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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sunshyne068

  1. Sunshyne068

    Great Fat Burning Tips

    My nutritionist said not to boil veggies bc it takes the nutrients. She suggested steamed instead.
  2. totally talk to the doc about it, and tell them about your exercise. they doc may just examine you and see what's going on in there.
  3. Sunshyne068

    Frustrated W/ Lack Of Wt Loss Lately

    I heard of a plateau break diet, its 3 days of nothing but soup - breakfast lunch and dinner. its a basic soup made with chicken broth, fresh veggies, and maybe some white meat chicken. try it out.
  4. I got my 1st fill this morning with my Doc. He answered some questions I had about my medications and exercise and whatnot. He told me that to optimize my weight loss I need to eat about 1000 calories a day. I told him that I was eating 1200-1400 now. He also did confirm that we need to be on a liquid diet for 2 days after the fill. You should have an empty stomach when you come for a fill, so don’t eat about 2 hrs prior to your fill appt. he also said don’t schedule a fill before any events like parties or trips out of town bc of the liquid diet that follows. He felt the right side of my stomach and used an alcohol swab to clean the area. He used a tiny needle to giving me the numbing medicine near my port site. It was a tiny pinch. He then prepped the needle for the fill. It was a pretty long needle so as soon as I saw it I looked the other way. He told me it was “only 2 inches long” but it looked like it was longer than that. he went in to do the fill and he found the port like immediately. So was minimal pain, I just felt the needle going in my skin, and I felt it going in my port (like I felt some pressure against something hard). It was over in a matter of seconds. He told me that I needed to sit in the waiting room and drink Water to make sure the fill wasn’t too tight. If you cant keep down water they will remove some liquid. He also told me that I can come back for fills every 7-10 days if I’m still eating more than 1000 calories or I’m feeling hungry. He told me not to wait to schedule a fill. So that’s my story J
  5. Sunshyne068

    Not Doing Good

    I know a lot of bandsters that found considerable help by using weight watchers and other group nutrition diet programs .... maybe you should give one a try and see if that gets the scale moving again. Also, I went to a support group and someone suggested the "The Beck Diet" book and workbook. I got them both on Amazon for under $20 and Im seeing results in less than 24 hours ... Im eating less and feeling good about myself.
  6. Are you making sure you dont drink 30 mins before/an hour after each meal? If you're washing the food thru your pouch that could cause you to be hungry sooner. Also, 5cc may not be your "sweet spot" or green zone number. You may need 8 or 9ccs. Ive seen some posters need that much or more to get to the green zone. Also are you eating trigger foods? That may be why youre still feeling hungry.
  7. Sunshyne068

    March Bandsters!

    I just didnt want to feel like I was the only one. Everyone else is posting about considerable losses without any fills .... not me. I have seen some youtube posts that also didnt lose weight until their first fill .... Im just counting down. Bandster hell sux!!!
  8. Sunshyne068

    Lap Band Vs Realize Band Restriction

    I got a Realize band last month ... never had any other band so I cant give you a comparison but I have no fill as of yet and I can feel noticeable restriction. I eat about 60% to half what I ate at each meal pre-op.
  9. Sunshyne068

    Stuck At 22 Pounds...

    Yea 1800 cals sound like a lot. I would shoot for 1500 at the MAX. Then if you can live with that try to get down to 1200 or 1300. Are you drinking enough Water? Eating too much sodium? That can affect your weightloss. Are you taking your Vitamins?
  10. You MUST get your water in or your weight loss will stall as your body will retain water thinking its dehydrated. I try to chug a glass of water about 20 mins before I eat and then I literally count down about 45-60 mins after each meal and I drink more until its time for me to eat again.
  11. Sunshyne068

    March Bandsters!

    Hey guys! my MFP username is sunnyhoney11 - please add me! Also, has anyone had a fill already? can you tell a difference in how much you're eating? And were you gaining a bit of weight when you went on solid foods before you got that fill??? im struggling over here. my 1st fill is next Thursday
  12. Sunshyne068


    If you like salty Snacks (As I do) then try "Kay's all natural" Protein chips. They are soy based and have like 150 calories or less per little bag. They come in flavors like cheese and garlic I think. I bought a box of them on amazon for $4. Also try "Pop Chips" ... they are a baked all natural potato ship with 100 calories per little bag. They sell them at major grocery stores and whatnot. The protein should help keep you filled up. Also try the "smart pop" popcorn. The mini bags have like 100 calories and they are pretty good. I add some zesty popcorn sprinkles to them to add some flavor as they can be a bit bland. Don't let your life overwhelm you and encourage you to put weight back on. These support forums have been a home to me when I have questions or concerns. When you see that weight creeping back up, re-evaluate your habits and come back to the message boards for support. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  13. Sunshyne068

