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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fenton

  1. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Bratz, are you getting enough nutrition? Enough protein, vitamins, calories? If you're not feeling better soon, you should probably see your doctor.
  2. Fenton

    No #2

    Yeah, it's a PITA. I started on the Benefiber before I actually had the surgery, and it served me well. And continues to serve me well. Your intake goes down considerably, therefore so does your, uh, output...
  3. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Et tu, Stella? One of the things I love about Christine is that SHE doesn't have a damn Wii Fit! That MD's behaviour is outrageous! WTF does he think he IS?? And that you paid for it yourself makes it even more outrageous. If I were you, I'd share my opinions about that jerk in the appropriate forum on this board; just let people know what they can expect if they go to him. Really, someone needs a serious ass-kicking. Diva, I'm sorry to hear you're still a bit stiff - that'll ease with time. (And I'd like everyone to note how gracious I was with the Diva, who'll be waving her Wii in my face any day now...) (That doesn't sound quite Kosher, but you know what I mean!) Anyway, yes, it sounds like you've got too much of the restriction for which everyone is clamouring. The conventional wisdom seems to be to wait a little, see if things ease as you lose, but I agree with you: this process shouldn't be such a hardship. And PENNY! Congrats on a great NSV! That's the way it should be working... I'm actually trying to ease up a bit today exercise-wise - I've been feeling a bit of hip pain, so I'm going to slow down for a few days before I wear these bad boys out... But I've started doing yoga again, which feels really good. Perhaps tonight I'll do the longer program, which I haven't done for a while. I hope you're all having fun out there. Who's our barbecue fiend with the Sabotaging Sister? I hope she's having a special little treat today...
  4. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks, all. It feels good. I just wish I didn't have to go through, like, EIGHT more stages of obesity until I reach the level of Normos... To use Jack's expression. (Also a term familiar from 2000AD, my favourite British comic book.)
  5. Fenton

    starting to get nervous

    Dude! It's a piece of cake! You've got a bunch of highly trained experts doing a procedure they've done zillions of times before. They know exactly what they're doing. It's natural to be worried before an operation, particularly if you're a big guy - I was 473 lbs at the start of this - but it really was fine. I walked into the OR, lay on the table, they put an IV in my arm, and then I woke up with a band. It was EXACTLY that fast. Really, everyone sweats it a little, but there's nothing to worry about. And, look at it this way: continue with your weight and lifestyle the way they are now... THAT's something to worry about! In a way, with a band, you HAVE won the lottery. You've made a great decision, just relax and embrace it. I'm down 50 lbs from my operation 10 weeks ago.
  6. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Y'know, I'm beginning to believe that the big difference between losing quickly and losing slowly is exercise. I know that various studies have shown that exercise is more effective for weight loss than just dieting. And, since exercise builds muscle, it has an even greater effect on continued weight loss...
  7. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Me again: and I'm a bit sorry to be posting this to anyone who's feeling stuck at the moment, but your being stuck is temporary, and my SV is permanent! Today, I weighed in, and for the first time in years, I'm under 400 pounds. 400's, goodbye FOREVER!!! Only 7 1/2 more pounds, and I'll be Super Obese no more! HELLO MORBID OBESITY!
  8. Fenton

    Still Waiting

    It all depends on how big you are (which determines how fast you'll burn fat), what your intake is, and how much exercise you're doing. I've lost at a bit more than 4 pounds a week since my surgery. On THE BIGGEST LOSER, where they exercise all the time, a 4 pound loss would be considered unimpressive. So it's really up to you.
  9. Fenton

    Okay Men...need some advice

    Hey, how come Bergdorf gets to compare guys to dogs, but if *I* try that, I get called a bastard!!! Although I can see no possible comparison ever between dudes and dogs, I thought that was a great post. Hey! I live in NYC! Take me to your hairstylist! I think I'd look great with trampy highlights!
  10. Fenton

    explaining things

    Don't sweat it, man. I mean, it's natural to be nervous before any surgery - particularly if, like me, you weight 473 pounds at the start of this - but it's a piece of cake. The surgery is a minor procedure, done usually by specialists who do almost nothing but lap surgery. Honestly, I walked into the OR, lay down, the put in an IV and then I woke up banded. It was just that simple. And recovery seems to be a lot easier on the dudes than on the chicks. As far as websites go, you've come to the best place - you're surrounded by experts, and between us we have an extraordinary amount of experience and opinion. Ask your questions, and you'll get straight answers here. Welcome aboard!
  11. Fenton

    9 hrs post op

    It's because the gas is pressing on your diaphgragm, the sheet of muscle that separates your lungs from your guts. Walking jiggles the gas and the organs around and relieves the pressure.
  12. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Amanda! Classy, centered post! My arms are a little sore - I did my dumbell workout while watching THE Soup.
  13. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Ack! I have to work Sunday and Monday! Christine, that's EXACTLY the degree of restriction I want. I have yet to have a fill, and am doing well with my band empty. I think I have a degree of restriction - I rarely feel hungry, and am taking in about 1500 or so calories a day - but I can eat anything I want. Steak, lobster etc. Last night, I skimped during the day so I could have my favourite dish in the world right now: five-spiced duck breast with basmati rice and roasted plum and a hoisin sauce, at a fancy restaurant. I worked hard this week, and I deserved it. And I LOVED it. And, like Shoop, I love my lapband too. Although I don't know how I'll feel about it when I'm gagging on carrots like Harley. That's actually a REAL incentive for me to hold off on a fill for as long as possible. Still, with another 200 pounds to go, I'd say there'll be a fill in my future...
  14. Fenton

