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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. I was the same way the first couple days. I think my first day home from the hospital I drank maybe 16oz of Water and a sugar Popsicle. Try to at least sip on water as much as you can. Just little sips but as often as you can possibly stomach. I found keeping a bottle of water with me at all times helped. I was banded on a Friday, felt like total crap with bad gas pain that whole weekend, and then Monday night gas pain finally began to let up. By Wednesday that same week I was back to my normal routine and driving my kids to and from school again. Hang in there, it gets a lot easier and better!
  2. I've told everyone, I'm not ashamed at all at making a decision to better my health and prolong my life. The majority of everyone has been very supportive, in fact my mom is now also considering it. The very few who did make snarky comments about "being the easy way out" or how it's "unnecessary" I put them in their place fast. I simply said "Would you begrudge a diabetic from using an implanted insulin pump to better control their diabetes? Or if one day I can no longer walk without foot drop (I also have Multiple Sclerosis) will you look down on me for getting an electronic device to stimulate my leg to move? The Lap Band is no different, it's a tool to better my health and improve my quality of life". As for the "easy way out" comments, I point out the fact I still have to make smart food choices the rest of my life. I also pointed out eating portions and bites the size of a toddler serving and having to chew everything 'til mush isn't exactly "easy". Nor is having to have my band checked and maintained by a surgeon the rest of my life. And giving up ALL carbonation for the rest of my life isn't exactly easy, either. ...that shuts up the naysayers pretty dang fast

    Hello - New Member

    It's very much a personal opinion, and everyone has to do what's best for them. With that said, I love my band. This is the best thing I've ever done for myself. I was banded 3 months ago on Jan. 6 and I've lost 65 pounds so far. I've never vomited and there isn't anything I can't eat as long as I take small bites and chew thoroughly. I would do this all again in a heartbeat. I'm so thrilled I got banded.

    Post Button Not Working???

    I'm having the same problems the last two days.
  5. **totally normal, not nervous. For some reason I'm getting an error when I try to correct my typo and it won't let me.
  6. It's totally nervous to second guess yourself as you near your surgery date. I know I did, in fact I can remember waiting to be wheeled into the ER thinking "holy crap, what am I doing?" Thankfully I went through with it and I'm so glad I did. Honestly, being banded is the best thing I've ever for myself. I was banded 3 months ago on Jan. 6 and I've lost 65 pounds so far. I feel better than I have in years. You have to take the horror stories you read with a grain of salt. I look at it like car accidents- once in awhile the the accident is no fault of the driver whatsoever, but more often than not there's some degree of operator error involved. The Lap Band is the same way. There are times something goes wrong by no fault of the banded person, but the majority of the time it's because of something they did(or didn't)do. (even if a great number don't admit it here) Ultimately, the decision is yours and you must do what's best for you. Best wishes to you

    Waiting In The Er :(

    I am so sorry Prayers and good vibes being sent your way. Let us know what happens!

    Fill Am I Too Tight

    I had my 3rd fill a week ago, and it's just today I am back to eating "normally". I've never thrown up but I noticed I would get very uncomfortable after just 4 or 5 bites. Because liquids were going down fine I wanted to give the swelling time to go down. Yesterday it was better but still touchy, today I'm doing fine. And as for drinks, yes, take a big gulp of Water before leaving your doctor's office after a fill. This way if you're too tight you'll know immediately. My first two fills I took little sips and was fine, but then when I took big gulps I was immediately gurgling water back up. My doc took a little out and I was immediately fine. That is another reason I knew I just had to give my stomach time to rest after this last fill, despite how extremely tight I have been. I didn't gurgle up after a big gulp of water.
  9. My 9yr old son weighs 64 pounds. I have now officially lost 65 pounds. It really puts it in perspective to think I've lost the equivalent of my son's mass!

  10. You are in what is often referred to as "bandster hell", because you're post surgery and healing but with no fill so you can eat pretty much like you did pre-band. Bandster hell is a lot of white knuckling willpower- it's rough. As far as fills, everyone is different. Some people (like me) get restriction right away with the first fill, others take 3, 4, or even more fills to finally feel restriction. Unfortunately, you won't know until you get the fill. Whatever happens at your fill, just remember you're at the beginning of the journey. If you have restriction then great, but don't get discouraged if you don't. It WILL come, it's just a matter of when and how much in your band before it does. Hang in there, I promise, it's worth it.

    100 Pounds Gone!!

    That is amazing, thank you so much for sharing your success!!! Congratulations!!
  12. I love the low fat Wheat Thins with a wedge of Laughing Cow light swiss spread on it. 8 crackers and 1 wedge is only about 100 calories. I also really love the sugar free Jello pudding for a treat. The Boston Cream and Deluce (caramel) are incredible and only 60 calories. I drink tons of Lipton mixed berry diet green tea. Zero calories and it doesn't taste "diet" at all. It's sweet and refreshing, and for me it's a great substitute for the pop I used to drink.
  13. Jachut is right. If you have a desk job, five days will be just fine. The only reason you'd need four weeks is if you have some super strenuous physical job.

