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Everything posted by KevinsBabyGirl85

  1. KevinsBabyGirl85


    22-23 lbs a month is AWESOME!!! That's basically how I did!!! I'm down 65 lbs. and I'm 3 months out I'm not exactly sure how much I lost each month but at your rate you should be down 60 or more lbs in 3 months!
  2. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Weird Cycles?

    Mine was exactly like sweets I also have the IUD and I haven't had a period in 4 years and I got it the day I left the hospital and then exactly a month later I got it like clock work then it was late in march and I started to freak out thinking I was pregnant but apparently I was only gonna get a period in April and my body just wanted to skip a month! Idk about anyone else but was your period heavier than normal... Mine was horrible and lasted for about a week instead of my normal 3 day ones!
  3. KevinsBabyGirl85

    I Need Encouragement!

    I go through the same thing and mine normally happens at least 2 weeks out of every other month so I end up with about 5-6 weeks of weight loss then 2 weeks without any and the cycle repeats itself!
  4. KevinsBabyGirl85


    Panda have no fear I've been at a couple plateaus and it's annoying but it's worth it because I find that once the plateau is done for I start loosing faster! I normally loose about 5-6 lbs a week but during a plateau I only loose 1-2 lbs a week, but I'm happy with any weight loss because before surgery I could barely loose 5 lbs. in a month!
  5. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Chicken Problems

    Actually if you guys ever need anything feel free to email me I'd love to have some email buddies mom2bgtwins05@aol.com
  6. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Chicken Problems

    Sweet I'm glad I could help ya! And Berniec I'm so nervous for you it seems just like yesterday that I had mine I remember everything I went through, it's so wonderful now though and congrats on your up coming surgery, it's actually on my bday!
  7. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Chicken Problems

    yeah I didn't start eating breaded chicken until last week so I would say it's a little soon for you but I wouldn't stop trying to eat it, I just kept trying over and over.....it does take alot of space in my pouch and it actually feels like it's weighing it down alot like the pain you are describing with the full feeling. I still don't get a full feeling I just feel a resistance and I've learned once I feel that to stop otherwise I get that awful chest pain you are talking about. Eating is a learning thing the 1st 2-3 months out I think I'm still learning when I'm actually full so I normally try to talk on the phone while I am eating because I eat slower that way and it helps alot to make sure 1. I don't over eat and 2. that I give the food time to reach my stomach so that I don't over eat and get that pain. I have never measured my food except the 1st month maybe after surgery but I do make sure I'm not eating big portions for instance when I eat a piece of breaded chicken the piece of chicken is no bigger than a doughnut hole, then I normally do beans (baked beans) with my chicken because they are both sources of protein and I do a scoop the size of a tablespoon (the bigger sized spoon in the silverware family lol) and I normally eat all the beans but not all of the chicken so I'm probably not even eating anywhere near that 4 ozs. they say are supposed to fit in my pouch I think I eat more around the 2 ozs when eating regular food......now on to the hard part applesauce I can eat ALOT of so I have to make sure that I measure that and so that I don't have to really measure I just buy the cups of applesauce they are 4 ozs so I know that's what my tummy should hold and that I don't eat more of it then I need.....you'll learn some foods you can eat more of idk why but that's how it is for me anything that can slide down easy and be chewed crazy alot into a basically liquid state will go down easier and therefore make it easy to over eat because it basically goes right through. Another thing is to make absolutely sure that your not drinking while eating that is another way to make the food go through faster and therefore you won't get that full feeling. Another thing is drinking while eating can also cause that same type of pain you mentioned, I used to try to drink only a small sip but learned the hard way that any type or amount of liquid on top of my food gave me that horrible pain in my belly!
  8. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Pre Op Bypass With Diabetes

    My friend just has gastric sleeve and she has diabetes! Her sugars were between 160-180 before surgery and sometimes they were higher for unknown reasons! She just had her surgery yesterday!
  9. KevinsBabyGirl85

    13 Days To Go On The Liquid Diet

    You can do it!!!!!
  10. I am super excited to be posting this and I made this thread to not only see everyone's nsv's but for people who aren't loosing to come to this thread to get encouragement! Lately my weight loss has slowed down I loose about 1-2 lbs a week here lately before I was loosing anywhere between 5-6 lbs a week.....anyways to make a long story short I've been in a size 16 for over a month now and I went and bought a size 13 before I was even in the 16's because I knew eventually I would get there well 2 days ago I was able to put on those 13's, granted they were tight and made my flabby stomach poke out at the top I was still able to get them on and button and zip them!!! I won't be wearing them out in public for awhile until I can more comfortably fit in them but I just had to share this experience with all of you!
  11. KevinsBabyGirl85


    I'm asking everyone to please say a prayer for my friend Christina....she is having the gastric sleeve done today!
  12. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Oh Yeah!

    What brand?
  13. KevinsBabyGirl85


  14. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Complications 10 Days Out

    Sending prayers your way!!!
  15. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Oooo....i Ate Too Fast.

    That is one of the worst feelings ever....one day while I was driving I totally forgot about my surgery and was extremely thirsty grabbed my water and gulped it down and there was nothing I could do it was way too late and I was in pain for 10 minutes I got the heebe geebe's...definitely drink and eat slowly!
  16. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Just Got Approved

    Ms pinup congrats on getting your approval I'm sure you anxious and excited to start the new part of your life!!
  17. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Negative People

    I simply tell them that working out and exercising haven't helped me in the past and that this surgery is just another tool to help me get healthier and explain that you'll still have to work out and eat right that the surgery isnt a cure all! And if they continue to rag on you or say negative things I would just tell them straight up its your life and your decision and against their beliefs you are doing this to better your life and then just move and start talking about something else!
  18. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Liquid Hell

    I use unjury, carnation instant breakfast, and myoplex those are the only ones that taste good to me! As for the vitamins I take a chewable in the morning then my b12 about an hour later then my calcium at lunch and another chewable at bed time!
  19. KevinsBabyGirl85

    3 Days Post Op

    Congrats on the start of a new you!!! I also had to sleep upright for the first week and had a ton of gas pain and nausea but I was ok as long as I kept my nausea patch on!
  20. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Upper G.i. Today.

    You'll be great!!! It's really not that bad I've had a few of them!
  21. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Tomorrow Is The Big Day

    Good luck today at your surgery! Prayers for a safe successful surgery and a speedy recovery!
  22. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Liquid Diet?

    When is your surgery?!? Your dr may not require you to do it!
  23. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Bad Me!

    YoungNY that's exactly what happened to me when I took a sip of soda it was horrible I almost passed out and my mom almost had to call the ambulance!
  24. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Gastric Bypass Surgery Progress Pictures

    Aww thanks sweet!! I can't wait to see your pics 51 lbs in 2 months is a lot too!!! I am on a plateau right now so this month I don't think I'll loose as much
  25. KevinsBabyGirl85

    Bad Me!

    Omg I don't dump either and I too did an oopsie but it was long before Easter I just won't do it again....hey we are all human therefore we can't always be perfect!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
