I’m having nearly $4000 set aside in my flexible spending account for 2012. I’ve always been a staunch opponent of them because of the “use it or loose it” rules. I’d called Payflex in December to see if a Lap Band surgery is an eligible healthcare expense. They told me it is as long as it’s approved by a doctor, so I thought there wouldn’t be a problem.
Today I logged into my Payflex account for the 1st time and came across a form called “Letter of Medical Necessity “. Now I’m beginning to enter panic mode. How difficult will it be to get my general practitioner to recommend the surgery? In December I mentioned the likelihood of a Lap band surgery to my doctor during an office visit. At the time he thought it was a good idea.
I realize they are trying to weed out cosmetic surgery, but I need the surgery for many different reasons and the top reason isn’t cosmetic. I had planned to use this money to recover a portion of the surgery cost. What if I can’t obtain the medical necessity form? I wouldn’t have a prayer in the world of spending the $4000! After all, this is my money that I will be spending.
Has anyone had any similar experiences with a FSA?