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LAP-BAND Patients
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    New Here

    I started out around your size. I was 5'4" and 421 pounds. Now, almost 8 months later, I weigh 286. I've lost 135 pounds so far. Honestly, I love my band. It's the best decision I've ever made for myself. My only regret is that I didn't do it much sooner. Best wishes to you and to your daughter.


    Are you saying chicken is the only thing you can eat? Or can't?

    Need Help Asap. Something Tells Me I Stretched My Stomach. Any Suggestions?

    It could be a number of things. You have fluid in your band, but possibly you don't have enough fluid in it and need another fill or two. I would also suggest having it checked just to make sure it wasn't damaged in the accident. You shouldn't be physically hungry constantly with the band, but you said "I can eat like if i dont have the band it just goes down slow or gets stuck till i take a breath" Please keep in mind the band isn't supposed to stop you from eating anything. It's not even supposed to make you full. The only thing the band is supposed to do is make you feel satisfied with less food for longer periods of time. So, please don't expect the band to physically stop you from eating because that's not what it's meant to do at all. Best wishes to you

    I'm So Hungry

    Yes, because as you heal and the swelling subsides, the hunger comes back and liquids aren't real great at filling you up. If you don't have Protein Shakes yet, but some. Protein is great for easing hunger.

    Really Hungry At Dinner/evenings

    My biggest meal of the day is definitely dinner. I can be fine all day long, but come dinner time, I'm very hungry. I try to really load up on Protein for dinner because I know nighttime is when I struggle with old eating habits the most. Having dinner be my biggest meal of the day has never hurt my weight loss at all

    I Cheated

    You probably don't want to hear this, but I think rescheduling your doctor's appointment would be a huge mistake. Seeing your doctor not only helps hold you accountable but it allows him to offer advice when you are having problems. If you reschedule just because you're afraid of the scale showing a gain, then you're going to keep rationalizing away your bad decisions. It's a slippery slope you're approaching right now but it's not to late to put on the brakes and choose not to go down it. You're human. You made a mistake, we all do. But now is your chance to start over with a clean slate go forward, even though doing so means you'll have to be accountable for your mistakes so you hopefully don't make the same one again. Best wishes.

    Tracking Weight Loss

    Me too, I love the barcode scanner and the ability to look up restaurant food. Both have helped me so much!

    Not Getting Enough Calories/protein?

    Your calorie count will go up once on solid foods, so I'd give it a week or so on solids and see where your calorie count is then.

    Sick Of Protein Shakes!

    Protein is very important, not only to keep you full but in the healing process as well. So, protein isn't optional. You have to have it, one way or another. I would suggest trying other Protein shakes, there's tons on the market. I know I tried 4 or 5 different brands before I finally found one that didn't make me gag. I couldn't stand that weird smell and after taste most seemed to have. Finally, I found unjury, and I absolutely love them. I'm now almost 8 months post op and still have an Unjury chocolate Splendor Protein shake for Breakfast every morning.

    Tracking Weight Loss

    I do. I've used Lose It religiously since the day I was released from the hospital. I absolutely love it. I'd be lost without it.

    Not Getting Enough Calories/protein?

    The Protein is important, because not only will it keep you full but it also helps to prevent muscle loss rather than fat loss. Protein is also very important for good healing. As for calories, you're not back on solid foods yet and just had surgery 19 days ago. You're still in the healing phase. For now, just try to make healthy food choices and don't worry if you can't get in all your calories. I have a feeling once you're fully healed and back on real food, your appetite will come back and calories won't be an issue. As for carbs, if your nutritionist didn't tell you to limit them, it's up to you whether to do so or not. I know many here are on a really low carb diet but not all of us. I'm not on a low carb diet because it's simply not realistic for me for a lifetime. I've lost quite a lot of weight so far, so obviously low carb isn't always necessary for weight loss. It really all depends on you and what works best for your body.
  12. Protein shakes and Greek Yogurt are the most common sources of protein during the liquid phase. (my surgeon let me have yogurt while on liquids). I was also allowed watery oatmeal, sugar free pudding, and cream Soups with no chunks. I was told if it ran off the back of a spoon easily, I could consider it a liquid. Hang in there, we survived the liquid diet and you will too

    Explain It To Me!

