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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Toddy

  1. Let's see who keeps their weight off the longest, her "natural way" mom, or banded you!!! My money's on you!! Oh yeah, the good and the bad: Good: Shopping in my closet and finding lots of "new" things to wear! Bad: Having to know where the bathroom is every time I eat out -- just in case!
  2. Toddy

    July Summer Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Toddy Goal weight for July 31st~ 170 Weight on July 1st~ 176 Age~ Dietary goal for July~ Bust this plateau Exercise goal for July~ Really, really need to exercise more Personal goal for July~ Want to get comfortable in my 16's Date banded~ 1/31/12 Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~ 36 What is your favorite 4th of July activity~ Fun with family and friends
  3. I've never had any trouble losing weight... but every time I'd lose some, I'd gain it right back, plus more. I decided to get the band to help me maintain my weight loss.
  4. Toddy


    I actually slept on my stomach the second night after surgery.
  5. Toddy


    I like the Kashi dry. The single serving size makes breakfast and a mid morning snack.
  6. Toddy

    Carbonated Drinks

    I was a Diet Pepsi-aholic before the pre-surgery diet. I stopped cold turkey on January 18, the day I started my pre-surgery diet, and really don't miss it. I did take up drinking hot tea in the mornings, but the only other thing I drink is water, with an occasional glass of iced tea.
  7. Toddy

    Compliment? I Think Not..,

    I know! I was thrilled the first time someone that didn't know about the band noticed!! Yippee! It's working!
  8. Toddy

    Single Incision Vs. Traditional

    I had six incisions from lap-band. Prior to that I had four incisions from gallbladder surgery. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not of an age that I would ever want to show my tummy in public!!!!!
  9. Two and a half weeks, two and a half months, two and a half years?? If it's weeks and you've lost ten, wow!!! If it's months and you've lost ten, still not too bad considering all the swelling and healing from surgery. If it's years, then you've got something to be down about!
  10. Toddy

    Compliment? I Think Not..,

    Or a whole family that won't say anything! I could lose 70 pounds and not a single one of my in-laws will say a word!
  11. Toddy

    Compliment? I Think Not..,

    I doubt I would have undergone this major surgery if it wasn't going to change how I looked... and hopefully for the MUCH BETTER!!!!! Please, please, people notice so I'll know all this hard work wasn't for nothing! Oh, well, and the health benefits, too!
  12. I went through the same thing on a much more accelerated scale. My doctor's plan after surgery was two days liquids, two days mushies and then eating as tolerated. Once I started eating solids and a few healthy carbs (which my doctor didn't recommend, but I felt my body needed) I started feeling MUCH better. I'm five months out now and have been feeling great all those months with the exception of the first couple of weeks.
  13. Toddy

    Inner Thigh Lift Pics

    Since I'm still in the losing phase, I'm not familiar with the cosmetic surgery acronyms. I can figure out everything but LBL. Please help! Oh, and great job on the thighs!
  14. Seems like I've seen a five day plateau busting diet on these forums, but I haven't been able to find it this morning using the search feature. Does anybody have any info on how to break a plateau??
  15. Toddy

    3 Slips, No More Band.

    I didn't want to make you feel worse. I just like to know the good, the bad, and the ugly about anything when I'm making a decision.
  16. Toddy

    3 Slips, No More Band.

    I would definitely let him remove the band. I would also move Heaven and Earth to try to revise to the sleeve. The things I've read about weight gain after band removal are horrifying. It doesn't even sound like "normal" weight gain. It sounds more like accelerated weight gain due to the body being so accustomed to such small amounts of food while banded.
  17. Toddy

    Lap Band And Family

    We could be living the same life. I actually started researching lap-band as something my 24 year old daughter might be interested in. Shortly into my research I knew that where her head is in regard to her relationship with food, that lap-band would not be a good solution for her... but it was perfect for me. I had lap-band surgery in January and she is really happy for me and my weight loss, but she is still not interested in it for herself. She's had a weight problem that began in college with emotional issues and has only continued to get worse. Like you, I tried to talk to her and help her, and I'm sure she just saw it as nagging. I have talked to her until I'm blue in the face and have offered anything and everything I can to help her. I have FINALLY realized that I can't do anything but make her situation worse and make it harder on her if I keep "nagging". Now that I have finally backed off, she's just started Weight Watchers, and had her first weigh-in yesterday. She lost two pounds her first week and was thrilled. I know that two pounds is not a huge loss for the very first week, but since she was thrilled with it, I told her she was a Rock Star in my view! Bottom line, we're going to love them regardless of what they weigh. We hurt when we know they hurt, and we worry about their health, but there is absolutely nothing we can do to help them until they decide to help themselves. I honestly think all of my "care and concern" in the past probably exacerbated her weight problems.
  18. Toddy

    Out Of Shape

    Of course your light-headedness could be due to overexertion in the sun. However, are you on blood pressure medication? I was very light-headed shortly after surgery and when my PCP cut my blood pressure meds in half, it helped a lot. Then my PCP took me completely off my BP meds and it went away altogether. I think I had only lost around 20 pounds when I was taken off the BP meds. I was pretty shocked that my BP got back to normal with such a small weight loss.
  19. Toddy

    Plateau Busting Diet?

    Maybe that's what it is. Is it also designed to bust a plateau?
  20. My doctor decides whether to fill or not not only based on weight loss, but also a questionnaire we fill out at every visit on what we're eating, how often we're eating, how long it takes to eat, how often we're getting hungry, what exercising we're doing, etc.
  21. Toddy

    Beating Myself Up...

    Also, be prepared to white knuckle it even after your first fill. You are now in Bandster Hell, and will be until you have enough fills to have restriction. I didn't feel any restriction at all until my third fill. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I'd rather know what's on the road ahead than to be unpleasantly surprised.
  22. I've always said you need to thoroughly vet your surgeon -- not just for lapband, but for any procedure that is not an emergency. Surgery is definitely NOT a place to bargain hunt.
  23. I had severe acid reflux for 12 years prior to being banded. OTC meds had quit working for me, so I was on a very expensive prescription medication for it. That medication was one of the first I was able to eliminate after being banded. I haven't had any reflux at all between the pre-surgery diet and my last fill. I'm a little bit too tight now and I've had a couple of nights where I've had to take OTC meds for heartburn/reflux. From everything I've read, if you're having reflux with the band, you're probably just too tight.
  24. My doctor's office lists info on a clothes swap. Personally, our town has a thrift store that's sole purpose is to employee mentally and physically challenged adults. That is where my donations do the most good. Check it out of Facebook if you're close to middle Tennessee: Our Thrift Store. I know the founder and this truly is his calling and it is an amazing thing!
  25. I agree with Mis73 100%. You may feel like you're eating a fraction of what you used to eat, but you still really need to track. I love myfitnesspal.com for tracking. Also, I didn't feel a bit of restriction until my third fill, so hang in there.

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