I am very new to all of this and I need some help and advise.
I had my surgery June 5th and everything went great, I am on no restrictions and I started walking 2 days ago (1mile).
My questions are these:
I am eating more then I thought that I could, I am scheduled for my first fill July 19th. Is there something wrong? Is my stomach stretched? Do I need to see my Doc and be xrayed?
I lost a total of 16 pounds in the first 1.5 weeks and now nothing. Do I need to exercise more. I am so scared that there is something wrong because I am always hungry! I have not cheated as far as the type of food, I am still eating fruit Soups and chicken and drinking alot of Water. But it seems like the portion and the how frequent I am is eating is wrong.
Please help me figure this out, I am trying so hard and I don't want to fail again.
Thank you