    9 hrs post op

    Hey, congrats, buxndux! You're bloated because, at the time of surgery, they fill your belly with gas so it lifts up like a circus tent and they can move around in there without the skin and fat squashing down on them. It'll take a day or two for that to ease up, and you might get the occasional twinge, most commonly in your left shoulder or back. Just keep walking! It'll ease the gas pain, and help with everything else.
  15. Fenton

    Still Waiting

    Thanks, but, in all honesty, it's really been pretty easy. I feel like I'm in some kind of "zone" where I don't want to eat and I do want to exercise - I'm sure a few of the lads around here are in the same mode. And then, when you start to see the numbers drop, it kind of locks you into position, and you just want to keep going. I'm determined to hit 100 by 6 months from my first consult on 1/28/08. That gives me a couple of months to lose 30 lbs, but I think I can do it...
  16. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Everyone! Stop posting about your Wii Fit boards until *I* have one! Or else!
  17. Fenton

    Still Waiting

    Good Lord! I can't believe that Rick STILL isn't banded! It feels like he's been working on this for FOREVER! Three more weeks. There will be dancing in the streets when it happens!
  18. Fenton

    Okay Men...need some advice

    KatW, a great post... This nails it: "Fat is one way of telling people to stay away, but it is not the only one."
  19. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I should admit that I haven't actually BEEN on one his restaurant outings! I'm just posting it to emphasize that there are few restaurants you can't eat in as a bandster. And hope's experience just goes to show that. I particularly like that she had a bite of dessert: this way of life ISN'T about privation, it's about eating right. And a bite of sherbet with a little white chocolate sounds like a mighty right finish to a healthy meal!
  20. Fenton

    Exercising For Weight Loss

    Well, Sugr, it's not the fact that many gyms, particularly in NYC, are filled with people with great bodies that I find concerning, but that there are so many gyms nowadays that personal trainers grow like mushrooms. There are so many of them, and I don't believe they're all well-trained and intelligent individuals. When inexperienced or incompetent trainers are working with young, fit bodies, they're far less likely to do harm than when dealing with someone older, a bit crumblier, with weight and health issues.
  21. Fenton

    12 hrs away

    I'm a real believer in Isopure premade Zero Carb Protein drink. 40 grams of protein in 20 ounces of Fluid, about 160 cals, I think. Get a couple six packs of that, and you're good for a fortnight. Post-op you'll be a bit out of it for a day or two, but the pain will be a lot less than you think. Still, take it easy - take your time getting up and sitting or lying down. Keep your fluids up as best you can - Water and Protein drinks. You don't want to get dehydrated, which is all too easy at that stage. Finally, best advice of all: WALK! Walk as soon as you can - at NYU they have people up and walking in the recovery room. Big people lying around in bed getting dehydrated is a great way to develop a thrombosis in the legs. Walking gets you used to your new body, it uses energy, and, best of all, it annihilates the gas discomfort you'll get (pain or pressure in your left shoulder tip or back). Seriously: GET WALKING! And come back here and tell us how you're doing...
  22. Fenton

    To Be Banded on 6-11

    Congrats on the date! Don't sweat it - it's a piece of cake. Seriously, I know you're going to worry, but it'll be fine. I went in, they put the mask on my face, an IV in my arm, and then I woke up and it was finished. I think that, by and large (or, formerly large), we're doing great! I'm down 47 pounds since surgery 10 weeks ago, 70 pounds total. And I FEEL great.
  23. Fenton

    Exercising For Weight Loss

    It sounds like you've found a trainer who really understands and works with your limitations, Penny. I'm almost at the weight where the gym is a more realistic proposition, but all of the trainers are these muscle-y young dudes or hardbodied chicks - I'm a bit wary of their aptitude for dealing with me.
  24. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sue, I worship any 56 year old woman who knows what "DDR" is! Heck, I'd worship 40 year olds who knew it! I'm extremely jealous of your Wii Fit. I hope to get one, but so far I haven't even been able to find a Wii! Also, the boards have a weight limit of 330 lbs, which excludes me - for the time being. I hope you enjoy the book - I should warn you it's pretty intense. Or maybe I already did... Glad to hear you're losing, hope and Mari. And hope, in NYC, my surgeon (who's banded, himself) leads expeditions to area restaurants every few months, to teach bandsters how to order. Last month: an Italian restaurant.
  25. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Gosh! Some days it just sucks to be a diva! Sorry to hear about your accident; I think it's extremely unlikely that it affected your band. Which, after all, in addition to being fairly solidly built, is pretty well-insulated right now! But it won't be for long, given what sounds like a very high level of restriction. It does sound like a bit much, doesn't it? I hope you can get it sorted out pronto, because that doesn't sound at all fun.

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