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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fenton

  1. Hey all. So there's a bunch of us in this group, all split up into our different banding days. I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have one master thread as we move through the month, in which all of us could post as we go, from the pioneers going on March 1st to the finalists on March 31st. I'd love to talk about our anticipation and any worries as we approach our banding date, for people to talk about exactly what happened from the moment they walked into the hospital door until the second they walked out, about how recovery is going, about weight loss and plateaus, about non-scale victories and challenges. I was thinking that if we all contribute to one thread, it'll form a more substantial channel for information and support. At the moment, I was thinking that we might be too spread out into individual date, and that a central thread would be a really good backbone for the group, in addition to the date-specific threads. What do you think? Fenton
  2. Until reading around on the site, I hadn't given much thought to difficulty sleeping; from some of the posts I'm reading, it seems to be a real problem. 1. I understand that the port side (typically the left, I believe) is very uncomfortable after surgery - how difficult is it to sleep on the right side? I'm a side-sleeper because of a touch of apnea, and would prefer to sleep on my right side, but will it be too comfortable in the early post-op period? 2. About how long does it take before the right side becomes comfortable? The left side? 3. I've read several people saying they sleep on a recliner rather than in bed for a period of time. What are the advantages of a recliner? (I don't have one.) My bed is fairly high, and it's easy for me just to turn and lie down on it. What's the hard part of bed sleeping that's relieved by the recliner? 4. I have a bunch of pillows for my bed. Does anyone know of any kind of frame or something that would provide firm support for the upper body in bed - a kind of fake hospital bed-type deal? Thanks in advance, Fenton (getting banded 3/15, touch wood)
  3. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Good luck, wishin' - you know you can do this! The band isn't some weird, magical thing that guarantees success: the success comes from YOUR hard work, and YOUR will power. We all know how to eat around the band, but you choose not to. It sounds like you have all the motivation you need, what with your gym-going and whatnot. You're just going to have to stick it out, and promise yourself not to go back to where you were. I am a bit of an expert on backsliding - I originally lost about 110 or so pounds, then fell off the wagon, and put back on about 70. I've pulled myself up short, and turned things around, so now I'm back to about 85 down from my original weight - 25 more to go to get back to my max loss, which seems do-able within the next couple of months. The things I find most helpful are charting my intake on livestrong.com's Daily Plate feature, and forcing myself to weigh in regularly. It's harder to cheat when you know you have to face the scales... Check in and let us know how you're doing!
  4. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I'm sorry to hear you're still in the wars. I hope the band starts behaving. But the fact is that the band didn't do all the work - you did it. At the end of the day, it's easy to eat around the band and put weight on - I know. It requires focus and effort to go all the way. So even if the band *is* removed, it's up to you whether or not you put weight on. YOu know your situation, you are probably aware of your triggers - it's up to you.
  5. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    How are you going, Kathy? I hope you've been able to gather momentum on this. Things are going well for me. I'm losing weight rapidly, never hungry, feel good. I'm locked in the zone - just trying to figure out how to sustain this. I had an odd episode this week: the woman who was probably the major trigger in my derailment emailed that she was coming to NYC, and wanted to see me. I declined, and then I'd realized what her real motive was - the initial period of exhilaration was followed by bitter disappointment and sadness, but it didn't trigger a slide, or any indulgence at all, really. So I'm pleased about that. The episode also made me see her in a different light, although I don't want to revisit what we had through more cynical eyes. Anyway, full steam ahead!
  6. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hang in there, Kathy! It sounds like the results from the pouch test are really promising! How are your symptoms - any easing? Things have been going well for me: it's been about 2 weeks and I'm down about 15 pounds, I'd guess, a significant amount of that being that Water weight you lose rapidly when you first drastically reduce your calories. I need to focus more on the satiety thing - right now I'm basically doing calorie counting, and being glad that I don't feel hungry between meals. Every Sunday, I'm going out to dinner at my favourite restaurant and having a three course meal - including desert, and a glass of wine. I don't know if that's the right thing to do, but it restricts any excess I might eat to one night, and I ignore cravings to allow myself that one blowout. And I save half of my entree for lunch the next day. So far it's going well: we'll see if I need to revisit that down the road. One nice thing about being Back on the scale is that I've found I put on less weight than I'd thought. Either that, or I lost more water weight than I estimated! SO, yeah, full steam ahead...
