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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Toddy

  1. Toddy

    Eating!! Help!!

    The best I've found are Slimfast, high protein, low carb. They are about the only ones I can tolerate.
  2. There are as many different post-op diets as there are bariatric surgeons. You should follow your surgeon's recommendations, but don't freak out about a tiny slip or two, especially if you're keeping it soft and chewing REALLY REALLY thoroughly. Just don't make it a habit. The post-op diet is designed to let your body heal... give your body the time it needs.
  3. Just be careful with that chicken! Make sure it's moist, take tiny bites and chew, chew, chew! The last thing you want on your first day on solids is any kind of problem!
  4. Toddy

    Help!!! Am I Too Tight???

    If I wasn't throwing up or having reflux at night, I'd keep it like it is. It sounds to me like the band is doing its job and you must be losing weight. I've read on here that the band will usually loosen just a bit as you lose. I'm surprised you can't sip a warm liquid in the morning though. Have you tried it with taking little, tiny sips?? I know for the short time that I was in the green zone, I had to take small sips.
  5. Toddy

    Can One Vomiting Episode...

    I think it would be pretty rare for one time to hurt your band. However, I ended up with a slipped band and only vomited twice. I don't think my surgeon believed I only vomited twice, but it's the truth. Usually it's chronic vomiting that will cause a problem, but always try to avoid it if you can.
  6. Toddy

    Takeaway Addiction Obviously Pre Op

    I rarely ever ate fast food, but still managed to get plenty fat without it. I can't imagine the shape I would have been in if I had eaten fast food on a regular basis!! The worst we do now is order Mexican about once a week, but skipping the chips and salsa, making healthier choices, not to mention eating a fraction of the amount I used to, I consider it a treat and it hasn't hampered my weight loss.
  7. Toddy

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    I can say without a doubt it's one of the best decisions I've made in my life! Here's to hoping you both feel the same!!
  8. Toddy

    Put Your Loss In Perspective...

    I've lost ten, five pound bags of sugar!! They were heavy and now that I'm not hanging on to them, I can climb steps without getting winded!
  9. Best answer ever!!! It's like any habit that needs to be broken... that first slip won't kill you... it probably won't even hurt you... but it will definitely lead to the next, the next, the next, so on and on!!! I quit smoking 20 years ago this month... but I also know that one draw would lead to another and then a full cig, and eventually I'd be buying them by the carton again. I'm not going down that path or the soda path ever again if I can help it!!
  10. Toddy

    May Be A Dumb Question But,

    Also, plication is still in the "study phase" in the U.S., so not every doctor is approved to do it. One of the reasons for doing both is that in this study phase, plication is not approved as a stand-alone weight loss surgery. I was just plicated on the 15th of this month when my surgeon had to go back in and redo my slipped band. I'm still on the full liquid diet, so I haven't really noticed much difference than just being banded alone, but I hope once I graduate to normal food I'll be able to tell a difference. Overall, I just feel fantastic and am so happy I was able to get the plication, even if it did require another surgery!!
  11. Toddy

    I Cheated Death!!

    A test? Really? Really?? Baiting people to see who you could get to react negatively??? HOW NICE AND POSITIVE IS THAT?? You must have been very bored this Sunday morning. I didn't feel my response was negative. I've been stuck. It hurts. I've also had a slipped band... not fun either because it required surgery all over again. I didn't think it called for melodrama nor a "test"! I think the baiting people is actually worse than the melodrama.
  12. Toddy

    I Cheated Death!!

    The title of your post is VERY attention-grabbing!! I would say the vast majority of bandsters have had stuck episodes, and while they're not fun, they are not life-threatening. I just wanted to post that for newbies or those considering the band, in case they took your post literally. I'm sure you know, but I want to let others know, that you should avoid foods that will get stuck, but if you do have a stuck episode, you will not die.
  13. Just plain band surgery doesn't take so long. I had band replacement and plication and I think that was about two hours.
  14. You're on the right track... get yourself healthy again and then you'll have choices... Nobody needs to be chained to an ass if they don't have to be! You will have the last laugh...
  15. Toddy

    Who Lost On Thanksgiving?

    Thanksgiving morning I was 161. Today I was 160. I absolutely LOVE not having that grossly stuff feeling anymore!!!! When everybody else is sitting around moaning and groaning about eating too much, I feel nothing but very comfortably satisfied!!!!
  16. Toddy

    Gastric Plication In Mexico?

    I had the option of plication when I was originally banded in January 2012. I opted not to do the plication... and it turned out to be my only regret. However, my band slipped very early on at eight months, so this time around when my surgeon fixed the slip I went for the plication. I am nine days post surgery today and I feel amazing!!! So glad I have that extra little WLS insurance!
  17. Well, the first time around when I got the band, one week wasn't quite enough... felt extremely dizzy and light-headed and the seventh day post-op, which was my first day back at work, I thought I was going to die. I've just had revision of my slipped band with plication, and took two weeks off to play it safe... only this time I feel great! Other than just very minimal pain the first couple of days I've been fine!! In fact, I feel so good, that I rearranged all my living room furniture yesterday and got the house completely decorated for Christmas, which was my post-op day 8... that might have been a bit stupid, but I still feel fine. How you will feel after surgery is an entirely individual process. Is it possible to "play it by ear" with your time off? Take as much time as you're able, but go back sooner if you feel like it?
  18. If tracking works for you, do it!!! I can't believe some doctors are SO STUPID!! If tracking was bad for your health, then maybe his advice would have had some merit!
  19. Toddy

    Happiness Is...

    ...seeing the same number on the scale the day after Thanksgiving that you saw the day before Thanksgiving!!! Loving my band and plication today!!!
  20. I'm a week out today. My vision has been a little wonkie since surgery. One of the meds they have me on has a blurry vision side effect though. Mine is very slight. If it was bad, I'd definitely call the emergency number.
  21. Toddy

    Barrel Racing After Lap Band

    I think you're wise to wait a little longer than three weeks, but I would think you can eventually get back to it. My stitches ripped out and my band slipped and what caused it, we're not sure.
  22. Toddy

    Thanksgiving Dinner

    I am making sweet potatoes and a broccoli casserole to take to our dinner. I'm still on full liquids, but I'm going to take a small portion of the potatoes and put extra milk in and artificial sweetener and put in a little ramekin for myself. I'm going to try to do the same thing with the broccoli (sans the rice) and put it in my blender and see if I can get it close to liquified. Just tiny, tiny, runny portions for me today. And I'm going to remember my mantra: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!!!
  23. Toddy

    In Extreme Pain

    If you're very newly banded it's probably gas pain. Not much to be done except pain meds and a heating pad may help a bit. When I was first banded I didn't need the pain meds for my incisions, but I did need them for a couple of days due to the gas pains.
  24. Six ;-( + three from my gallbladder a few years ago... I look like I've been sliced and diced!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
