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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Spooky69

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/05/1973

About Me

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  • Interests
    Reading, traveling, movies
  • Occupation
    Human Resources
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  1. Happy 40th Birthday Spooky69!

  2. Spooky69

    To Fill Or Not To Fill???

    What is productive burping??
  3. Spooky69

    Farting Freak

    Girl, I am wondering the same thing!! I am only a month post op, but I have gas every single morning, and at night, I can feel and hear my tummy rumbling. I do not drink with straws, so that is not the cause, the gas from surgery is suppose to be gone after a few days I was told. (?) I don't want to have to take gas x for the rest of my life either...I would love to know how to get rid of it too!!!
  4. Spooky69

    So Anyone Ever Tried Weight Watchers?

    If it is working then stay with it! I never had much success with it, and my Dr. says no carbs if you want to lose the weight, and those WW meals are full of carbs and sodium, so I am going to avoid carbs as much as possible and see how this goes. Good Luck!!
  5. I found cutting out all carbs, eating 2 high protein shakes a day, one for breakfast and one for lunch and a small portion of healthy meals at night did the trick. (yeah, the diet) I drank alot of energy crystal light (curbs appetite) and water during the day and this helped. I dropped 14 lbs in 12 days. It was hard for the first few days, but it got better. I have never lost that much in such a short time, but I knew I had a two week goal, and would not have to do it forever....that helped me do it too. Now, after 4 weeks post op, I have not lost anymore, just kind of staying the same. I hope after the 1st adjustment, I will lose a little more.
  6. I am nervous about my first adjustment. I am still healing and afraid it will be painful. Is the port under one of my incisions? If so, they are still tender. =(

  7. I am still healing I guess...Had my surgery on 12/30/11. I have my first fill on Tuesday of next week. I have not lost any more weight post op which worries me too...=( I am super nervous about my first fill. My Dr. told me to not worry about drinking with food, he kind of prefers it, as it can help make foods mushy...but he says to chew chew chew and take small bites. So far, drinking has not caused any bad side effects that I know of, (still learning) But, I have HORRIBLE gas, like all morning and throughout the day, every day. I am always hungry, so I also have hunger pains that are noisy...lol... I had neither of these things before my band. Will this go away after my fill? I burp too after most meals, ususally just one good one and I feel better. I was told during orientation, before my band that gass x would be my best friend....I thought she meant just after surgery for that gas. Is gas a life long thing I am going to have?
  8. I had my procedure on Dec. 30th, I am still healing and had a hernia removed while I was getting the band. I have had no weight loss since surgery, but kept the 12 lbs off from the 2 week diet before surgery. I can pretty much eat whatever I want, but too scared to try breads. I try to make reasonable choices, two hours after I eat, I am hungry again. I am always hungry. I was under the impression I would not eat as much. My contact at the Dr. office said I may not have an adjustment until my first apt. in a couple of weeks since I had the hernia repair. Is this common? Could my band be open, therefore not giving me a full feeling? I am super nervous about getting my first fill in a couple of weeks, hope my sutures are all healed before then.

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