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Posts posted by Sojourner

  1. A band that is too tight may lead to unanticipated complications. That is a reality that many Bandsters do not consider when in the process of seeking the "green zone".

    My surgeon was very conservative with fills, and I chose to go along with his expert medical opinion to go slow with fills. It was also very important to me to be able to take my medications without risk of getting them stuck. So, keeping my band a bit on the loose side was my priority and preference.

  2. Lettuce does not have much nutritional value, so when I consider eating "salad", I usually skip the lettuce and have a few pieces of carrot, Tomato, or cucumber.

    I miss my salads, but the rules now are for Protein first. A typical salad meal for me would be a small portion of grilled chicken, and for carbs a slice of tomato, carrot, and cucumber.

    I also keep any dressing on the side and dip the veggies in the dressing sparingly. You get all the taste without the excessive calories.

  3. hi, this isnt brought up as a criticism of anyone. it happens to unbanded people in fact it is why i want one in part, regaining weight. hitting your goal, something in your life changes and we start gaining again. what surprises me is reading about people who are banded that get an unfill and report gaining quickly 20-30 lbs or more.

    the apprehension i have a week or so out from getting my band is ridiculous, i'm not only afraid i'll overeat and damage the band but the really disturbing thought is i'll miss being able to over eat. i should mention the flip side of that thought is liberating, being free of that sick feeling and life revolving around food.

    so, with the band do habits really change, do some of us too easily revert to overeating when restriction is removed or is there a long term change to metabolism that results in weight gain if we return to eating normal amount of calories?

    An excellent question, which tells me that you are strongly engaged in understanding what you need to do to make your weight loss journey a successful one.

    The major part of weight loss success is the psychology behind your eating habits, and changing your relationship with food. You have to "get your head in the game", and become aware of your thoughts and everything which goes into your mouth.

    For many obese people, the reasons they are obese is because they have used food to cope with their feelings and life stress, or even boredom. They likely have lived to eat, not the other way around. We must adopt the mindset that we eat to live.

    We need to develop alternative coping skills to modify our eating behaviors. Instead of reaching for empty calorie junk foods when you feel the need to eat, reach for your walking shoes and exercise clothing.

    Another aspect we need to modify is understanding the difference between "head hunger" and authentic hunger. When we are experiencing head hunger, we must learn that there are alternatives to eating. I now have the most organized closets and drawers ever...projects around the house are wonderful to distract my thoughts and keeps me busy on things which I will appreciate later.

    I have had my band totally unfilled since June, and I have managed to continue to lose weight. I had to take more responsibility for managing my hunger and make a commitment to exercise on a regular basis. It is working for me. Also, for the first 14 weeks post op, I did not have any fills, and also lost weight. I was using the same mindset I have now to continue my weight loss journey.

    My reward will come when I reach my goal weight, but I am not focused on my goal. I stay focused on taking a day at a time with compliance to following Bandster rules. For me, that is what helps me to maintain a serene but determined mindset for success.

    Others mileage vary on all topics, but this is what has continued to work for me.

    Best wishes for a successful journey...

  4. I developed gastritis after 4 taking doses of liquid NASIDS, 2 taken in

    December, and 2 the following February. I took the medication with my surgeon's permission. The side effects were painful, and I never want to experience that again. It required a 2 month regimen of medication to recover.

    I was advised that if I got anything stuck, I was to return to a total liquid diet for the rest of that day, and the following day only eat those foods which have a lower risk for getting stuck. And remember the rules about chewing.

    After a stuck episode, the pouch is understandably irritated and needs a rest with a liquid diet. I rarely got anything stuck, but I felt better just on liquids for a day.

    I conduct a cost/risk benefit analysis when it comes to medical related decisions. I would much rather be conservative with liquids, than risk any possible complications later.

    Other's mileage on the topic does vary...

