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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Toddy

  1. We lost our insurance through work, due to a "reduction in work force" termination. No problem, I'm pretty healthy so I'll just go out and get a high (I mean really high) deductible health insurance plan. I just found out that because I have a lap-band, I was denied coverage! Since being banded my health has improved dramatically and I've been able to quit taking two quite expensive prescription medications, but that obviously doesn't matter to BCBS!! And now I can't get health insurance anywhere else because about the fourth question in any application is "Have you ever been denied health coverage". I would have even been satisfied with just catastrophic coverage, but I can't even get that now. As frustrating as it is, I still don't regret getting the band. If I hadn't gotten the band, I'm sure I would have been denied due to high blood pressure and GERD anyway. Seems like it's just another form of obesity discrimination -- damned if you do, and damned if you don't!
  2. We briefly considered this, but one hospital stay if one of us, say, had a heart attack or something could ruin us financially. We're trying to make it through this period of unemployment without jeopardizing our financial future, so we just can't afford to take that gamble.
  3. The really ironic thing is my insurance was with Blue Cross Blue Shield and they covered my band surgery 100% without batting an eyelash! The company I applied to for the private insurance that turned me down was Blue Cross Blue Shield!! Go figure!
  4. Oh, yeah, but the price of COBRA is absolutely outrageous, especially when you've lost an income! It is our only option, so we're going to have to suck it up and do it, but at $1,558.13 a month, it's going to be painful!
  5. Toddy

    Not Losing Weight!

    The weight probably won't fall off like it does with more drastic forms of wls so you need to have more realistic expectations. Less than two weeks post surgery and you've lost 10 pounds? That's pretty excellent considering with swelling that your system goes through. I didn't even think about getting on a scale that first week or two because my stomach was swollen. I would also be leery of a doctor "assuring" me that I would lose weight with the band. Keep looking around on this site and you'll find those that are not successful. YOU have to work with the band -- the band is not a magic cure-all, it's just a sweet little helper if you work it properly!
  6. A simple post on the Internet can help more than you know... Congratulations, and thank you!
  7. Toddy

    Spaghetti Sauce?

    I can't do noodles so I just have the meat and sauce. We use ground turkey breast instead of ground beef. I did have lasagna last week and didn't have any problem with those noodles, as long as I took little, bitty bites.
  8. Toddy

    Freaking Out...!!!-__-

    It's different for everyone. For me, the incisions were not painful at all, it was just the gas pain. But I was given liquid pain meds that worked like a charm!! As far as needles, IV's have always bothered me tremendously!! I had an upper endoscopy shortly before lap-band and the nurse used a prominent vein on the outside of my forearm, and it didn't hurt or bother me in the least!! When they got ready to do my IV before surgery, I asked them if they could use that same spot and they did and it was painless!! When I woke up after surgery the first thing I said was, can I go home now! I was in no pain. My port is just below my sternum and I rarely feel anything from it at all -- once in a while when I'm exercising I'll get a twinge there, but nothing bad. Go in with a positive attitude and you'll probably do better. Oh, and you're winning in two ways!! You're going to be saving $$ from not smoking and losing weight! It's a win/win situation!! Stay strong!
  9. Toddy


    You will get better! I don't think you're progressing too fast on eating as long as you're following YOUR doctor's orders. Every doctor is different. Mine only had me on two days liquids, two days mushies, and then eat as tolerated. Each doctor has their own ways of securing the band, and apparently mine does it extra secure! I had no trouble with nausea right after the surgery. I'm three months post op, with three fills, and I feel like I'm in the green zone. However, if I overeat or eat too fast, then I'll get hit by a wave of nausea, but it's completely my fault for not following the band rules!!
  10. I can't feel mine at all. I do feel the port, but that's it. It's really strange when I read on here about someone being able to tell when their food moves through their stoma and how it feels when their pouch is full. I'm like, really?!?!?!? I can't distinguish any of that stuff!
  11. My surgeon told me on my first visit that if I didn't get in the recommended amount of protein daily that I would suffer hair loss and brittle fingernails. If I don't do anything else, I make sure I get my protein in!
  12. Band slippage and erosion seem to be two of the most common complications with lap band. What are some of the possible causes of these two things?
  13. Toddy

