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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fenton

  1. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Christine! Don't get your hopes up! I've been pretty slack the last couple of weeks - eating more, excercising less. I'll climb onto that sonuvagun on Friday, but I'm just hoping I haven't *gained* now! But I'm excited for 2009. I think my gym membership is on its way to being worked out, and I'm feeling good about eating less, and I just got three new yoga DVD's - the world is my oyster! Potentially! And yay for white Water rafting!
  2. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Nice work, Kathy! I really do think exercise is key. And Lynn? You're 3/4 of the way to goal! You're rocking the HECK out of that band!
  3. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Christine - a beautiful post that. You're right. And we make ourselves happy, and we make ourselves angry, and we make ourselves sad. I misjudged her - she's just left. I don't know if I'll see her again (she says yes, in a couple of months when I'm in her part of the world), but I'm really happy. Chicks, man! Right? Can I get a witness???
  4. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Lynn! I love how you're rocking your band! I'm sorry about Cobi - I hope the vet can help. In any case, he or she will be able to give you a clearer idea of what to do next.
  5. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Spoke to manager at the gym - it's a new manager and she sounds quite understanding! So, cross your fingers - I think I have credit on the way, which means I'll have a spot at the gym. Stand back! Still no scales! Weigh-in Friday...
  6. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I tell you, if I keep on loving myself, it won't be 100 pounds I've lost by my Bandiversary - it'll be my eyesight! OH NO I DI-UHN'T!!! Right now, I'm sipping my patented Breakfast Protein shake. I have to admit, I'd forgotten quite how unappetizing Protein powder can taste! Yummy!
  7. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks. I'm OK, just a bit blue. My past experiences with relationships that started online have been universally positive, and that this one should come so close only to go down in flames really makes me sad. But yes: back on point. Today I'm going to threaten legal action to the gym director so he can sort out my membership. Now, where the heck is my instant oatmeal??? WHere did I leave my Fibersure???
  8. Well, short term first: I'm going to get the first Reward Tattoo I've promised myself. I just discovered that if I want the tattoo artist I've chosen, I'll have to deal with her four month waiting list, but I can deal with that. Since I backslid, I won't be able to go snowboarding in February as I'd hoped, but I think I'll be good for roller coasters come spring... I hope so at least!
  9. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well, it sounds like we're all keepin' on keepin' on! I realized that the Carhartt jacket I wore tonight was as loose as it was when I bought it in 1999. Funny feeling. Although, somehow, that seems like it can't be true! I didn't really achieve extremely impressive weight gain until after 9/11. I'll weigh myself next Friday, and then we'll see wht's what! Friday is 1/1/09, isn't it? In other - sad - news: well, my thing with the online person evaporated. I'm still not 100% sure why: we'd already bonded seriously emotionally over email and phone, and I'd assumed she might have problems with my size. In the end, though, she clearly (CLEARLY!) had no problems with being attracted to me, but she felt we didn't click emotionally in person the same way we had on the phone etc. It was the opposite of what I'd expected. And I felt like she was a bit quick to judge - I'd not been home from France for 24 hours when we met, was jet-lagged out of my mind, on the end of a cold and nervous as all get-out about meeting her. But facts is facts: we met, and for her, it didn't work. So I'm very sad about that, but there's also a useful kernel of anger in there - how could she accept my body but reject ME??? So I'm looking forward to getting back into calorie counting, and Protein gram counting, and soluble fiber-ingesting tomorrow. But tonight? I wallow! Leftover double-cooked Sichuan pork, and then (close your eyes!) some Christmas pudding ("figgy pudding", I think you call it) with butter pecan ice cream... I am sad, but also, strangely, I feel kinda good. I feel like I'm back to Me, ready to do what I have to. Besides, there were long periods of intense pleasure in her visit - it certainly wasn't ALL a disaster! I think I'm beginning to get used to this time zone. Yay!
  10. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I think a little bump-up is hardly the end of the world, this week of all weeks... Well, I'm back in the US as of 12/25, but I'm not going to be weighing myself until next Friday. Yeah, Amanda, I said it! IN OTHER NEWS: Yesterday I met my online friend for the first time in real life, and it went very well. She's cancelled her hotel and has moved in with me for the week. And she is very, very great...
  11. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    A happy Xmas to all of you! (Unless you don't Celebrate it, in which case, peace to you!)
  12. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Christine, it's clearly not working as it should be. The combination of pain and inadequate food intake isn't what you signed up for. What does Dr. Ren say? Maybe you need a significant unfill and a month or so to get over the inflammation. The other thing is this: your food intake generally has to have been better than it was in your sad example of the little bites of egg and chili killing you, otherwise I think you would have HAD to have lost more than a couple of pounds in this time. Are you prioritizing your Proteins, getting in your Vitamins? I'm worried that poor nourishment might affect your healing. Really, though, it's not right, it's not working how it should. You've got to see the team, and demand that they fix it.