    Oh C@@p - It Seems I May Still Be Obese

    I saw this as well. I'll be honest, I think it's all a bunch of crap. My fear is that this is only going to further the epidemic of eating disorders in our society because people ARE obsessed with the numbers. I say if you're a healthy weight for your height, then forget the revised BMI.

    No Pop Ever. Really?

    I was a pop addict, too. However, I've not had a single one since surgery and my roommate in the hospital made sure I never will again. She was in there because she had been regularly drinking pop and prolapsed her band. Yes, the carbonation not only expanded her pouch but actually prolapsed her band. She was in there to have to new band put in. She also gained 40 pounds during that time as well. Hearing her story was enough to scare me from ever drinking carbonation again. It's just not worth the risk.

    I Dont Know What To Do Anymore

    I absolutely love my band. Originally I was supposed to have gastric bypass but at the last minute cancelled. I couldn't justify cutting up and re-routing perfectly working organs. I also couldn't just justify something irreversible without trying something less drastic first. So, I got the band, and I'm SO glad I did. I've lost 63 pounds in the 3 months since I was banded. I can eat anything so long as I chew thoroughly and eat small bites, and I've never once thrown up/slimed/spit up.

    Scared To Eat Real Food Again...

    Just take it slow. Remember, small bites and chew, chew chew! You may want to start with soft foods or moist foods. For instance, chicken alone is rather dry and difficult to chew, but chicken in a sauce of some sort would go down easier. salad is roughage and hard to digest, so maybe start with softer steamed veggies. For the record, I've never thrown up and there is nothing I can't eat.

    How Quickly Can I Expect To Lose The Weight?

    Honestly, I don't think you can or should even attempt to set weight loss goals based on other people's results. Everyone is different and you need to strictly concentrate on what works best for you.

    How Do You Deal With Emotional Eating

    It's very hard, I think the majority of us deal with this to one extent or another. I know I do. I have to constantly ask myself "am I physically hungry?" and when the answer is no, the battle within me begins. Sometimes I swear I must be nuts because I'm literally having conversations with myself, debating why or why not I should eat something. I don't keep trigger foods in the house, nor do I keep comfort food in the house. I can't, if it's here, in a moment of weakness I'll eat it. Lately I'm craving sweets, so I've been drinking a lot of SoBe Lifewater and Diet Mixed berry Green Tea. The fluids keep me feeling satisfied and both are sweet (though zero calories). When I'm craving crunchy, I have a couple low fat Wheat Thins. It's not easy by a long shot. I highly suspect it's going to be a lifelong battle.

    Weird Rash

    Sounds like mine almost exactly. I have been putting lotion on it and keeping it very clean, but it's been there for a couple months now.

    Weird Rash

    NightShiftNurse, is yours around the incisions specifically? Mine is in blotches across my lower abdomen.

    Weird Rash

    That's exactly what I think I might have, stephyanders. What weird is, it's on my abdomen and it's only started over the last couple months since surgery. That's why I was wondering if NightShiftNurse has similar.

    Weird Rash

    Weird, but I have similar and have for a couple months. Is your skin extremely dry around the bumps?

    I Love My Band!

    I just have to say, especially for anyone who's considering the Lap Band and looking on these boards for advice, I absolutely love my Lap Band. Seriously. This is by the far the BEST thing I've ever done for myself. I was banded on Jan. 6, 2012. I have lost 62 pounds in the last 3 months since being banded. I have Multiple Sclerosis, and since losing this weight (even though I still have a lot to lose) I feel so much better physically. I have even been able to stop taking a couple of my medications for MS symptoms because the symptoms have improved as my weight has dropped. Also, I can eat anything, just in small quantities. I've never vomited or spit up since surgery, either. I am very much in the Green Zone as far as fills, too. So for anyone considering Lap Band, I would highly recommend it. I positively love mine!

    Getting Banded 4/10

    I think it's totally normal to be nervous about being put under for surgery. I have been under general anesthesia a couple times and was still scared right before surgery. I can remember sitting in the room, hooked up to IV's, waiting to be wheeled back thinking "what the hell am I doing? I should bolt right now". Thankfully I didn't bolt and am I so glad I didn't- I've had a great experience with my band so far. As for the liquid diet, it sucks both pre and post op. I remember being starving, too. I know it's hard but remind yourself you're on the liquids to make the surgery even safer by shrinking your liver. Post surgery you're giving your stomach time to heal. Hang in there, I know it's tough right now but it's so worth it in the end

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