    Yellow To Green Zone

    I'm in the same boat. I've got an appointment on Monday, but I don't know whether I need a fill or not. Since my last fill I've had to quit eating bread, and Pasta didn't work last night either. I frequently get stuck, but most of the time I can blame myself for eating too fast and/or not chewing well enough. I have adjusted to the "new feeling of full" though. It's very different from the old feeling of full that made us all obese!! It's not a feeling of being stuffed and not able to eat another bite; it's more like a very soft "okay, I've had enough now". I think that's where measuring and weighing food comes in handy! Just eat the amount you're supposed to and stop, then you should not be hungry again for several hours.
  14. You can't stop living your life. You need to learn how to have a good time, while making good choices. I always check out the online menu when going out to eat, and I tell the person I'm going with exactly what I'm going to order so I'm less apt to stray and order something I shouldn't.
  15. I haven't read anything on this forum from anyone that has "prescribing" rights. I think someone would naturally need to see a doctor to have meds prescribed.
  16. Toddy

    Does Anyone Else Feel This Way??

    Pre-band, when you go to eat something you really, REALLY love, you get the most enjoyment out of the first two or three bites, and then it's just gobbling up the rest out of habit. Post-band, you can still enjoy those two or three bites, and when the enjoyment lessens, you just quit eating. The only thing I've encountered that I absolutely can't eat is really soft fresh bread. Do I miss it? Yes, until the rest of the meal arrives and then I'm fine. I actually revel in leaving food on my plate at a restaurant -- makes me want to do the happy dance right there on the table! I believe obesity is so rampant today because we have become accustomed to eating such outrageously huge quantities of food, which our body DOES NOT need!! Chewing to eternity on those first two or three bites of something I love is just prolonging the enjoyment. Once the food gets cold because it takes so long to eat, it's not hard to quit eating because it's no longer good.
  17. Toddy

    5 Months In And Feeling Discouraged

    It's amazing you've lost as much as you have with only 1 cc. That means you've really done it all on your own! My first fill was 3 cc. and I didn't feel any restriction at all, second fill was 1.2, and still didn't really feel anything. With my last fill I have 5.5 cc. and finally have restriction! I'm not even quite three months post surgery yet.
  18. Toddy


    I struggled with this terribly for the first week after surgery, with the seventh day being the worst. Once I added a few "healthy" carbs to my diet it helped. I still had light-headedness periodically until my PCP took me off my blood pressure meds, and now I'm completely back to normal.
  19. Toddy

    Start Over Or Quit??

    I'm shocked at the cost of a fill at $300+, too. I was very fortunate that insurance covered my surgery 100%, but due to a job loss...no more insurance. I called my doctor to see what a fill would be now that I'm self-pay. $150, which to me is reasonable.
  20. Toddy

    Skin Is Purple

    I always get a tiny little bruise when I have a fill.
  21. Thanks Jean! I got your book while I was waiting for surgery and it read like a good novel!! I guess I could have looked back and found the answers, but it's just so easy to ask here.
  22. My main goal when I decided to have lap band surgery was to get off blood pressure medication. I've lost 24 pounds and I am now completely off the BP meds. Now I have to re-set my goal to get down to a decent weight!
  23. My doctor performs lap band with plication and I opted not to have the plication. I am regretting it now. I wish I could have a do-over, but am not willing to have another surgery any time soon!
  24. I start out the morning with an egg and high fiber multi grain English muffin. At lunch I'll have a cup or turkey chili or something similar. About 3:00 in the afternoon I'll have a low fat string cheese. For dinner I'll have a chicken breast or a turkey burger or something like that. I must keep away from food or else I start grazing. I don't think I'm eating that much, but it adds up QUICKLY!!!
  25. Toddy

    Also A Slow Loser...

    You don't have to like protein shakes to be successful. My doctor doesn't even recommend them except when you're on all liquids. According to him, the band works with food, not liquids. When you get back on solids make sure you're eating food high in protein and always eat your protein first, before veggies or anything else.

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