  5. I'm 12 days post op...I've been doing pretty good as far as eating...until last night ! I'm on creamies and mushies...so I've been doing Soups and pudding and mashed potatoes and grits...I was visiting my sister last night and they were eating the one thing I've been saying I wanted so bad...pizza ! Somehow in my brain I figured I can maybe eat just the cheese and pepperoni..I was thinking cheese is mushy when it's melted right ? Well the first two swallows went down and I was thinking yay..then the third got stuck ! Terrible feeling...I drank some Water and could actually feel it going around what was stuck but thank goodness it went down....LESSON LEARNED...I know my stomach is still healing and I know I wasn't ready...I will not waiver from my planned diet during the healing process again...I laid in bed last night thinking there are really going to be certain foods I may never eat again...I woke up very sad...and I've been crying ever since...I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I'm crying over food...food is everywhere and everyone is just eating and taking big bites and swallowing with no problem...eating whatever they want and how much they want...excuse the pity party...food has been the way I cope for so long...I'm an emotional eater and a binge eater.....the healing process in my head is going to take way longer than my body ! I choose this...I do not regret it..it's gonna be a process and not an easy one...I'm just glad that I can post on here and get it out and not feel judged because I know you guys have been there and some may feel the same. Lord give me strength !

    I'm 12 days post op...I've been doing pretty good as far as eating...until last night ! I'm on creamies and mushies...so I've been doing soups and pudding and mashed potatoes and grits...I was visiting my sister last night and they were eating the one thing I've been saying I wanted so bad...pizza ! Somehow in my brain I figured I can maybe eat just the cheese and pepperoni..I was thinking cheese is mushy when it's melted right ? Well the first two swallows went down and I was thinking yay..then the third got stuck ! Terrible feeling...I drank some Water and could actually feel it going around what was stuck but thank goodness it went down....LESSON LEARNED...I know my stomach is still healing and I know I wasn't ready...I will not waiver from my planned diet during the healing process again...I laid in bed last night thinking there are really going to be certain foods I may never eat again...I woke up very sad...and I've been crying ever since...I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I'm crying over food...food is everywhere and everyone is just eating and taking big bites and swallowing with no problem...eating whatever they want and how much they want...excuse the pity party...food has been the way I cope for so long...I'm an emotional eater and a binge eater.....the healing process in my head is going to take way longer than my body ! I choose this...I do not regret it..it's gonna be a process and not an easy one...I'm just glad that I can post on here and get it out and not feel judged because I know you guys have been there and some may feel the same. Lord give me strength !

    You are absolutely correct to identify your feelings as mourning. For obese people, food is often turn to food to cope with stress, boredom, and other situations. For the weight loss journey to be successful, it is necessary to identify and put intoractoce alternative ways to cope with our feelings and life stress, and change our relationship with food. We must learn to eat to live, not live to eat.

    While it is correct that there will be some foods which you may never be able to eat again, over time I have been able to eat just about anything I did before my band is placed. Favorites such as broccoli cooked the way I like it, asparagus, and fresh pineapple are no longer tolerated. But very thin crust pizza is ok ( I've had 2 pieces in 18 months), among other questionable food choices.

    We usually can eat just about anything post band, but just because we can eat something does not mean that we should. I understand the temptations all around us. Sometimes we just have to be content with a bite instead of an entire piece of pizza.

    My post is from the perspective of someone who has been banded for awhile, and not just post op. At present, it is essential that you adhere closely to the post op stages recommended by your surgeon.

    The future with food choices is not totally bleak, but you must understand your trigger foods and avoid them if you cannot be satisfied with a bite.

  6. I'm 12 days post op...I've been doing pretty good as far as eating...until last night ! I'm on creamies and mushies...so I've been doing Soups and pudding and mashed potatoes and grits...I was visiting my sister last night and they were eating the one thing I've been saying I wanted so bad...pizza ! Somehow in my brain I figured I can maybe eat just the cheese and pepperoni..I was thinking cheese is mushy when it's melted right ? Well the first two swallows went down and I was thinking yay..then the third got stuck ! Terrible feeling...I drank some Water and could actually feel it going around what was stuck but thank goodness it went down....LESSON LEARNED...I know my stomach is still healing and I know I wasn't ready...I will not waiver from my planned diet during the healing process again...I laid in bed last night thinking there are really going to be certain foods I may never eat again...I woke up very sad...and I've been crying ever since...I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I'm crying over food...food is everywhere and everyone is just eating and taking big bites and swallowing with no problem...eating whatever they want and how much they want...excuse the pity party...food has been the way I cope for so long...I'm an emotional eater and a binge eater.....the healing process in my head is going to take way longer than my body ! I choose this...I do not regret it..it's gonna be a process and not an easy one...I'm just glad that I can post on here and get it out and not feel judged because I know you guys have been there and some may feel the same. Lord give me strength !

