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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Fenton

  1. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Annie, it seems to me that you've got a good handle on what's going on and why. My money says you'll have no problems negotiating this patch...
  2. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I agree about the risk of overweighing oneself, but I've been doing that quite a lot lately, mostly because I've had big enough meals the day before that I was worried I might have been affected. I also weigh myself at exactly the same time every weighing day, wearing exactly the same clothes, on the same scale. It does drive me mad that the Bodybugg program won't let you enter a weight more than once a week. I mean, I'm fine with once-a-week entries, but I think it should let you choose the specific date you want to enter that weight!
  3. Fenton

    Hello March Bandsters!

    Welcome aboard, wcm! I'm glad you found us. And Dolores - almost halfway there! NICE WORK!
  4. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I have to say that my own MiniGoal progress has been, so far, nothing short of DISASTROUS! It's the time of year we say goodbye to our old trainees, and hello to the new ones, and there's been a series of meals to Celebrate various departures. Yesterday, I had a special farewell lunch with someone I just adore, and we did it up far too right - beet Soup with yogurt sorbet, manchego cheese and chorizo balls, yellowtail with garlic sauce, snails with green Beans, bork loin with apple puree and wilted lettuces, then peach tart. I'd skipped Breakfast (sorry, chica, if it was you who twisted my arm into Daily Breakfasting!), and had a mini dinner, but it was still a calorie hit. That said, my calorie use for the day per my bodybugg was about 4200, so I didn't put ON anything, but, STILL! I'm supposed to be focusing! Then today I brought an abstemious chicken salad only to find that it wsa the ceremonial Last Meatball Submarine Sandwich Day. I had half a sub, and threw away most of the bread. I'm going to a concert downtown tonight; I'll walk there to use up a bit more energy. Argh. Tomorrow should be fine, but Thursday I have lunch with a food editor, at a good restaurant. I shall order wisely: as God is my witness, I'll always go hungry again!
  5. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    A-Dub, I agree with Penny's diagnosis of your problem, and have actually pinpointed the root cause: you're clearly suffering from withdrawal after finishing The Book. Your productive belching shall be my motivation to complete A HARD DEATH asap! I'm not 100% sure I follow you, though: if you're PB'ing everything, is anything staying down? Because if it's not, that would explain your situation - your body is HUNGRY! Are you able to get your Protein in? Welcome back, Christine - and great news on the imminent breach of 250! It won't be too long before you're zeroing in on Onederland, too... Lynn, I'm incredibly jealous of your Water aerobics class! That sounds really great. I'm staying with friends who have a pool next month, and I think I may try to develop my own version of water aerobics. Amanda, I think your trainer's advice sounds really solid. The idea of just focusing on the August event, getting yourself into tip-top shape for it, seems ideal!
  6. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    AND, on the subject of inspiration, I've watched this video several times today. I have to say I love it - it really emphasizes how similar we all are, all over the world. The commonality of human experience, the vast potential of human creativity. Plus it's funny. This is for the HD version, so give it a few seconds to load properly before pressing Play. And you can turn it into a fullscreen thing by clicking on the button to the right of the time line... Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) on Vimeo
  7. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Yay Amanda! That's fantastic! Inspirational, even!
  8. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Whoa! That's GREAT! First we have K-Pod with the kayaking and the bicycling, and now we have you, Amanda the Triathlete! When's your first event?
  9. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Evelas! CONGRATULATIONS!!! We need some kind of special emoticon or logo or graphic thing for when we hit Onederland. And we need it STAT! We've got some Onederlanders coming around the corner...
  10. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Thanks, Amanda - maybe a year or so down the road, when I'm the only Shrinking Shamrock left, I'll go over there, but for now I get the support and info I need here! GROUP HUG, Y'ALL! I had sangria at lunch; I appear to have been possessed by Britney Spears. And look at all of you heading into Onederland...!
  11. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Indeed, that's a very common pattern - both my brother AND my girlfriend had it. But it resolves when you come off the drug - you only take Chantix during the period when you're actually fighting the nicotine addiction, for perhaps a couple of months. As you say, forewarned is forearmed, and it's unquestionably worth a few weeks feeling crappy and sad in exchange for freedom from a severe smoking habit. Indeed, I don't think it's possible to stop smoking without feeling some strong emotional impact, no matter HOW you do it...
  12. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Gosh, Scrappy - 37 lbs! Keep up the good work! As far as smoking goes, my brother AND my ex-girlfriend quit on Chantix after having tried dozens of times to quit using other methods. Lots of people get good results with the patch, but Chantix is an effective back-up. It's not without side-effects, though!
  13. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I think that you have to recognize that the Dairy Queen HURTS you. You go there, and you think it's nice, but it's HURTING you, it's damaging you, it's stealing from you...
  14. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Yay for the patch! Between weight loss and kayaking and no longer smoking, I'm expecting you to be doing some kind of Iron Man event later this year... Also: How great to have TWO shamrocks racing towards Onederland! k-pod! K-pod! K-Pod! K-POD! K-POD!!! K-POD!!!
  15. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    In the grand "physician, heal thyself" tradition, I'm going to take my own advice. I've set myself a mini-goal: I'm heading down to Naples on July 19th - three weeks from now. If I can lose 13 pounds before I go, I'll have hit my 100 lb loss marker, which would feel cool. So! For the next 3 weeks, stricter consuming, and more exercise! MINIGOAL: 13 Pounds in 3 weeks...
  16. Fenton

    less than 24 hours to go!

