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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fenton

  1. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Michelle, I think you really hit the nail on the head when you talk about this being a critical time for us. I don't think anyone reached the band without a long road of struggle, success and then failure with the weight loss process. We each of us have so much invested in this that we really have no option but to make it work. It's too important to screw up.
  2. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Teri - have a lovely time in Nashville. It's really a fun city, I think. Sharona! While it's zero fun, maybe being laid off is a blessing in disguise: being able to make your own schedule in the gorgeous summer months is a bit of a luxury... Make the most of it! And well done on not giving in to impulsive eating!
  3. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Hey, Kelly - congrats on your decision to have a band! Two months from now, you'll be a whole new you... It's perfectly natural to get nervous, but really, don't sweat it - it's one of the easiest surgeries there is, just about a nothing of an operation. I was anxious too, worried about surgery and anesthesia - I was 473 pounds when I started - but you're dealing with doctors and medical staff who do this all the time, so everything will flow as a smooth routine. I walked into the Operating Room, lay on the table, they put an IV in my arm and then I woke up banded - it was just that fast. It would be really helpful to you to read this thread from the beginning - not ALL of it, but in the first part of the thread, we're all discussing our run-up to getting banded, then talking about surgery, then about recovery, then about getting mobile again and going back to work, then about the challenges and satisfactions of getting to know our bands. I wrote very specifically about what my own experience was like, starting on March 6, my band date, and did my best to post every day about what I was going through or noticing. So have a look at that stuff. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to shout them out!
  4. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Lynn, first off, you've done GREAT so far! And you can continue to do well - you know it's all up to you. If you're saying that the second fill didn't get you the restriction that you need, perhaps you should call your doctor's office and schedule another. The snacking/overeating habit is hard to manage, isn't it? The important thing is to keep your goal in sight. Force yourself to recognize that continuing to eat as you're eating now will put you right back where you were before you went through the whole process of a band. Don't let yourself think that snacking is fine, because it's "just 50 calories" or "just 80 calories". Perhaps you should be journaling your food intake, or at least keeping a running total in your head, figuring out how many calories that snack adds to your intake, and how much exercise it will take to recover from that calorie hit. Or maybe commit to exercising immediately - "if I eat this apple, I will go for a 30 minute walk". Mostly, though, you're lying to yourself constantly to let yourself snack. It's not easy to do, but you HAVE to recognize that short term "satisfaction" can and will destroy your weight loss, if you let it. Ask yourself "Is this worth undoing all of the hard work I've put into this process?" And don't "wait to lose weight until the next fill", either! It's completely your decision. And if you keep on eating, ask yourself why it is you want to be fat.
  5. Fenton

    Full VS. Stuck

    Nice work, pipes! Last week I took my belt to the cobblers and had them put more holes in it. I'm going to ride the thing down until it's just a little nubbin of leather and a buckle...
  6. Fenton

    Progress Pics, Anyone?

    Harley! You're both beautiful! Those 50 lbs have made an incredible difference. And I'm sure you can see it, otherwise you wouldn't have posted the photos! (insert winking emoticon) I tease, but I think that one of the challenges we have is actually recognizing our achievement. Since I see myself every day, and the change has been incrementally slow, a lot of weight coming off a very big body, I rarely feel like I look different. But I see how my clothes hang off me now, and are way too big, and I've been dropping stuff off at the Salvation Army thrift shop, so I "know" I'm losing. Still, when people say to me, "OMG! You look great! You've lost so much weight!", I'm not sure that I believe it. Despite the scales! Anyway, congratulations, you look amazing. And how funny is it that your daughter is a young lady - when you mentioned the zoo, I'd imagined you pushing a stroller past the lion cage...
  7. Fenton

    Exercising For Weight Loss

    sugr, yoga allows me to slow down and take it easy for a while, to find myself back in myself instead of being pulled in all different directions at once. Plus it stretches my overstressed joints, and is good for me in terms of burning calories (some routines). I love it.
  8. Fenton

    First 24 hours after my surgery

    Don't worry, greg - the first 48 are the worst. Gradually your full function will come back. Clutch a pillow to your abdomen when you're getting out of bed or up out of a chair - that sometimes helps. But try to walk as much as you can. I was pretty damn creaky for the first few days, but it eases quickly, and the more you move, the more you realize you CAN move, and the better you feel.
  9. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Teri! Nice to see you again! You've been doing great! I think another temptation with your Nashville trip (aside from, let's be frank, the INCREDIBLE barbecue) might be this idea that "Hey, I'm getting another fill when I get home, so, why not..." etc etc. It would be for me so, AVOID that! We know where your scale lives now - we need you back here on the 10th - impress us with your ability to lose weight, even on a vacation! You know you can do it. You'll be walking a lot - I say you'll be down 2 lbs come the 10th. But you could probably beat that if you tried...
  10. Fenton