    I'm 12 days post op...I've been doing pretty good as far as eating...until last night ! I'm on creamies and mushies...so I've been doing soups and pudding and mashed potatoes and grits...I was visiting my sister last night and they were eating the one thing I've been saying I wanted so bad...pizza ! Somehow in my brain I figured I can maybe eat just the cheese and pepperoni..I was thinking cheese is mushy when it's melted right ? Well the first two swallows went down and I was thinking yay..then the third got stuck ! Terrible feeling...I drank some Water and could actually feel it going around what was stuck but thank goodness it went down....LESSON LEARNED...I know my stomach is still healing and I know I wasn't ready...I will not waiver from my planned diet during the healing process again...I laid in bed last night thinking there are really going to be certain foods I may never eat again...I woke up very sad...and I've been crying ever since...I feel ashamed and embarrassed that I'm crying over food...food is everywhere and everyone is just eating and taking big bites and swallowing with no problem...eating whatever they want and how much they want...excuse the pity party...food has been the way I cope for so long...I'm an emotional eater and a binge eater.....the healing process in my head is going to take way longer than my body ! I choose this...I do not regret it..it's gonna be a process and not an easy one...I'm just glad that I can post on here and get it out and not feel judged because I know you guys have been there and some may feel the same. Lord give me strength !

    You are absolutely correct to identify your feelings as mourning. For obese people, food is often turn to food to cope with stress, boredom, and other situations. For the weight loss journey to be successful, it is necessary to identify and put intoractoce alternative ways to cope with our feelings and life stress, and change our relationship with food. We must learn to eat to live, not live to eat.

    While it is correct that there will be some foods which you may never be able to eat again, over time I have been able to eat just about anything I did before my band is placed. Favorites such as broccoli cooked the way I like it, asparagus, and fresh pineapple are no longer tolerated. But very thin crust pizza is ok ( I've had 2 pieces in 18 months), among other questionable food choices.

    We usually can eat just about anything post band, but just because we can eat something does not mean that we should. I understand the temptations all around us. Sometimes we just have to be content with a bite instead of an entire piece of pizza.

    My post is from the perspective of someone who has been banded for awhile, and not just post op. At present, it is essential that you adhere closely to the post op stages recommended by your surgeon.

    The future with food choices is not totally bleak, but you must understand your trigger foods and avoid them if you cannot be satisfied with a bite.

  7. And another motivation can be once you see that you are losing weight, setting short term realistic goals to keep you engaged in your weight loss journey.

    During the first 12 months following placement of my band, I had 3 surgeries, the recovery from two of which I had to be essentially a couch potato for 6 weeks. I was depressed because of my inability to engage in exercise. Then several weeks post op, with my ortho physician's blessing, I discovered I could use a recumbent bicycle. My mood improved dramatically...and I was back on track again.

    Now that we have moved to a cooler climate, I am able to get to the fitness center 5-6 days a week for at least an hour of cardio. I feel restless if I have to miss out on "my time" at the gym, as now it is a habit for me.

    Seeing the scale move in the right direction, even slowly, is the motivation which keeps me going with diet compliance and exercise.

    And the changes which take place with seeing the possibilities of a healthier and more fit you are excellent motivators as well.

    We can all be successful if we keep our focus on the rewards of improved health and mobility. Some days are more difficult than others...but maintaining focus also helps to maintain motivation!

    Best wishes for continuing success!

  8. We all know that we are not able to influence the way other people believe, think, say, or do.

    The best protection against being offended or made angry is to "make your skin thicker", consider the source for the offending remarks, and then move on. You likely will never encounter that person again...let it go.

    Staying angry over something hurtful like you encountered means that you have given away your power to choose to another who does not deserve it.

    She likely has already forgotten about the incident...but you are still feeling offended. Does that make sense?

    Keep focused on your path...that is the choice you can make, and feel sorry for the immature woman.

