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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JillDisney

  1. JillDisney

    Attention Ladies Who Took Birth Control Pills

    Pre op not preppy. Lol
  2. JillDisney

    Attention Ladies Who Took Birth Control Pills

    Do all doctors require you to stop BC prior to the surgery? I'm havering the sleeve Feb. 4th and haven't done my preppy appointment yet. I had lapband (I'm having it removed) 2 years ago and didn't have to stop for that. Just wondering.... I have horrible issues if I'm not on BC. Nonstop bleeding for weeks and once it lasted almost 2 months. Not fun!
  3. JillDisney

    Paleo diet?

    Cool. Thanks!
  4. JillDisney

    Cottage cheese... yuck!

    Btw the Bob's seasoning salt was a separate idea. Don't add it to the marina sauce. ????
  5. JillDisney

    Cottage cheese... yuck!

    This might gross some of you out, but If you add a little marinara sauce and heat it up (especially baked) its a bit like a deconstructed lasagne... Some might find they like it. My grandpa always put Bob's seasoning salt on it, but that adds sodium. ????
  6. JillDisney

    Paleo diet?

    I've had my most success with the paleo thing as well. I am going to be having surgery on the 4th of February and I'm not sure how to do it with the post op diet. What do you do for the mushy weeks? I can't eat mashed potatoes, bananas, etc... Any ideas? Or do I just get through those phases and switch to proteins and veggies once on regular foods again?
  7. What is MOM and which type of tea? Sorry. New to this. I'm havering my lapband removed and getting the sleeve done Feb. 4th. Excited but anxious. My band slipped... The 2% type slip where it's not my stomach going through but it slipped around my espohugus and needs to come out.
  8. JillDisney

    My Waist

    They don't really know... My type of slip is only 2% of the the types of slippage. Usually it'swhen the stomach slips up through the ring. In my UGI picture the ring should look like a horizontal line and mine looked like a circle. On the espohugus. Dies that make sense? So it was hurting and they took the fluids out. They said they could reposition it but once they slip the chances are greater it will slip again. My mom and sister both had it fine and haven't had any problems. I'm just waiting for approval... In the mean time I'm putting on weight.
  9. JillDisney

    My Waist

    Wow! That's awesome! I had the lapband and it slipped up my esophagus, last month. They've removed all the liquid and I'm now waiting approval to have it removed and to get the sleeve. I hope I get it soon. I'm gaining wait already, I think the sleeve will be a better choice. I had lost well with the band... But the slippage was scary!
  10. JillDisney

    Can't Get Slim Fast Down?

    I think you should call your doctor. If you are just getting started and already can't drink things, I think you will be miserable. Talk to your doctor. Also, does your doctor know you are drinking Slim Fast? Mine said it's not a good choice because it has too much sugar. Try to stay at 5g or less of sugar or 5g or less of protein. It will help you form new habits. Hope all goes well for you!
  11. JillDisney

    Why Get A Lapband?

    I have to say I an very happy with my decision to get the lap band, but it has been a lot of retraining my brain. It is very different than I thought it would be. You still have to make good choices. Believe me all the stuff that's bad for you and is tempting (to me anyway) like frosting, cookies, m&ms, cream cheese, dips, and chips all go down fine. The thing is if you eat those you won't lose the weight. The lap band really is a tool to help you. It has taken 4 fills to feel any restriction. In the beginning I would get frustrated because I thought I should have felt more, but I really have had to change my thinking and form new habits. For me it's one day at a time. I'm mastering my eating lifestyle and soon I will begin the fitness part. I knew I just couldn't take it all on at once. I formed new habits gradually. The biggest one that works for me is that I don't eat after 7:00pm. When I used to stay up late preband, I could probably snack 1000-1200 calories nightly. Thats like my daily intake now. Of course there are special occasions or situations that are out of my control where I have to eat dinner past 7:00pm, but if I am home or at the movies, etc I just don't eat after 7:00. If I get hungry and I'm up super late I may have a protein shake. I also used to be a huge diet Coke drinker 6-12 cans daily. Yikes! I never drink it now. I drink tea (usually herbal) and water instead. Once you replace old habits with new ones, you really don't miss them. It is still hard at times to stay away from the bad things, but it's a choice. Would I rather lose weight or eat this ------- (insert whatever there)? Most days I'd rather lose weight, but on occasion I let myself have a smalltreat. Its life. The difference is I may share a dessert if I even decide to have one with my entire table, where I used to have my own and then maybe stop at the drive thru on the way home to have something else. I also try not to eat fried or fast foods. It's still all about choices and forming new habits and letting lap band be a tool. It isn't going to be a cure all and it probably isn't going to be the "magic" tool you think. I think I thought it would do more. But if you do your part you will lose. I am actually greatful now because I know my choices are helping me live a healthier lifestyle. My sister, mom, and I have all done it and are all successful! My sister has lost a bit over 100lb. in 2 years. I have lost 57 lb. in a bit over 4 months and my mom has lost 33 lb. in 3 months. None of us deprive ourselves or do the drastic 500-600 calorie diet, but we still continue to lose. My sister looks fabulous and it doesn't matter that it's taken her 2 years. She's happy and eats things she enjoys, just less and healthier most of the time. Good luck!
  12. Too many to even state them all, but one that happened a few years back was from my boyfriend at the time. His mom actually suffered from anorexia (sp?) his whole life. Okay, so I was the thinnest I'd been in years 5'8 about 170 and thought I looked pretty good. He said, "I thought girls with thick ankles weren't supposed to wear heels." I replied rather quickly, "I thought short bald guys weren't supposed to have girlfriends as hot as me." He tried to explain that that's what his mom had taught him. Needless to say, our relationship didn't last much longer.
  13. JillDisney