    Sure as hell sounds like it! Congratulations on a smooth entry into the world of the banded!
  17. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Sharona, I sympathize - I ADORE ice cream! And I make the BEST ice creams and sorbets at home. However, I'm avoiding ice cream, because it's a classic Band Buster - it's soft, so it slips right by. I think you have a couple of options: 1. Pure will power, slam the door shut, no more ice cream 2. If you're going to go to Dairy Queen, go online and find out EXACTLY what it is you're taking. No, wait, I've done it for you: each small chocolate-dipped cone is listed on the DQ site as 340 calories. That'll be a conservative estimate, I suspect, to lull the customers into security - I'd bet it's more like 380 - 400 cals. OK, so know that each time you go to the DQ, no matter how "scrumdiddlyicious" it is, that little excess is costing you 340 plus calories. If you ARE going to have those cones, then you're going to have to figure out a way to burn those calories - and it won't be easy. SO much extra work just to get you back to a manageable intake/consumption status! 3. If you need to have ice cream, find a lower calorie brand - I think the ones discussed aren't bad, actually. The other advantage is that you can eat those and have a clearer sense of your caloric intake. 4. Substitute a non-ice cream treat - some fruit or a bowl of Cereal with skim milk and sweetener. Either of those are attractive examples because they'll keep you full longer because they have a lower glycemic index. Well, certainly the cereal will.
  18. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    A Mars bar is indeed like a Milky Way, K-Pod - like US TV, many of the best available chocolate bars are knock-offs of British originals, only not as well done. The actual cocoa content of US chocolate is so low that most of the bars couldn't legally be called "chocolate" in Europe; the ingredients are better quality, which is why people here will pay $2 for a UK chocolate bar the American equivalent of which costs 75 cents. But even UK chocolate is becoming poorer quality, I think.
  19. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I've never actually frozen a Mars bar. The other half is cooling in the fridge - I'll have it late tonight. I try to eat dinner early, 6-ish or so. I like that I have another 7 hours to burn up the calories - I usually go out after dinner, walk for 45 minutes or so.
  20. Fenton

    returning to work

    Also, you should bear in mind that for the first six weeks or so post-surgery, you should try not to lift more than 15 lbs. The surgical site heals pretty quickly, but you don't want to stretch it and develop a wound hernia there.
  21. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well, I have now had and enjoyed my half-Mars bar! And I have no regrets! Pat, I'm not sure that there IS a specific time frame for everything. The Zone Diet and Atkins usually recommend something just before bed - I think that because our livers, since they're in a chronic fasting state, have less starch stored, so it might be harder for the body to regulate the blood sugar without that late night snack, but I'm just speculating wildly. I think the issue is how YOU do with or without something before bed. Someone here - was it Amanda? Chica? Someone here browbeat me into having Breakfast every day, so now I have breakfast every day. And that works for me. My surgeon, who is banded, doesn't have anything but coffee for breakfast. YMMV! Personally, I have just primed my system with the chocolatey goodness of a half of a Mars Bar...
  22. Fenton

    new and ready

    Hey, Tonty, welcome aboard! Congrats on a GREAT decision! Feel free to ask anything that comes to mind - we've all been through it, and we'll all do our best to help you!
  23. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    I have been pretty good today in terms of total cals consumed (1400) and burned (3500 or so, according to my bodybugg). I am seriously craving a Mars Bar (one of the great things in NYC is that you can get anything you want whenever you want. A few blocks from my house there's a deli that sells chocolate imported from England, so, if I feel like a Mars Bar at 4AM, I just have to grab my umbrella and head out the door.) But that'd be about 220 cals, and I don't want to do that. So I'm making a promise here: I'm going to pick up my Mars Bar, and I'm going to have half of it tonight, and the other half tomorrow. And you must interrogate me tomorrow as to whether or not I stuck to that plan!
  24. Fenton

    Pre-OP Diet

    Now THAT is one motivated bandster!
  25. Fenton

    March Bandsters: MASTER THREAD

    Well, I think mostly it was because my companion forced me to go out to dinner with her; with other friends, or by myself, I'd have eaten a little differently and been a bit happier. I did my exercise, and my weigh-in this morning was fine. But, I know what you mean. I'm losing somewhere between 5 and 6 pounds a week (don't hate me - it's because I started at such a high weight, and take a lot of exercise!), and these excursions are a part of that weight loss. I'll have to radically alter them when crunch time comes, down the road a month or two...

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