  9. It's now been two years since I had the lapband surgery done. For a year and a 1/2 i struggled with eating. I was throwing up almost on a daily basis. After a total and complete meltdown I finally decided 6 months ago to have all the Fluid removed and now i'm just saving my money to have the lapband taken out.

    I wish I had a success story, but this simply didn't work for me.

    It's now been two years since I had the lapband surgery done. For a year and a 1/2 i struggled with eating. I was throwing up almost on a daily basis. After a total and complete meltdown I finally decided 6 months ago to have all the Fluid removed and now i'm just saving my money to have the lapband taken out.

    I wish I had a success story, but this simply didn't work for me.

    I am sorry to read your post. Did you ever find out the reasons for having so many difficulties with eating?

    Success with a band means "having your head in the game", and sometimes the psychology part is more difficult than the physiological aspects of band life.

    Having your band emptied of all fluid does not necessarily mean the end of your journey. I have had my band empty for 4 months now, and I have been able to continue to lose weight. Not at the pace I did earlier, but I am approaching my goal weight now.

    Perhaps if you continued to follow the eating rules, and made a commitment to exercise you can still be a success story. I know that the only way I will reach my goal weight is with continuing to exercise.

    The band is a highly self empowering tool...you can still be the success you wanted to be.

    Best wishes with whatever path you choose...

  10. I believe all of us have had to learn how to do this at some point...what has helped me is to have an awareness of what I am doing, I refer to it as mindful eating.

    I use a smaller salad fork and look at every bite to be certain it is a small one. I count to make certain that I chew each bite at least 20 times, sometimes more if necessary. I put my fork down for 20 seconds between bites, no exceptions.

    These suggestions may sound like an oversimplification of the obvious, but they have helped me slow down eating my meals.

    Be certain to follow your surgeons directions regarding how long a meal should last. I was advised that I need to stop eating after 20 minutes.

  11. Hi everyone. About a week or so post op I started getting a single hiccup, sometimes up to three times a day and some days I don't get it at all. It's such an odd thing for me. It doesn't happen immediately after I have eaten, perhaps up to an hour after. I am currently 4 weeks post op and have started on solids. Any ever experienced this/ could shed some light please?

    The only hiccups I experience are ones that are a "soft sign" for me to stop eating at mealtime.

  12. I can keep some down for awhile. Do best with ice......... What could cause this all of a sudden?

    It is possible that your band may be too tight. I am not a doctor, but I have experienced similar symptoms, and I strongly encourage you to call your surgeon to advise you ASAP.

  13. Regurgitating after you lay down and are asleep may be a symptom of reflux. This is nothing to ignore.

    If you are unable to keep anything down, you are at risk for dehydration. Ice chips are helpful, but your body needs hydration.

    I strongly encourage you to call your surgeon's office ASAP for further instructions. A month after having my band placed I was not aware that I had become dehydrated and ended up in the hospital.

    I hope you will feel better fast. Good luck.

  14. Thank you for sharing your experiences and insights with us...

    Congratulations on your success, and encouragement to others. In today's fast paced society, patience and perserverence are not readily subscribed to. But for the weight loss journey with a band, that is what is required.

    Awesome job...and an inspiration to many others!

  15. Would like to get an idea of what amount of weight people lose in the first 6 weeks. Kinda get a average. I am having my band done in a couple weeks and I am just curious

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

    That's a question nearly impossible to answer, as we are individuals, and we begin our weight loss journey from different starting points, and with different contributing factors which have an effect on weight loss.

    The most important thing to remember, the first 6 weeks post op are regarded to be for healing and not weight loss. You have had a significant surgery, and you have to heal from the initial trauma and swelling.

    If you follow the post op directions given to you by your surgeon, the weight loss will come after the healing.

    Best wishes for a successful weight loss journey...

  16. Hi, I'm Abby. Wasn't exactly sure where to post this as didn't think it would be appropriate in newly banded for new bandsters that are learning like me. If anyone has any advice, please help! I know there are several topics on heartburn AFTER a patient has been too tight or has had fills but I haven't had anything in my band.

