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Everything posted by dee257

  1. dee257

    Drum Roll....please

    Do these Jeans make my butt look big..... I think not...size 12 down from size 26 !!!!
  2. dee257

    Where Would.....?

    I to still like my pasta and rice....I do find I have to eat it real slow...eggs and I still not friends...and some times tuna gets stuck if I dont use enough merical whip or relish...
  3. dee257

    Drinking With Meals

    I have a certain bottle that holds 4 cups of water..... I fill it first thing in the morning...then I sip/gulp all day long.... at meal times I have to move the cup out of sight so I dont sip during my meals....after 30 mins...I grab it again and drink...I get a easy 8 to 10 glasses of water in every day thanks to my favorit shake cup...I havent been seen with out it in a yr now. its my new best friend.....lol
  4. I acually had this hapen to me....I got my first fill 5 ccs...then 4 weeks later I went back and the dr couldnt pull out 5..he did get I think it was 3.....he put what he pulled out and added more......next visit basicly the same thing....this went on for 4 fills....then all of a sudden he was able to pull it all out and now I am at 8.5 ccs and Im doing very well.....Not being able to pull any out I guess would make me freak out a lil more....good luck....
  5. dee257


    Sorry your in such a tough spot...I cant imagine the stress of wanting this so much....and doing the pre work for 8 months..... Good Luck....let us know how you make out...
  6. dee257

    Drinking With Meals

    maybe try sucking on ice chips next time....?
  7. dee257

    I'm Eating Normal???

    this old lady does...hehe
  8. dee257

    I'm Eating Normal???

    I still like the cheap bread post....its all we ever have with 5 kids...its cheap or nothing...I toast it now...even dip it in my coffee us oldies like it like that...
  9. hugs...I felt the same way...but I knew how much I wanted this to work...I set my mind and that was it....You can do it...Oh my LORD if I did it any one can....its hard for a lil but after your set on it I think its way better....good luck
  10. I may never have a hot body (per say) but I will always have class and a heart...

  11. dee257

    I'm Eating Normal???

    Im not sure about every one else but I answer post the way I truely believe to be of help to some one....and if I repeat the same thing to differant people it because I believe it to be true or to work for me and am just trying to help.... What I dont do is come here trying to get in a clic...I enjoy the friends I have made that make my rough days a lil easier.... No need it trying to be mean to any one...dont like a post just keep scrolling.... Sorry dont mean to step on toes....
  12. dee257

    I'm Eating Normal???

    laughing at cheap bread...sunds funny...but I know what you mean
  13. ~laughing~ @ Donna sipping all day...me too...its why I know where every public restroom in my town is....and this cold weather isnt helping any...
  14. dee257


    I didnt want one when my husband wanted to get me one for Christmas...BUT when we had a stay at the Ronald McDonald house they had one......I was in love !!! We have one now and its so refreshing to have a fresh cup when ever you want one.... Thanks Jim going to check that coffee place out...
  15. dee257

    The Definition Of Restriction?

    Some days I feel Im in the green...because I can wait till 10 am to eat....and then there are time I am like wow..i forgot to eat ( that always sounded so lame to me when Id hear skinny ppl say it) Other days I know im not in the green all I can think about is food....and watch the clock for lunch time...I have forced myself not to eat snacks at times I use to...because I know thats head hunger or habits....so I wait a hr....do something and if Im still hungry a hr after that I do get a cheese stick or a yogurt......I want to be in the green all the time !!!
  16. Oh Donna....sorry you had such a bad experance....Im not sure what all happened to your bellie to make it so sore from just chips...I thought chips were a slider food....But thanks for remining me/us.....slow...chew...small bites.....hope your better today.... Dee...
  17. dee257

    Get Off Your Butt And Shine!!!

    OOOoo CN your such a dirty gal.....break out them bubbles !!!
  18. dee257

    Get Off Your Butt And Shine!!!

    Standing out here waiting for the school bus...good morning girls....Maddys any cute Drs around...
  19. dee257

    9 Months And 152 Pounds

    Wow..that is awsome...with a capital A.... You must feel amazing...congrats
  20. Omgoodness girl....congrats...I couldn't help smiling the whole time I read your post....awsome
  21. dee257

    Down 45 Pounds!

    Wow you look so much better...congrats hun...keep it up
  22. That's awsome...bet you two start going to the movies a lil more.....
  23. dee257

    First Post-Op Thread

    big O hug....welcome back Maddys...so glad to see you posting..I have worryed about you all day....hope your feeling good...and not just from the drugs !!!
  24. dee257

    Battle With Myself

    I to have to learn to slow down...and like someone else stated..I let myself get to hungry ...So I bought myself a lil coctail fork and I use that 50% of the time to show my mind what a small bite looks like...it really has helped....good luck..your not alone
  25. heck Im past getting the monthly any more and I still have days like that....today being one of them........good luck !

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