.....just get back up and start new today.....don't beat yourself up with the whys.....wishing you lots of luck....and hope you get to enjoy some of that vacation ~hugs~

  9. yes being stuck hurts ! For the most part I think all you can do is wait it out....some times I can bend at the waist over the porcelain throne and what ever is there will come right up.....well not right up takes a few hard burps.....I find lettuce and veggie skins are a sure thing I get stuck on right now....so I try to avoid them....but for me them sticks hurt the most.....and I just have to wait it out....the pain will surly make you think before you eat fast or something with skin again......I love my band !

  10. Carole just read your post and I must say my heart goes out to you and Janet...having such pain must be so hard...and Gawd yours all from a drunk driver !!!! Thank you for your comment on the 5k.....walking and now running/jogging a 5K will feel so good.....little things we take for granted...God Love you.....Terri Im picturing you laying out in a lounge chair soaking up all that vit D......enjoy hun you sure deserve it....

  11. Google. I think it would be a good idea to have pamphlets about LBT located at weight loss centers (for example True Results). I've learned more on LBT than I did at TR.

    I agree with this......I tell people I meet in the drs office about it...and have printed out fliers and brought them to my monthly support groups....This site has been a life saver.....Oh my how would I ever had made it through my first PBs.....lol

  12. I had just finished my 6 month learning to eat right phase and my nutritionist was putting in my info for my insurance to be approved when it suddenly hit me....OMG I'm finally going to get a band......so that night I did a Google search on "lap band" and I seen a chat site LBT ...I was so excited only wish I had know about it during those 6 months........thanks Alex !

  13. Great to be back here...I just got a new putter one I can see the text !!! ....I have to say now that summer is coming to a end......it has been my very best summer I think I have ever had.....and the main bright spot that helped me enjoy so much was first time in my adult life I was fit and healthy !!!....I was able to take my boys fishing...hiking....kayaking...swimming...amusement park slides......and just feeling so happy....meeting a special friend from LBT...love ya Terri......Oh yea...I have had a few not so good times too....my hubby had a heart attack :( ....but he is well on the mend now and eating right and walking with me !!!!

  14. Congrats ...TWINS how exciting....and a healthy life style of eating ..For me I hit the green zone and it was wonderful....I never felt full as in stuffed...I just wasn't hungry.....all them times you hear skinny people say OOO I forgot to eat....( yea right huh) well I feel that way some days...and other days...well table legs look good....lol

  15. Good Morning Girlies....Its a beautiful warm breezy Thursday morning here...Jakie had a football game last night and he did good but they lost....and poor Isaiah had a game the night before got his finger crushed between 2 helmets...and stood on the field crying....yelling to me...did you see how big that boy is mom...Awwwww my baby had to be bribed with candy to get back on the field after...lol ..... Chalie did do great his first day back at work....Hope your all doing wonderful.....

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