    My lapband surgery date was 9/13/13. I had the AP-L band with no Fluid placed in band. I did have hiatial hernia repair 3 x 4 CM. Today is my 14 day post op and I am having heartburn. I did not have heartburn at all the first week post op. I do not lay down after meals, so I know it is not related to that. I also have ONLY had Water to drink for fluids since day 8 and forward from surgery.

    I had my post op appointment this last Wednesday (9/25) with the nurse. I had only had one bad heartburn experience the past weekend and thought it was an isolated incident but still mentioned it. She suggested that I trial prilosec for about a month or so until the swelling subsides from the surgery.

    I just wanted to give you some background information and what I’ve been doing so you have all the info.

    Prior to surgery, I probably have had heartburn 5-10 times in my life that I can recall. The only thing that triggered it was if I drank more than two glasses of alcohol which was a rare occasion. I was never sensitive to any other types of food. It was also relieved by taking two tums within 10-30 minutes.

    My first week post-op I was unable to burp for 6-7 days. Every time I had the pressure to burp, I was unable to for some reason. Starting day 6-7 and forward I burp multiple times throughout the day. I don’t know if that’s a factor since it opens up the Lower esophageal sphincter. I do try to not gulp air and try to SIP my Water.< /p>

    My first heartburn experience was on day 8, first day of pureed/soft type foods per surgeon guidelines. I had three bites of lowfat cottage cheese at 12:00 p.m. I tolerated that fine. I had no other food and only sipped on water starting at 1:00 p.m. At 3:30 p.m., I developed heartburn that lasted until 7:00 pm. I took two tums and a chewable prevacid around 5:00, the heartburn finally relieved itself two hours after that.

    I had no episode of heartburn on Sunday.

    On Monday I had very mild heartburn that lasted about 1-2 hours and then went away.

    No episode on Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Yesterday Thursday (9/26) I had heartburn from 4:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. I did have ¼ of Tomato Soup at noon but had no symptoms of heartburn and had Tomato Soup previous days without problems (I understand this is acidic) At 3:30, I ate two ounces of tuna fish and 1 low fat laughing cow cheese wedge. At 4:00 p.m., I had heartburn. I took two tums and prevacid at 4:30 without relief. I continued to sip my water but no other food. At 8:30 I took two more tums and then Pepto-Bismol. Had no relief. Finally at 9:30 I started to drink my Protein shake (only water and whey protein) and I had relief. I was afraid to try any more food even though I was hungry in fear of having heartburn all night.

    This morning I woke up around 8:30 a.m. with heartburn. It is my third day of omeprazole.

    I’m really upset as it is uncomfortable, I had no problems of reflux prior to surgery AND I had a hernia repair. My throat and esophagus feel irritated now and then to have another episode makes it more irritated than the initial episodes. I don’t know if there is something wrong but this is NOT normal for me. If this is related to swelling from the surgery, wouldn't of I experienced it the first week? Or no?

    I have NO night cough, no nausea, no vomiting. I also don't feel gastric juices in my throat. Just a "burn" from my sternum to my throat area. I've had minimal hunger since surgery. Maybe feel hungry once a day. I am eating roughly 500-700 calories this week. I have tolerated swallowing everything I've tried. No PB or slime. I've tried Protein shakes (only water and whey stirred), broths, blended Soups, lowfat cottage cheese, refried Beans, greek yogurt, pudding, tuna fish, laughing cow cheese wedge, and Peanut Butter.

    Is there a reason post op with no Fluid in the band why I would be experiencing this? :(. I left a voicemail to make an appointment with the surgeon but seeing if in the meantime someone else had a solution. Thanks.


    It sounds like you have been given good advice already.

    The only information I would like to add is that it should help to stay away from acidic foods. I cannot tolerate anything made with tomatoes since being banded, as I have noticed a definite causal relationship between tomato products and development of heartburn.

    Another thing to help you is to look for a pattern with foods you eat and the development of heartburn. Knowledge is power...and it can help you feel better!

  17. I am two weeks post-op and down about 20 pounds. I have about 35 pounds to go before I break into "ONE-derland". There are about 18 weeks left in this year. Is it realistic to set a goal to lose 35 pounds in that amount of time? I know the band should help you lose 1-2 pounds a week, providing you do your part and follow the rules, but if I set this goal for myself am I possibly setting myself up for disappointment? I am a big believer in setting attainable goals, and not over-reaching. But I don't know if this is attainable or if I should set a more realistic goal!!! Any thoughts??

