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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PAenergy

  1. PAenergy

    This Is Not For Everyone!

    Thanks for sharing the video.
  2. PAenergy

    Wow...who Would Have Thought?

    You are on your way now!! I'm schedule only 3 days after you. I pray all goes well for you and ldjfairfax on the 2nd. I know you'll keep us updated.
  3. PAenergy

    What Up Jersey!

    Hello everyone!! I'm in Camden County NJ and am scheduled to have my lap band survey done at Cooper Hospital on 4/5/12. I am so ready to start my journey.
  4. PAenergy

    Introductions? Yes Please

    It's wonderful to see this group up and running in full force. My name is Hasana and I'm scheduled for lap band surgery on 4/5/12. I'm a 39 year old single mother (of a 13 y/o boy) who lives in south jersey. I, like many of you, have gone from overweight to obese to morbidly obese during the course of my entire adult life. It also extends back into my childhood. I first considered lap band surgery in 2006, but learned of the different insurance obstacles that I had to face. Bottom line, I was not mentally ready to take this journey then. As I am approaching my 40s and have seen many of my family members develop hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and high cholesterol, all initially diagnosed while they were in their 40s, I've decided IT'S TIME TO MAKE A SERIOUS AND PERMANENT CHANGE. I'm ready now. I'm a physician assistant and see cardiac patients day in and day out. Despite my own obesity struggle, I always including counseling about weight loss/nutrition and it's importance in cardiac health. It has taken this long for reality to fully set in and for me to take charge of my own "risk factors". I have been on so many diets over these years and always loosing just to gain even more back due to my inability to maintain the lifestyle. I also seem to have a voracious appetite and often eat in excess. I'm am looking forward to this lap band being the tool to help limit my portions and physically assist with hunger control. I'll be working mental aspects of hunger control as well. I'm so excited to be here gaining practical knowledge and support through others heading down the same road. I look forward to giving that support back in return. We Can Do This!!!
  5. Congratulations to you both B-52 and Mau134!!! One of you is in the maintenance mode and the other is starting the lap banded weight loss journey. It's wonderful seeing the different stages of the journey being played out in one place. Mau134, I'm glad things went well. Sorry to hear about the discomfort still, but it sounds like you're working through it. Are you using the Gas-x strips or did your surgeon recommend something else? Wow, B-52, I know you are proud of yourself and so are we. I you had to attribute your success to one or 2 thing, what would they be?
  6. PAenergy

    1St Appointment On Monday

    I hope all is going well Bean<3. You are right all these pre-op appointments are insane, but surely worth it to get to our goal of getting lap banded and loosing the weight. I'm through the bulk now and waiting for them to submit it to insurance.
  7. Hi Jersey Bandsters. I know this topic was started more than 6 months ago, but I'm newer to the site and figured someone may still be following this. I'm a southern jersey girl (born and raised) and currently in Laurel Springs. This site seems to be a great way to connect with other lap banders. I am pre-op (scheduled 4/5/12) and believe I could really benefit from having a local mentor/lap band buddy.
  8. PAenergy

    Want To Be A Buddy/ Mentor

    I could really use a mentor/buddy. I am still pre-op and scheduled 4/5/12. I'm in Camden county, NJ.
  9. PAenergy

    Almost Died In Lap Band Surgery

    Wow, the aorta is a major vessel. Sorry to hear about your complication. I'm glad you came through it and are doing well. Congrats on the weight loss and I'm glad your wife did well. mags2u is right, get all the records and consider at least talking to a lawyer.
  10. PAenergy

    Less Than 24 Hours Now...

    It will all be worth it!!! I'll send up a prayer for ya.
  11. Happy Bandiversary!! Thank you so much for the inspirational words.
  12. PAenergy

    Depo Shot And Lapband

    I wish I could answer your question. I actually have the same question. Depo provera has been the most effective and convenient form of birth control for me over the last 10-12 years. It's also be been a part of my 50 lb weight gain over that period. Of course the larger part of my weight gain was due to my unhealthy eating habits and inactivity. My banding isn't until April 2012, but I would somewhere down the line like to consider going back on it. I know that I have to get my lifestyle (food and activity) under much better control first.
  13. PAenergy

    First Appt Tomorrow!!

    I hope all went well today. I saw Dr. Patel and Dawn 2 weeks ago and start all my pre-op appointments on Sunday. My tentative surgery date is 4/5/2012.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
