Ok Elcee, I never said I wasn't going to eat animal protein, fat or starch. I said these were not "the best choices" "for the most part"According to my nutritionist and Surgeon, fish, Beans, legumes, nuts, tofu, eggs/egg whites, vegetables such as avocados are great sources of healthy protein and Fat. Protein powder is good too. My surgeon is happy to know that I prefer these protein choices rather than red meat. Yours may feel differently. "choices" And yes, I am aware that we need to have fat in our diets. You repeated what I said, which is that it is important to choose the RIGHT type of fat. Choose the RIGHT type of food. So, thank you for agreeing with my whole point. "Choices" "Moderation and choices".
What I read was not just the title of the thread but the question, which was, "I am pre surgery and I want to go food shopping before hand but don't know what I need" I thought she meant post surgery meals. Foods to buy for post surgery. When I read the answer about corned beef, gravy, chicken nuggets and deep fried mushrooms, I disagreed that those were good choices "FOR THE MOST PART". I still disagree. I am entitled to disagree and to give my opinion. Thank you, JEN