  13. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sparkpeople had a thing about the benefits of eating slowly in one of the emails that they barrage me with each day. But it also had good advice on how to slow down: Here are some practical tips for chewing more thoroughly and eating more slowly: Give yourself enough time to eat—at least 20-30 minutes just to eat the meal, plus additional time to prepare it. Don’t eat amidst distractions, like the TV, computer, or while driving. Be fully present while you eat. Notice the smell, temperature, texture, color, and subtle flavor differences of each food you consume. Take smaller portions, taking a break before refilling. Put your fork down after each bite. Eat mindfully, chewing each bite as many times as necessary to pulverize any texture. If you’re eating in a group, be aware of the speed at which others are eating. Challenge yourself to be the last to finish. The other good one is to try to alternate bites of food - Protein, then vegetable, protein, then vegetable then starch, then protein etc. That way each mouthful has a richer, more intriguing taste.
  14. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I'm here just till the end of the month. I'll be fine! Although the last few days haven't been brill...
  15. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well, SB, you know what you've got to do - get back up on that horse! You'll be in onederland in no time... And I so AM immune while I'm here, Amanda! What do you think, I'm going to go traipsing around the neighbourhood, knocking on doors and saying, "Do you have an extra-large scale I can stand on, completely unclothed?" Because I'm not going to do that!
  16. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I thought we could just do it here. I don't think posting of weights or progress is necessary, just so long as we know that everyone has faced the scale! What do you guys think?
  17. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I was wondering whether, to keep ourselves honest, we should all agree to get on the scales on teh same day. Like have an Official March Bandsters weigh-in day, say, every Monday or Friday. And we could bully those who haven't posted that they've climbed onto the Platform of Truth, make them face their truth... It's a great idea, particularly because *I* shall be exempt until the end of the month... But seriously, I do think it's a pretty good idea. Thoughts?
  18. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    TESS! Get back on that scale right now! Don't allow that family drama to derail you! Chop chop!
  19. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ach, a good idea, but I think the consistency that comes from always weighing on the same scales is the way to go. Today is going to be a bad day. I'm getting sick, sore of throat, have already downed a hot chocolate and some ice cream. And the bloody French pharmacies! I have just consumed an "ampoule" of zinc solution - no handy chewable tab here, a damn glass tube that had to be broken open and the liquid swallowed. What bunk! I'm just glad they didn't give me something that had to go where God and nature didn't intend for things to go in...
  20. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Whatever you want to call it, it sounds damn unpleasant! I'm glad you have survived... Things continue to go OK here. I wish I had a scales - I seem to be doing well - I'm now on a tighter belt loop than I was when I started my backslide, although I can't believe I've lost that much weight since I've been here.
  21. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Glad to hear everyone is noodling along in the right direction- touch wood, we'll all shine in 2009! It's been incredibly frustrating here - dealing with these cheese-eating surrender monkeys isn't a walk in the park! Everything takes a zillion years to get done, with delays and paperwork that would be unthinkable in the US. Things are settling down, now, so I can go home and collapse into my amazing bed. And when I walk outside, it's just so beautiful here. I think the hard part of my work is done, so hopefully it'll be a little less stressful now. I know I'm doing well - long distances walked, 2 1/2 meals a day, belt/pants really not holding me all together. I'm just hoping that the rest of this visit, when my gourmet friend comes into town, isn't going to do much damage. I do get hungry, but I either Celebrate it as a sign that I'm burning up fat, or ignore it. Desdemona - yay on that outfit! And Ha! re: old enough to be "Made in the USA"!
  22. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Oh, I LOVE (well, not really, but am actually able to swallow) the iSopure pre-mixed drinks! There's a new flavour, a green tea or a lemon tea or something which is just about alright!
  23. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I find that I don't eat as much when I'm cooking, for some reason. Focusing on preparing food is sometimes just as satisfying as consuming it. I now have a refrigerator and a microwave and a blender - the essentials for healthy eating! But I'm homeless for the next two days - the painters rolled up at 9AM and kicked me out for the day, and they're back again tomorrow. Still no major falls. Still eating two meals a day, small ones. I am having a bit of ice cream (my non-McDonald's free internet fix), and the day before yesterday I had one of my favourite pastries from the best pastry chef in the world. It was not that bad, and it was every bit as good as I remembered it, SO worth it - that was the day I walked well over 6 miles. Actually, come to think of it, I mentioned planning on walking to and from his shop some time back. One thing, though: whoever recommended the Isopure powdered Protein Drink - had you actually TRIED it? I'm guessing not - I find it just about inedible. I can't choke it down! But I'm going to have to try harder - I'm worried about my Protein intake. And that's my update from cold, grey Paris.
  24. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    And Rhonda! Who says I don't want my pants to fall off when I meet her??? (insert appropriate emoticon here)
  25. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Gosh, it looks like Rhonda's amazing success has underscored just what we can achieve if we work as hard at this as she has! Congrats on everyone for doing so well! Christine - sounds like you've had a rough ride recently. I'd say hang in there, but it's pretty clear that you're managing the bumps and sticking to your course. Oh, what the heck, I'll say it anyway: Hang in there!

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