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LAP-BAND Patients
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About MNoelle

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  • Birthday 06/12/1964

About Me

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    Beading, reading, movies
  • Occupation
    HR Assistant
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  1. Happy 49th Birthday MNoelle!

  2. MNoelle

    Feel Like Such A Lap Band Failure!

    I had the LBT done in August 2010. I also had to have hyenial hernia repair at the same time. I feel lilke everything gets stuck. I have had the esophagus checked to make sure nothing is obstructing the flow, and it was normal. I am eating less, but I am eating the wrong things. I have never been a healthy eater. I lost 35 lbs but have gained back 10 over. So progress for over a year has been VERY slow. I am starting to wonder if I should have had the by-pass surgery instead. I will admit the reason I didn't is becuase I like my sweets. Any support and mentoring would be greatly appreciated.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
