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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Emmy

  1. My experience wasn't that great. He was no where to be found after I was discharged from the hospital. At the hotel on the second day, I was running a fever and we kept calling his cell, as well as his staffs, and finnally ended up calling the EMT's. They gave me another fever reducer and a pain killer. It was very scary because I didn't speak spanish, and the only ones who spoke Eng were the hotel staff and Docs. I would only recomend going if either, you take someone for support or speak fluent Spanish.
  2. Emmy

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I was bannded on Feb 15. I was doing great with healing and weight loss, but now I can eat almost anything. I'm hungry every couple of hours, not to mention how my mind wants to eat all the time. I have gained back 2lbs. I know I need to be more careful of the calories I take in, but getting over my thoughts is proving to be the biggest challenge. I know when to stop and haven't had anything get stuck, but this is so frustrating! Please tell me it gets better after a fill.
  3. Emmy

    Encouragement for all nervous newbies

    Yeah! This makes me feel so much better. I was banded by Dr. Rumbaut on the 15th of Feb. I finally get to eat solids! Thank god! I had some cottage cheese today...what an experience. I don't think pre band, I ever chewed cottage cheese. I'm so motivated though! I started walking again. I walk along the waterfront with my daughter and dog. It's so peaceful, I've missed it. I'm thankful for this web site, reading what everyone else is going through, and that I'm the same!
  4. :clap2: I was bannded on 2/15/07! I'm so excited about it. I've already lost 17lbs thanks to the full liquid! Woo hoo!
  5. Hey Donna, I'm leaving tonight for my surgey with Dr. Rumbaut. I'll be back on Sunday the 18th and let you know how it went. Im so excited and nervous!

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