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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chrissylu

  1. chrissylu

    Exercise For Flabby Arms?

    small arm weights, I've heard.
  2. chrissylu

    Scale Suggestion

    I do agree with "readyformyjourneytobe" though. Since I stopped weighing every day, I started noticing how my clothes fit, how my energy level is, even how my shoes are starting to feel loose on my feet.
  3. chrissylu

    Scale Suggestion

    when I had my regular scale, I was weighing every day, driving myself crazy. Then I got a digital scale, found a spot in my house where it matched the doctor's office number...and that's where I place it every time I weigh. Since I got it and have assured myself its in line with doctor's scale, I only weigh every few days. its probably still an obsession for me...but its better than weighing every day.
  4. chrissylu

    Banded Feb 8Th 2012

    I drank my protein shakes (still have at least one a day made with unsweetened vanilla almond milk), water, more beef broth than chicken broth, sugar free Jello. I've added sugar-free Hawaiian punch single serving packets to my water bottles. I had sugar-free popsicles. De-caf tea---sweetened with Splenda or "Stevia in the raw". I don't mind the questions at all. That's why I like this forum. It has been so helpful to me and everyone is so willing to share their experiences.
  5. I hadn't thought about sleeping at an incline. duh. LOL. Thanks for that tip, Bert. insaneJane, You're right, I find that eating that way helps too and I guess I'm going to have to be more aware to do that. Thanks for the reminder!
  6. chrissylu

    Humiliated At Work Today! Omg!!!!!

    Good for you for taking the steps to better health! I agree with all of these posts. Your co-worker had no right to blab out like that. That action tells me she is either jealous or vindictive...or both. However, it IS your body and its nobody else's business how you decide to get healthy...unless you want to make it their business. It may be tough, but try to forgive (because we are all called to forgive) her, pray for her ill actions and then file it away. I do agree with sharing with more people that you truly trust mainly for support but also, as insanejane said for safety reasons. I have found, with my co-workers, that being completely honest with them up-front has been great. I had a couple of people that thought I was crazy for doing something "so drastic" (yes...drastic was the word used), but after I explained my reasons, how simple the procedure was, and how the band actually worked, attitudes changed. Those couple of people have realized that the band is a tool...not a magic wand...and I still have to work and make right choices for this thing to work. I am saying a prayer for you for guidance in this situation and the ability to stay strong and focused on this journey. You can do it...don't let anyone else deter you or try to tear you down! Blessings!
  7. chrissylu

    Banded Feb 8Th 2012

    Congratulations! Your regimen sounds a lot like mine. As for excercise, you could always do upper body stuff while sitting. Things like twisting (but not too fast), light arm weights or one of those resistance bands. My doctor told me to not lift to much but as far as sit-ups, etc...he said okay unless it starts to hurt. Also, if you have a Wii Fit Plus, there are some great yoga and strength training excercises on it that don't really require any special equipment. Blessings to you!
  8. I'm 4wks post-op today...and I agree with all that the others have said. I do still have little twinges of pain at my incision sites. My doctor said its normal though because its not just skin healing...its muscle too. Hang in there...blessings to you!
  9. The bags are a great idea. Its seems that everything is now feeling a little stuck. I had a 1/2 cup of scrambled egg this morning. Bit, chewed and swallowed like I'm supposed to but I still fel the pressure in my chest this morning. It wasn't a full-blown rock...more like a pebble. lol. I've started to wonder if me skipping my Protonix has anything to do with it. I started taking it again this morning, just in case.
  10. Wow! What a difference a week makes! I had my first fill last Wednesday, the 15th. According to my home scales, I've lost 5 lbs this week! Wow! Before that appointment last week, I was so worried that I had made a big mistake and this wasn't going to work the way I thought. I was a little depressed (even though I had lost weight...geez I'm an idiot sometimes). I thank God for whoever created this forum. Reading the testimonies of others, recognizing issues others had already worked through, connecting with people currently experiencing what I am....it helped so much to get me out of my pity party and back in to the wonderful expectation of this gift! I'm inspired, already, to challenge myself in a couple of things: a) I joined a weight loss challenge at my fitness center (hey...cash prizes are a great motivator!) and signing up for a 5k in April at my son's school. I walked a 5k in November BEFORE i had any weight loss. I figure I can do it again with a little more ease by the time April rolls around. If you're reading this, and you're in a mud-hole like I was...just hang in there! Its worth it! Remember, the band is just a tool. We still have choices to make in order for this tool to be successful. You can do it! Just take it one step and one day at a time. May God give you all strength, endurance, patience and peace in the coming days of this journey. I'll be praying for you! Blessings, Chrissylu
  11. chrissylu

    First Fill

    That's awesome! I had my first fill a week ago, also to 3.5cc. Like you, I knew I needed. That one cup just wasn't getting it done. lol. I've lost at least 5 lbs in this first week after my fill. Blessings to you!
  12. oh my goodness...thank you all so much! it scared the crap out of me when it started feeling like choking. I thought I'd chewed my food well but i guess not well enough. I had fish (tilapia) for dinner. I took small bites and chewed until it fish mush in my mouth. I feel that "rock (a small one)" in my sternum but it easing up and didnt give me that choking feeling like the chicken did earlier. I know now what to start avoiding. Thank you all for responding. Blessings to you all.
  13. You can do it! One day at a time! How's it going for you?
  14. chrissylu

    Comparison -?? Not sure how much I lost here...

    Amen! I said the same thing in a blog this morning...what a difference a week can make. I got my first fill on 2/15 and have lost 5 pounds since then. It IS actually working. Congrats to you. Blessings!
  15. I'm giddy today. Hit the 25lb mark this morning. wow!

  16. I'm giddy today. Hit the 25lb mark this morning. wow!

  17. chrissylu

    These Are My People!

    So true! I have felt exactly the same way. It is great to have these forums to connect with people who understand, ask questions, give answers...everything you stated. I've been pretty open about my procedure to my family and friends. They help keep me accountable...but I think these forums help do that too. You are right...together...we can all beat this and be healthy! Blessings to you all!
  18. chrissylu

    Better To Emote Than Eat

    Congratulations on getting through the weekend! I would have had the same concerns if it were me. I'm thankful for these forums because I've really learned a lot from other bandsters. I'm 4wks out tomorrow and have been on a combination of mushies and soft solids. I consider my soft solids things like tender-cooked grilled chicken (not too dry so that it can be cut with a fork), fish, and I've shrimp and scallops. Those pre-made packages of Starkist tuna salad are great! In a measuring cup, they are almost a half-cup, low in carbs/fat but great in protein. About a 1/2 cup of food does it for me, so with the "almost a half-cup", I still have room to add a couple of dill pickles...which have pretty much nothing in terms of fat, calories, carbs & protein. And yes....chew, chew, chew. Blessings and good luck to you!
  19. chrissylu


    me too!
  20. I think I might try a little bit of chili.

  21. chrissylu


    Wow! Awesome success for you! How long have you been banded...if you don't mind me asking?
  22. Hi fellow bansdster! I feel the same way..."everything had to change". Just remember, one step, one day at a time! Blessings and good luck to you!
  23. Okay...just had my first post-op fill about 2 days ago. Doc said I could start mushies this morning. 1/2 cup of scrambled eggs made my stomach feel full, but I also still had that hungry, "growling" feeling...yet I knew I couldn't take another bite. Is this normal? Is it all in my head? Like maybe my head hasn't caught up to the restriction yet?

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