    Initial weight loss rates will slow over time.

    When setting goals it is important to keep them realistic so that psychologically you do not set yourself up for disappointment. Excess pressures to reach a goal which may be out of reach may create excess stress.

    If you know that you are someone who works well under pressure, it may be the right choice. Through my journey, I have not set anything but short term goals...and prefer to just take a day at a time. That works for me.

    Do whatever works for you. Good luck!

  18. Janet...

    Why do keep those crazy hours? Most of all, I wish you quality sleep...

    I have tried my best to be a "morning person"...I gave up. Not going to happen...

    Hope all are well...and getting their sleep!

  19. Hi Michelle....and Nicole if you are out there...

    I hope the studying is coming along well...what is the date for the exam? Good luck!

    Nicole, I hope most if not all family issues are now behind you...and that the days ahead will be calm for you.

    I guess my new mission in forum life is to antagonize nana...I really have concerns when unqualified people issue medical diagnoses and devise treatment plans.

    A qualified physician waits to at least examine a patient before taking those steps...

    Keeps retired life interesting...

  20. Reflux and coughing at night = BAD

    Means either a little saline removed or all of the saline removed or band removed/fixed, depending on the severity.

    Could be a dilated pouch, dilated esophagus, Hiatal hernia, slipped band, or just too tight.

    Good luck

    Thank you Dr. Most physicians examine the patient before issuing their diagnosis and determining their treatment plan. J/S

  21. As per my surgeon, if you have a stomach virus, and you are going to vomit, there is really no way to stop it from happening. In my experience, anti-nausea medications will not stay down if you have a stomach virus.

    I did come down with such a virus after being exposed to my son and caring for my 2 young grandsons last Fall. I vomited several times (tmi), and the following day went in for a partial unfill. I stayed with a liquid diet for several days and had no residual ill effects from the episode.

    It is best to avoid vomiting if you are able, but sometimes it is not possible. Lower your chances of contracting the virus by washing your hands often and keeping them away from your face.

  22. Hi all..

    I have been banded since April 2012 and have been very successful so far. I love my band and have worked hard to lose 53 pounds....yeah!!! The past two weeks I have had some acid reflux at night and some "night cough". Last night was the worst! I don't think my band is too tight and I am not eating late. I

    Luckily I have an appt with my doctor tomorrow to see what he says. I cannot go another night thru that hell. Does anyone have any ideas? This is normal for some people right? I also tend to get some gurgling noises during the day in my throat...

    Please help!!!!

    What you are describing is NOT normal for someone with a band. Coughing at night is often a symptom of reflux, and it can increase the risk for aspiration pneumonia.

    It is great that you will be seeing your doctor tomorrow.

    Eating too close to bed time is not the only factor to cause nighttime reflux. Even drinking fluids close to bedtime can increase nighttime reflux.

    I have experienced those symptoms, and the only relief I have had is to limit eating to no less than 3 hours before bedtime. I also wait 1-1.5 hours after taking my evening medications before going to sleep.< /p>

    These symptoms should be addressed ASAP, as if not resolved could lead to additional issues with your band.

    Best wishes to feel better...

  23. Ive been very stressed out lately.. wedding planning and other personal things.

    Does stress make anyones band tighter? Also the reason im thinking its stress becuase after my fill last time i was ok then when i sit and think about it ever sice ive started all this planning i feel like i get stuck on everything i eat...

    ive also noticed that during the morning im super tight then late at night i could even everything under the sun if i wanted..

    im pretty sure thats not totally normal

    I have a dr. appointment on friday. just thought id ask everyone here. i feel all i want to eat is Soup and mashed potatoes and coffee. i have no appetite for anything like chicken, pork, nothing solid..

    What you are describing is totally normal...for the situation.

    When I am stressed, such as driving, sometimes not always it is impossible for me to sip Water comfortably because I feel additional stress when I drive.

    Other Bandsters have posted that their bands are much tighter in the morning. I have never experienced that feeling. I am told by knowledgable others that sipping a hot beverage in the morning helps to get the band to feel less tight.

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