    First 24 hours after my surgery

    Loprofyl! Nice to see you're still around! WTG on the WL, too!
  11. Fenton

    Exercising For Weight Loss

    Ooh, Hastings - Sweden! One of my favourite places to travel! I wonder what the calorie content of pickled herring is. Nice work on the weight loss. I have an Omron too - those things are great! I still carry it, even though I'm wearing a Bodybugg.
  12. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I swear to God, I've been wanting to say "More poi???" for a LONG time now. I'm participating in a writers conference in Hawaii next year, so my wish will finally come true.
  13. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Mylah, I'm sure it's tasty, but I'm actually not a salmon fan. Unless, of course, it's smoked or cured, and accompanied by a robust supporting cast that includes bagels, cream cheese, capers and chopped Bermuda onions... Kathy, whatever you're eating it seems to be the right thing, because you're losing at a really great rate. And I think busy makes an excellent point: the people who are posting are people who'll definitely lose. I think if you're still reading, still thinking about this stuff, you're still in the game, still involved in the weight loss experience. Sure, lbt is great for inspiration and information, but I think it's most useful feature is that we can INTERACT, check up on each other, goad each other on, wail when it's not going right - anything to keep us focused on what we're doing. So keep posting! And busy, I have to say that for me the best thing about going to Hawaii would be an opportunity to turn to someone at dinner and proffer a heaping bowl of mashed root vegetables and say, "More poi?"
  14. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Mylah, I have to say that, at the thought of mushy salmon, very watery, I threw up in my mouth a little bit...
  15. Fenton

    First 24 hours after my surgery

    Congrats, Greg! And it looks like you'd already made a great start on it. With the gas pain, you'll be amazed by how much walking helps. YOu might not feel like it now, but just getting up and walking will help the gas pain, plus burn calories - you'll feel a lot better for it.
  16. Fenton

    Exercising For Weight Loss

    I've restarted doing yoga, which is a really good thing. I have started (and will continue, for the forseeable future!) easily, doing Rodney Yee's 20 minute morning routine in AM YOGA FOR BEGINNERS, and now am easing into something called, I think, YOGA CONDITIONING FOR WEIGHT LOSS, with Suzanne Deason. The latter is a 45 + minute sequence, and a bit more demanding, but it's a very well-produced DVD: you can do the full-on sequence that the trainer does, or you can follow a modified routine, either a 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 less strain/effort than it would take to do the full routine. It's actually a pretty clever DVD - you can watch the group of four practitioners, each working at their own level, or you can select to watch just the person who's doing the routine at the level you want to follow. Yesterday evening I did the fully modified version, which offers support for your forward bends and less strenuous positions. Overall, it was a good balance, with some bits which were a little too easy, and some which tested my limits - at my size, holding one's hands over one's head, or stretched out horizontally, for prolonged lengths of time is very challenging indeed. Still, it was the first time in a while; one of the great things about the DVD is that as you strengthen, you can graduate to the next level of difficulty. And, if my previous experience is anything to go by, I'll move up fairly quickly as I gain in strength and flexibility. So, yeah, I think it's a great DVD - and only $8.49 at Amazon! $2.50 or so secondhand!
  17. Fenton

    Exercising For Weight Loss

    OUCH! Damn, dentists aren't fun at the Best of times... Get better soon! And good work on the WL, btw - almost halfway there!
  18. Fenton

    Okay Men...need some advice

    Sorry, jfran, I shouldn't be joking in your thread. But I'm not worried about you - you're a cutie. Give it some time, relax, and you'll get where you want to be....
  19. Fenton

    Okay Men...need some advice

    Haha! Too late! And weirdly, today some crazy woman beat me up just because I was flirting with her baby and her father!
  20. Fenton

    Anyone deal with panic/anxiety

    Also, if you're curious about what the experience will be like, up to and for the first few days after my band, I posted a lot - and pretty specifically - about what was going on in the Master Thread in the March 2008 monthly support group. A lot of people chimed in as they went through it, so there's plenty of really good advice there. You're among friends here, so relax, and enjoy the ride...
  21. Fenton

    Anyone deal with panic/anxiety

    Coondawg, you're going to be fine! The band is the best possible thing you could do for yourself. There may be a bump or two in the road to getting in shape, but you'll definitely get there if that's what you want. As far as anxiety attacks, lots of people have them. The nicotine probably doesn't help, but there's a good chance that even without the snuff, you'd still be having the attacks. If you haven't mentioned them to your private doctor, you should - he can give you some anti-anxiety medicine to take when you start to get panicky. As Jack says, many of the things you have problems with will be helped by the weight loss that comes with a band. And it sounds like you're on your way! Good luck on your journey, and hang around here and tell us how you're doing.
  22. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sharon! Nice work! More than a third of the way to goal, not that much more to go...
  23. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Christine, are you taking a fiber supplement like Benefiber or the generic equivalent? That would help with IBS or various post-banding irregularities...
  24. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Bratz, you're going to have to figure out a way to do it. If you can just get Thursday and Friday off, you'll have a four day stretch with the weekend. Rest up and get better. And! "Following the rules of the Band" might not be enough. Are you keeping a food diary? I think it would be worth it to journal the food you're taking in, your Protein consumption, your calorie consumption etc for a few days - you might be surprised...
  25. Fenton

    starting to get nervous

    We've ALL been through it, man - looking for help, making the decision to commit to banding, the pre-op testing, the jitters as the op gets closer - we know how it is! And we know you'll be fine - you're having a minor procedure that will not just save your life, it'll give it back to you. We've got your back!

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