    Finally Under 200Lbs

    Eliva I think you need to request that you get a fill with the flouro-stuff. That way the doc can watch how liquid progrsses through your band. they may be able to see if your bad slipped or if it isnt filled at all. make sure you call your doc asap. Divadoll - CONGRATS!!!!!! I know it must be an amazing feeling to be in the 100's now. You have totally earned it. When you exercise, what type of routines do you do? Mostly cardio? or half cardio half weight training? Thanks so much!!!
  14. Sunshyne068


    I am surprised that you didnt speak with a nutritionist. My nutritionist has the following guidelines: 4 meals a day Protein at EVERY meal max of 2 meals can have fruit max of 2 can have a whole grain carb no more than 1 cup of food at each meal I hope this helps. I haven't had a fill yet, but just be patient. Maybe with 2-3 more fills you will see your appetitie decrease
  15. Sunshyne068

    Am I Ready For A Fill??

    I read that the liquid in the band is not constant .... what I mean by that is that the band is not totally impereable, and therefore if you have 5cc for a period of 8 months, at the end of that period you may only have 4.8 ccs left, and that's why it is very important to evaluate your eating habits and visit your doctor regularly for fills - for the rest of our lives ....
  16. wait .... Mio ias a sweet tea flavor?!?!?!?!?!?!? GET OUT!!!! im making my grocery list right now actually.
  17. Sunshyne068

    Bathroom Time!

    I had a severe issue with the bathroom after surgery ... I actually had to go to urgent care. I warn you, do NOT overdo it with the laxatives, your bowels will not function normally after all that. Your colon muscles can become dependent upon the laxative and when its time for you to go ... you wont be able to go. My nutritionist has a regime that is natural and I feel like it saved my life bc that constipation pain was the worst!. Take 1 stool softner in the morning, take another before bed Drink prune juice diluted with water 50/50 daily Eat a probiotic yogurt (activia) daily Take a fiber supplement (benefiber, fiber choice, metamucil, etc) daily Drink at least 64 oz of water daily If you dont go to the bathroom at least once every 3 days, then and only then should you resort to laxatives. Try "Smooth Move" organic senna tea before bed. its all natural and it cleans you out pretty good GOOD LUCK!
  18. I LOVE rotisserie chickens too. i cut them up tiny an make chicken salad. its like 20 g Protein per half cup, no carbs, and it tastes great. Okie where do you live? Ive never seen those spinach pretzle things in store by me (Giant, food Lion) but I will keep looking.
  19. Sunshyne068

    Any Advice

    What is your BMI? What are your co-morbidities? Explain to him that the surgery is neccesary to get you in better health. I'm off my blood pressure medication since the surgery and I honestly couldnt be happier about that.
  20. Sunshyne068

    Conflicting Information - I'm Confused

    I read that people lose the bulk of their weight during the beginning stages of surgery .... I interpretted that as within the first 9-12 months after surgery since a lot of the studies that I looked at viewed patients 2 and 5 years out. I think since the band is a lifelong "appliance" ... the first 9-12 months seems like its appropropriate to call the first few months after the procedure. At least that's what Im telling myself
  21. This isnt really a sweet treat, but I love creamed spinach with cream cheese .... its great. Or i'll make a PB&J sandwich with no bread (so its more like pudding). I just mix PJ and sugar free jelly in a bowl and eat with a spoon.
  22. The surgery, and any money you pay for fills is tax deductible. Other expenses related to the surgery are probably deductible as well (e.g. mileage to and from the doc office or hospital). I'm a CPA, contact me if you have further questions. www.sydneywyatt.com
  23. Sunshyne068

    How Do You Know When You Need A Fill?

    My nutritionist said you need a fill if the following applies to you: You are hungry between meals *less than 3-4 hours between meals You are eating more than a cup of food at each meal You are relying on "slider" foods to eat instead of other healthier choices
  24. Sunshyne068

    It Works Wraps

    I'm an It Works Rep. I use the product and I LOVE what it does for the strech marks. I could even see a difference in the sagging skin (rolls) on my back. They seemed minimized. https://sydneyw.myitworks.com/Home
  25. Sunshyne068

    I Think I Made A Mistake

    I can totally relate to the OP ... I only lost 3 lbs in my pre-op diet ... and since the surgery 3 weeks ago I've lost about 5 lbs .... BUT I do know that I havent had a fil yet. AND I just started back exercising last week because I needed to let my body recover from surgery. I am disappointed with my weight loss, exspecially seeing that so many other ppl have lost 30 lbs or so in my same time frame ... but every body is different. Not to mention, my BMI is 36, so I have less to lose so I guess it's coming off slower. What's your BMI? And what are you eating? Have you voiced your concerns to your surgeon? Maybe they can accelerate your fills or refer to a nutritionist. My doc has a nutritionist that he requires all patients to see anyway. I have faith that I will see some results but I certainly wont use a 3 month window to decide if Im a success or failure. Give yourself more time.

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