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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Toddy

  1. I had my band restitched and plication last Thursday and am now on a full liquid diet. While I was in the hospital I noticed they had runny oatmeal and runny grits on their full liquid diet menu. Anybody else consider those two items full liquids?
  2. Toddy

    Second surgery!?!?

    Have you tried Dexilant? It's only available by Rx. My sister's acid reflux was not contoled by the usual PPIs but for some reason Dexilant really worked for her. Good luck!
  3. My daughter is going out of town for sleeve surgery. For others that have had surgery out of town, how long did you remain in the city where you had surgery and when did you have your first follow-up appt with your surgeon? Or did you wait until you got back home and just had follow up care at home?
  4. Thank you for your responses, they do ease my mind. My daughter is traveling to Tennessee from the east coast of North Carolina because I wanted her to have the same surgeon I had with my band. She's only taking a week off work, so I was a bit concerned about her traveling that far that soon after surgery.
  5. Toddy

    repair or removal?

    First thing I'd do is find a new surgeon. There is no reason to stick with a surgeon that is not supportive. Second thing I'd do is look into revising to the sleeve.
  6. Toddy

    "know It Alls"

    NaNa, I'm am not part of any click or club or whatever you are accusing people of. I only come on this forum when I have an extra few minutes and hope I can learn something and/or help someone else. I couldn't care less how accurate your band knowledge is becuase you've completely distroyed any credibility you might have ever had. You are a sick, angry young woman and are in desperate need of mental health counseling. Where are the moderators of this site????? Why let this garbage continue????
  7. Toddy

    Gotta Get This Off My Chest

    The important thing to remember is that every single one one of us were wls newbies once. I'm two years out from the beginning of my research phase and feel like I have some experience that can benefit others because my road has been quite bumpy. However, I still benefit from other's experience and advice on this forum and still ask the occasional question. The truly ignorant people are the ones that think the learning phase is over. Once you stop learning, I think you stop living (figuratively speaking, of course).
  8. NaNa, I've read/skimmed through all three pages of this post. I don't have a single problem with what you've said as regards the band... simply because I have the intellect to do my own research, I have a wonderful surgeon, and I have a mind of my own and my own opinions. However, the way you've said things and the way your caps button keeps getting stuck is very, very off-putting. I think there may be a reason why you "quit" working for the government and struck out on your own. In my humble opinion, you are in serious need of some self-reflection on how you come across to other people. I hope you take this post for the constructive criticism it was intended to be. Life really is too short for all of this discord.
  9. Toddy

    How do you know if you are to

    Reflux is another indication you're too tight.
  10. I've "heard" that for every ten pounds a man loses, he gains an inch... Regardless, enjoy the new you!
  11. Quick and easy. Both of my doctors numb the injection site, which is just a tiny little needle with a tiny little sting.
  12. Toddy


    The good news/bad news is with that .1 cc unfill, I still have restriction and am satisfied with small amounts, but I'm hungry every 1.5 to 2 hours, which is driving me crazy. Doesn't matter how much protein I eat, it's just not enough to hold me very long! This is soooo frustrating!
  13. Toddy


    Being tight in the morning is normal for most people. Just stick to liquids, warm is best. If you're not having any problems with lunch or dinner, you don't need an unfill.
  14. Toddy

    General Questions

    Your surgeon will give you a specific post-surgery diet, also. Follow it closely! After you have healed and are allowed to return to normal eating, you may be disappointed to find you can eat anything and everything. Many people have little or no restriction until they have a few fills. This is an excellent time to practice good band eating skills -- very small bites, chew extremely well. Once you've had enough fills to begin reaching restriction you will learn what you can and cannot eat... this is different for every individual. I can eat most things as long as I eat very carefully. I substitute ground chicken/turkey breast for ground beef just because it is healthier. Since you've been diagnosed with hypoglycemia, I assume you know the absolute worst thing to eat is sugar. Hopefully your doctor will stress a high protein/low carb diet after surgery and that will help your hypoglycemia more than anything. Hope this helps answer some of your questions.
  15. Toddy


    I had glue -- so much better than staples. I had staples with my gallbladder surgery and they had to be taken out early because I had a reaction to them and they started getting infected. My scars are pretty bad, but I don't think it has anything to do with glue vs other methods of closure... it's more likely the gallbladder surgery and two band surgeries... I look like I've been sliced and diced... because I have :-o
  16. Toddy


    I was too tight a couple of months ago. Doc removed .5 cc and it was like the dam opened up, absolutely no restriction. We let things calm down for awhile and got .25 refilled -- still no restriction. Got the other .25 and things were fine for awhile and then they started tightening up again. Rather than letting it go like I did last time, I immediately went in for a .1 unfill (which was today, btw). So far so good! I'm really, really hoping this will be the zone for me!
  17. Toddy

    Post op Dizziness

    My post-op dizziness was due to my BP med being too strong with my pre-op weight loss. We cut it in half, and the dizziness was dramatically reduced, but not gone. Two weeks later we cut it out completely and no more dizziness!!
  18. Toddy

    Tired of slimfast

    I always have a problem with a surgeon that limits you to ONLY one option. My surgeon gave me guidelines for protein shakes and I could have anything that fell within those guidelines. I'd ask your doc if he has stock in SlimFast...
  19. Toddy

    Ground Turkey

    You're not really doing yourself any favors if you substitute ground turkey or ground chicken for ground beef, UNLESS you use ground turkey/chicken breast!! I never use ground beef anymore, and I prefer ground chicken breast to ground turkey breast because it has a softer texture. I add Water to the pan to keep it from sticking while I'm "browning" and then drain it just like you would ground beef.
  20. My toes are always done... I did get to keep my socks on though!
  21. Toddy

    7 months and disappointed

    The beauty of the band is that you get do-overs!!! Start at your surgeon's office and get a fill, or two, or three. Hang in there until you reach the green zone, stick with small portions, and get some exercise. It's never too late to start over!
  22. It doesn't have to be perfect punctuation, but when you use absolutely NO punctuation, your post does not make any sense at all!!!!!
  23. Toddy


    I can soooo relate. I've had several complications that required unfills. It's a lot harder to get back to the green zone after an unfill, for me anyway. I'm a tiny bit tight now, but so afraid to have another unfill... It seems like they take the tiniest amount out and it opens up the hunger flood gates!!!
  24. Toddy

    Food makes me sick.

    The most important thing is to stay hydrated. The best protein shakes I found were the slim fast low carb, 20 mg of protein. I get terribly nauseous if I eat too fast. Just eat really, really slowly (and I'm talking about a minute or two between bites) and take very small bites. Stay in contact with your surgeon as they are the only ones that can really help you.
  25. Toddy

    My pcp is so supportive!

    My pcp and my gyn were both very supportive. My gyn's mother had also had wls. It really helps having that little bit of extra support in your corner!

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