  7. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    OK, back again. Sick of backsliding - an incredibly stressful year, but so what? I'm not the only person to have had stressful times, and so many of you guys have ridden it out, and clung onto the band and have done well. I'm on Day 2 of the Five Day Pouch Test, and it's going fine. For me - for most people, I think - starting is easy, but sustaining the effort is the killer. I look at people like Scrappy with profound admiration and gratitude: she's brought herself to where she needed to be, and she's stayed there. So now I have to try to be more like her. I think focus is key. I was listening to Tom Arnold on TV last night, and to Dr. Drew Pinsky talking about Amy Winehouse, and they basically said the same thing: with addictive behaviours, getting clean must be the only priority - not family, not love, not career. Pinsky cited Robert Downey Jr as an example of the only way he felt that narcotic addiction could be conquered. Downey left the movie biz for almost two years while he worked on himself, and now, clean and sober, he's at the top of his game. Of course, eating behaviour and straight drug addiction have as many differences as they do have parallels, but I think that's a useful example. I'm going to try some kind of daily affirmation, where I shall think about what I'm going to do to lose weight each day before I get out of bed. The band is a fantastic tool; I have to learn how to use it, to embrace it, and to let nothing get in my way. Weigh-in on Thursday...
  8. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    You guys are doing great! Very inspirational. Going back into this WoE, I'm doing what you are, Special K - my patented Fenton shake for breakfast, soup for lunch, then I had a dinner of veggie burgers, yogurt and pear sauce. Eventually, I want to get to where Scrappy is, but I've proven myself a bad bandster enough times that I think I'm going to be using girlie2shooz' friend's "Keep filling til you're at Goal" advice. We'll see.
  9. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    How do you handle dining out? It's something I do/am expected to do a lot?
  10. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    That's really interesting - Protein is my key concern, as I'm a big (tall AND wide) sonuvagun. Thanks, very helpful! Anyone else who wants to chime in on their eating patterns would be more than welcome!
  11. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Girlie2shooz, would you mind talking a bit about exactly WHAT/HOW you eat with your degree of restriction? I'm trying to conceptualize my future eating pattern.
  12. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    UniqueZeke - I think those of us who've put weight back on all did it for the same reason: too much eating. And that eating was always driven by emotional stuff: you can't put a band around your emotions. Or can you? Certainly, greater restriction means it's harder to sneak around the band. I think one of my problems was that I always thought in terms of portions, never in terms of satiety. I have to focus more on that, this time around. On satiety, and on what will happen if I DON'T get it right.
  13. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    And an excellent story it is, too!
  14. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    (Mustangchik! You've probably realized this by now, but you'll have your own group in the March 2008 Bandsters! You're welcome here, but this focuses on March 2008 Bandsters...) How did it go, Mom007? Well, I hope. I don't think you lost to goal just because of the band - it's a support, not the reason you lose. Whatever the result of the test, I believe that with Willpower like yours, you're going to be fine. I had a bit of a scare yesterday - I had a trivial symptom, but I'm a bit of a neurotic, and made a big deal of it, so now I'm freaking out and back onboard *hard*. I'm going for a fill next week. NOW I have to go back and find out how people eat in this WoL all over again...
  15. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hey, all. It is pretty hard to regain your momentum once you stray from the path, isn't it? I'm back in the fold again, trying to be good. But I could be better.
  16. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi, guys! Kathy (aka Special K) has nudged me back on here, but I SWEAR I was coming back anyway. I've done pretty badly - I went a long time without a fill at the beginning, and was a hardcore bandster, and did really well. Then I got into a brief and damaging relationship, and fell off the ladder. Well, it was more like falling down a staircase - a sequence of disastrous tumbles and plateaus. I've gained quite a bit, always meaning to "get back on the wagon real soon"... And then, finally, last week I learned I have high blood pressure. It's kind of a mystery to me why I haven't had it until now, but, whatever: it's an important medical issue, and jeez, I know how to fix it. So I'm taking my meds, and I'm back down to 1250 - 1500 cals a day. I'm now feeling pretty good, between the rapid initial weight loss and the medication. I'd like to say I'm going to be on a lot, but I only really come here for you guys, and if there are no wildebeest gathering at the watering hole, the lion will prowl the wide savannahs of the internet... I hope everyone's doing well, and to those that have slipped a bit, no time like right now to get back on board... xFenton
  17. At 473lbs starting weight, with a target weight of about 200 lbs, I got wrapped into the band process in late February. With the preop liquid diet, and banding on 3/6, I've now lost 38 pounds; things are going in the right direction. But what to do about exercise? I know I have to start slowly, so I'm starting by walking the mile to and from work every day, but at my size, I'm too big for almost all gym equipment, most of which has a 350 lb upper weight limit for use. I'm wondering what the 200 lb+ goal bandsters and future bandsters are doing for exercise. Anyone have any tips?
  18. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Any word back from the recruiter, Special K? Hang in there! Things *are* getting better... It sounds like you had quite a lot of restriction there - have you settled into it? I had a bad week. A series of Special Events half-morphed into a week long binge. It was a low grade binge (I think I have enough restriction now that I limit myself, and things seem less appealing to me), and I think I went up a pound or two, which will rapidly go now that I'm back on the wagon. I'm just going to have to try to remember during times of temptation that I don't love my Sinful Choice Foods all that much while I'm overeating them.
  19. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I'm afraid I'm beyond the "three healthy oranges" approach, SpecialK! But yes, I cheat on this - in fact, I looked up the calorie content, and it wasn't quite tht bad, but then again, those "1/4 cup" servings I'm grabbing? They're not really quarter cups. I shall just have to avoid that particular temptation...
