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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Merle

  1. Wow I thought I was just going thru some weird life change. I was banded Jan 2011 and played on a yoyo since this past January. Since January I've lost 50 pounds, I take 10,000 mg of biotin and even started using Rogain for women, and neither one has created growth, what I got was long strands of what I have left. I finally had to embrace what I have and had it cut into a pixie. But I read from all of you that the amount of protein is essential. OOOOOPS, I don't think I have eaten that much protein. I usually have a yogurt a day, and maybe fit a protein shake into it, but thats all I get down daily. I know I know I need to eat more, but ..... just another excuse. I'm at the point that I'm almost afraid to eat. I'm finally down to a size 12, I don't think I've seen this size since I was a teenager I just don't want to go back up. at one time I remember shopping for 24's and 26's, wearing a 3x. I just don't ever want to see that again.

  2. That's awesome you lost that weight. There isn't much restriction after surgery. Because of the swelling your stomach initially goes through that hardly put any fluid in it. Then your next visit they will ask how you have been doing, you tell them everything goes down easily, and then they usually put 1cc of saline. This will go on every month until they and u are happy with the weight loss and the restriction.. Its a constant process, don't get discouraged, sometimes its too tight (and you'll know) so kudos that you're still eating slowly cause believe me, you'll pay dearly if you rush your meals.....Good luck, you're doing great

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