Hi Everyone! I was just banded Mon 1/16. I'm feeling pretty good. I'm just on clear liquids and have to stay on them a few more days. I'm not having any trouble getting any fluid down. i'm actually drinking more than the required minimum. The only issue i'm having is gas pain, feels like chest pain so it's sorta freaking me out. I've been reassured that it's normal and it will go away but it still makes me nervous. Anyone else going through this? Also when i woke up from a nap today I was hungry, my stomach was growling. I grabbed some jello and that took care of it but i didnt expect to be hungry this early on.
And in response to Mags2u I haven't started exercising yet. I just got home from the hospital yesterday and am still kinda wiped out. My dr has told me to start walking 40 mins a day. It doesnt have to be all at once but I should try to get a 40 min total. Depending on how i feel tomorrow i'm gonna try to walk. I'm hoping that will help with the gas pains i'm getting as well.
Hope everyone else is doing well and i'm so glad i found this forum.