  20. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I've been a little slippy of late - there have been several Major Dinners, at which I've not restrained myself. But I've continued losing, which is nice, but kind of a double-edged sword. If I'm eating too much, and still going down, that doesn't help to reinforce the calorie-controlling thing. I'm rarely hungry, though, which is helpful. At the moment, my nemesis is the various dried fruit and nut trail mixes that various people in my office keep around - no matter where I am in the building, I can hear the Trader Joe's Macadamia Delight Trail Mix (macadamias, cashews, dried pineapple, almonds, dried cranberries) calling out my name... Thank God for Hale & Hearty, though! It's an easy way for me to keep my meals varied while controlling my calorie intake and monitoring my Protein. I hope you all have a fun, healthy weekend!
  21. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks, Christine - yes, it does come off pretty easily when I try. Unfortunately, I had a couple of high calorie days last week because of various special events, so it was a (insert sad face emoticon) weight-stable week for me. Nice work on the roller coasters, Special K! Those are one of my primary goals, too - I can't believe they were in sight, and then I threw it all away... Argh!!! Chica, if your surgeon's encouraging you not to get more surgery, listen to him. I think we're all aware of the problem of eating when bored - an Achilles heel for every over-eater, I think; your maintenance shows you can do it, and implies that if you really try, you can pound away at the rest of your loss target. And Special K, on the subject of eating while bored - can you get out of the house more? Go to the library or something? It's either that, or find something to do that occupies you while at home, or stop storing treats at home. Or, of course, find that job! I hope you find something even better than your last position very soon...
  22. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Yes, *Amanda* - how ARE you doing? I think your doc's right - always best to have a procedure done at the place that specializes in them - go for the Center of Excellence! Although Chica, you've lost so much weight that your chance of complications is MUCH much smaller than with your band op, I suspect. Glad to hear that both of you are doing well, and have clear plans for moving forward. Things are going well for me. I remain in the Zone. Friday was kind of a blowout day for me - conference, so lunch and dinner out with old friends. I find dining out hard because I don't know the calorie count - on Friday I had a great burger (ended up not eating most of the bun), a few fries, a diet Coke for lunch, and then even more of a blowout at dinner - soft shell crab appetizer, then foie gras, AND dessert! I was OK the weekend, and was amused to weigh in today and find I'd lost 3 pounds since my last weigh-in on Thursday. I'm coming up on a month back on the wagon, and have that satisfying first month weight loss - I'm down about 24 pounds so far. SO things are going in the right direction for me, too. I'm glad you're here to talk to!
  23. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hi Teri - nice to see you! You're doing fantastically! Goal almost in reach... And thanks, Chica - let's hope I can continue to make the right choices. Let us know when you get your surgery date; we'll boosterize you through the liquid diet thing. But really, it's not so bad - you must learn the ways of the Official Fenton Shake: 1 can Slipfast Optima French vanilla 1 frozen banana - a little less ripe makes it less sweet, more banana-y 1 large pinch salt 1 scoop Protein powder 2 Tablespoons of PB2 freeze-dried powdered Peanut Butter (http://www.bellplantation.com/) This is my Breakfast most days. About 400 calories, but delicious, and it holds me most of the day, plus pretty nutritious.
  24. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Oh, you'll be fine! Did you do a liquid diet before your band surgery? I think that was my fastest weight loss time ever. Things continue pretty well for me. Last night was a bit of a blow-out, but it was demarcated, Dinner-only. I didn't give into the temptation to get some ice cream after my feast, so I felt good about that. And today, though I probably could've fit it in my calorie goal, I skipped the cupcake beckoning me from the platter in the office next door. I wonder how long this willpower/ambivalence about regime-corrupting treats will last - it would be cool if it were permanent.
  25. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Special K, it sounds like you've really got it together. When I see your ticker, I think "Wow! This woman has *drive*, and a svelte new figure - both very useful qualities on the job hunt." I hope you land something great soon. Chica, I think the band gives me enough support - I mean, I'm vast, and yet I'm eating like a ballerina, and I very rarely feel hungry. I know that if I get more of a fill, it'll very much shape what I can and can't eat. I don't want to feel so limited in that way - I like eating lobster, and chicken. I'm going to go forward, watching my intake, journaling, trying to learn to embrace satiety rather than looking for fullness. The thing is, I'm still very aware of the calorie content of my meal, and if I go in to my 220 calorie Soup, I'll eat every last drop of that soup, since I've already budgeted the calories. I have to get better about just stopping when I"m sated. What I am pleased about is that this time I seem to be able to eat badly, and not go off into a week then a month then months of bingeing. And it's going well, Christine. I'm doing a good job of staying at around 1500. My goal calorie intake is 1250, but I'm losing quite rapidly on 1500, plus I haven't had any hair loss so far. I think those extra 200 - 250 cals may make a difference. But I feel good.

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