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Posts posted by o2bthin

  1. (((Karla))) Sounds like hubby is feeling threatened by your new-found energy, confidence and independence and is just trying to guilt you where it counts. Guys are like that. Haven't met one yet that isn't. Their tiny worlds get out of kilter and they're reduced to sniveley little babies. :::::No guys are reading this right?::::: Sorry CD! Sounds like he really loves you and is maybe afraid of losing you. At least he apologized....more than mine does. Mine just sabotages me with his constant self-medicating food addiction. He's gained 20 pounds (he's still looking healthy though) since my banding and he's not giving in one inch....refuses to exercise too. It's like my world might change but his won't. I am planning on taking him on a bike ride his next day off so he can feel the pain! ::::evil laugh::::

    Speaking of sabotaging.....after my two bike rides......and feeling mighty lean and mean today....I made my favorite Cookies and ummmm......indulged! Me bad!

  2. Got a goooood fill yesterday. I now have 8.5 in my 10cc band. Today I had a 4oz Activia yogurt for lunch and after approx 3oz of it I was full. Took me 3 hours to drink my 12oz Protein Shake this morning. :lol: I'm excited!! I really want this fill to be the MAGICAL one for me like the fill I had in Sept that worked good for 3 months!! Lol.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Wow, that's some fill. I hope it does the trick for you. NO MORE POTATO chips though, ya hear?

    I am trying to ride my bike, and stay off Snacks. I rode about 15 miles today...not all my choice.....my daughter wanted to ride to her bf's. I called dh on the last 5 miles to come pick me up...wimp....but he didn't answer his phone. All uphill on the way home. LOL My restriction has lifted and I can eat almost anything I want and it all goes right through. I am starting to wonder if I have a leak. Probably not though...this is about the timeframe for me to need another fill. I'll be getting one on the 16th and hope I don't have any problems. It's going to be 35# until I get to Onederland. oh well.....at least I know it can be done hearing everyone else is getting there too....whooohoo!

    Have a good weekend all!

  3. Stef, feel free to put me on your "butt-kickin' list" because I sure could use it. I'm getting nothing accomplished. I'm so mad at myself that I hate looking in the mirror any more. Is that just too depressing for words? I would rather be the cheerleader, but I ain't feeling it. I take care of everyone but myself, and when something is going on in my family I nurture and nurture, and then eat to numb myself out....I swear sometimes I just hate myself and eat to sabotage my progress. UGH! Too late to be posting.....hopefully I'll feel better in the mornings. Yes, Stef, feel free...or please add me to your motivational "gettttt offfff your buttttt" texts and emails!! Maybe some good old fashioned guilt will do the trick! <VBG>

  4. Insub, I'm going to tell you what you already know...you are SO lucky your band didn't slip. VERY very very lucky. Sometimes we're so desperate to lose weight and prove our band can work for us and we can do it, we'll risk life and limb (band) to do it. It's so not worth it, as you have learned. On a second note, I'm so glad you were able to make it to the doctor and get the unfill. When this happened to me, and it wasn't to this degree, I had someone drive me!! I have to remind myself now that slow and steady wins the race!

    (((((((Stef)))))) I can so relate. I hope you're feeling more on top of things. We all have our moments. Sometimes you have to indulge those feelings and be reminded that you can reach out to others for comfort and support. I'm know that you're surrounded by a loving family.

    I started on the Byetta yesterday. Wow, does it make me tired. When I took my evening dose, I also felt a bit nauseous. I hope those symptoms will lessen. My weight it up about 8 pounds from Saturday.....probably the ham I have been eating 3 meals a day! lol

    And.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me!! Have a great day everyone!

  5. People probably find out they're diabetics *after their surgery because they're taking better care of themselves and getting more medical care, and they are finally diagnosed with a condition that existed all along. I know I resisted getting "tagged with diabetes" for several years, and even quit one of my doctors and found another one....serious denial going on!

    I see my doc tomorrow, and I'm getting the Byetta. I had my blood drawn, so I'll get my new A1C number (it tells you your average blood sugars for the past 3 months so you know if your diabetes is improving or not) so I'll know if a 50# loss made much difference. I honestly don't expect there to be much improvement. Something tells me my body is going kaputz with the insulin production/sugar metabolism, especially if I have any amount of alcohol. I was blacking out for the first time in 20 years when I'd have more than 3 glasses of wine...now that's not a good thing.....very scary and has made me very paranoid about having anything to drink. I know I know, wine is not in my bandster diet rules, but oh well. I'm really getting psyched to lose the next 30 pounds, whatever it takes, yes even hauling my onion up on my bike.

  6. I'm sensing a theme here....no ice cream!! lol I've been trying like heck to abstain from sugar this week to encourage my 19 yo. He's been having a tough time and his weight has been creeping up. Come to think of it, so has dh's. WTH? So we are all trying to cut out the junk. It's amazing how much of it can creep back in and you don't realize it until you tell yourself NO JUNK! I'm so ready for these next 35 pounds to come off...don't know why I'm waiting.....what is wrong with me? If I could cut it out, I would prob lose without working out. I'm soooo not ready to get my big ass on my bike!

    My fill is starting to loosen up too. The prob with getting a fill is I am just now getting over the excruciating heartburn. Does anyone else get that? It's not that I can't eat, it's slow going and can only eat a little, but the heartburn is something else.

  7. Is anyone else having trouble getting their Water in? I'm starting to hate the taste of just plain water. Since I can't drink with meals, or before.....or after.....okay so when? I'm sure the only fluids I'm getting are from my coffee (a dehydrater) and water from foods....salads, etc. I find myself sipping throughout the night when I get up to pee...another lovely benefit from having high blood sugar is peeing at night...so I try to limit before bed and only sip to get my mouth moist. Being thirsty means you're already dehydrated.

    Anyway, any suggestions or tricks/tips/advice?

  8. How about some new pics to motivate us Stef? You must be looking really good! I got to thinking that my dd will be 15 tomorrow, and I was this weight when I got pregnant with her, so it's been 15 years since I was this weight. If I get to goal weight, it will be first time since I was 16, almost 30 years! wow!

  9. Not one person who has noticed me losing weight has asked what my goal is. I think it should be personal...when you feel good, but not a weight that's hard to hold onto, kwim? A good healthy, maintainable weight and a body image you like. I figure the last 20 pounds of so will come off with WLS.

  10. Yazmin, I feel for you. You're awful young to be going through this radical change in your lifestyle. I would say that maybe you shouldn't have had the surgery in the first place, but that wouldn't do any good, because you've already had it. I do not think you should make the decision to have it removed based on the emotions you are feeling. What kind of support system do you have? It is crucial to your success. You can't do this alone, and you shouldn't try. Think of yourself as a team member. There is you, your surgeon, your primary care provider, your nutritionist, your counselor (you need one), a good friend who will encourage you and a local lap band support group that you meet with on a regular basis. If you didn't have this in place before your surgery, GET IT NOW! There is no quick fix to obesity and there is no quick fix to the band you have now---getting it removed won't fix the feelings you are having either. It's totally normal to feel what you're feeling---food was your best friend and comforted you and you don't have it. If and when you are able to eat, you will sabotage yourself by "eating around the band" unless you get some support and believe in yourself! You can do it...health is a lifestyle commitment with or without the band. Good luck.

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