    Anyone Have Aetna?

    I have Aetna. I started the process in June of 201i & was banded Dec 2011. Same hoops. Dietician, nutritionist, psych., then I was sent for a bunch of preop stuff, then a cardio because of something on my ECG, etc.... Sometimes it takes a while to apt. Etc... Worth the wait. They paid for everything. I'm in California. Oh, I have sleep apnea, so that may have helped me qualify. I'm also pretty big, but 53 lbs less big.
  14. JillDisney

    Anyone Have Aetna?

    Best of luck. You will be happy you did it, though it is different then I thought.
  15. JillDisney

    Port Location

    Mine is on the left, near large scar, left of belly button. If you just got your surgery, it will be the area that is the most tender to touch or push on. Mine was sore to push on for about a month..It was still tender for a few months. It's only been in the past month or so that it doesnt hurt at all if I press on it. I was banded Dec. 2, 2011. Hope that helps. Oh I was also told with mine, it was the nurse's preferred side.. That's why mine was on left and not the right.
  16. Went to the ER yesterday with intense pain and fear that my band had slipped. After ultrasounds, bloodwork, and an upper GI I know that I have kidney stones and pancreatitis. They admitted me to the hospital and I'm having surgery in the afternoon. I didn't even think they did surgery for kidney stones... All I can say is TG it's not my band slipping or eroding!!!! Has anyone else dealt with these issues. Waiting until morning to talk to the doctor and to get more information on causes, etc... It makes it s little difficult to sleep!
  17. JillDisney

    Pre Op Diet - Shakes

    You really need to do the shake pre-op or the doctor may have a hard time getting passed your liver. It needs to be pliable to move to get to the area he/she needs to work. Did your doctor give you the meal supplement type from Bariatric Advantage fir the pre op? I really like the orange one. It tastes like a creamcyle. Sorry if my spelling is off. I'm in the hospital and sort of out of it. Getting my gallbladder removed in a couple hours. Anyway, make sure you get the protein drinks as cold as possible. It helps. The other protein drink (again very chilled) is the chocolate flavored Pure Protein. They sell it at Target and Fresh & Easy. The other flavored are nasty, but this chocolate is drinkable... Some have such a nasty aftertaste that I can't stand them either. Good luck!
  18. Thanks Larraine. That helps me! I'm sitting here not knowing what the heck is going on. Haven't seen a doctor since yesterday afternoon. Nurse this morning now says its gallstones... I questioned it because last night they said kidney stones and she said she just got on and she just read what was on my paperwork. I'm getting anxious not knowing anything. I was asking which doctor was performing the surgery and she said she didn't know... Hello! I also do t know what time.... Weird!
  19. I have had similar issues and I'm currently sitting in the ER waiting to have kidney stones removed and I also have pancreatitis. The pain, feeling of passing out, light headedness, shaky hand would come and go, but when it's bad it's sooooo painful. They found it through bloodwork and ultrsound.
  20. Sorry! Do they say how this happens or how to avoid it next time?
  21. JillDisney

    Lower Abdominal Pain

    In not sure... Sorry for your pain. Ask your doctor if you should be using the protein so soon after surgery. Mine didn't want us to use protein after the surgery for 4-6 weeks until we were cleared from mushy foods. Maybe try to stick with the soups, etc... I know it gets boring, but it will get better! Promise!

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