    Honestly? He sounds like an uncompassionate and unsupportive jerk. Tell him to stop asking, you'll let him know when the situation changes.

    Getting Frustrated

    It really depends on your insurance and your surgeon. I had my initial consultation the first week of December 2011 and I had Lap Band surgery a month later, January 2012. I agree with Jean, if you feel like you're being blown off and don't want to wait, you could always research other Lap Band surgeons in your area.

    To Fill Or Not To Fill

    An xray done two years has zero relevance on what you're experiencing now. A lot can happen and change in two years. You need to have a barium swallow to check your band. You have all the signs of being too tight, and with your band already empty, you need to be sure you don't have a slip.
  16. I very firmly believe ignorance screams while education whispers. It's always those that are most ignorant that seem to be quickest to point fingers and claim a clue they don't have, while those that are educated in the matter have nothing to prove thus quiet. It's like the old quote- It's better to look a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. These people seriously need to quit removing the doubt. I had substantial naysayers in the beginning too. They're all now eating big helpings of crow since I've lost 135 pounds in less than 8 months. I find my silent success is all the vindication I need. As for those that think it's the "easy way out", I usually challenge them to count every calorie and monitor every nutrient they put in their body, measure everything they eat and never eat more than a cup of food, give up carbonation forever, and increase their physical activity and then tell me how easy it is.
  17. Every surgeon has different rules. Some get on solids fast, others take a while. I was on liquids for 3 weeks, mushie for 2 weeks, soft 2 weeks, THEN finally solids. Every surgeon has their own idea what works so follow what your specific surgeon advises.
  18. It depends. If it's something like meat, I'll weigh it. If it's something I can actually measure in a cup, I will. And yes, I did stick to a cup or less even without restriction. But, I concentrated on daily calories rather than just 3 meals a day. So if my calorie budget was 1000 calories, it would be spread out so I could eat every 2 hours, rather than just 3 meals a day. That was the only way I could make it without being starving but still stick to a cup of food and stay within my calories.
  19. I know most people don't want to, but the only way I managed to lose post op, but before I had restriction, was by counting calories and sticking to a cup or less of food per meal. Granted I still do even now, but back then it was much more crucial so I didn't accidentally over eat. Also, keep in mind the first 4-6 weeks after surgery are for healing, not losing. I always recommend people put the scale away for the first month and just concentrate on good food choices and giving your body time to heal. You may feel good but your body still has lots of healing to do, so focus on Protein especially during this time. Best wishes.

    Not Holding Anything Down..

    You should be calling your doctor immediately, and if you can't reach him, go to the ER. Vomiting that soon after surgery is dangerous. Don't wait around. Go in.

    Confusion In First Fill Time

    I have fills (if I need them) every 4 weeks, but every surgeon is different. It sounds like yours works on the side of caution, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Gerrit From Idaho

    Hi Gerrit and welcome!! This is definitely a very good supportive atmosphere here. Feel free to jump right in wherever you choose! Do you have a surgery date yet? I think it's great you're researching this so much prior to having surgery. That knowledge will really help you a lot. Granted I'm a woman and considerably shorter than you, but my starting weight was very close to yours. I also had a host of obesity related problems as well. Even though I still have considerable weight to lose, I can't begin to tell you how much my life has improved from the weight I've lost so far with the band. A good example: I just came home from taking a couple mile walk with my son. 7 months ago, I could barely make it from the parking lot into the front of a store. The improvement in my life has been nothing less than amazing. Best wishes to you!!

    Nutrition Class!

    Excellent! I tell everyone to see a nutritionist and this is exactly why. It takes all the mystery and guess work out of healthy eating. I honestly don't think I'd have been nearly as successful with my band if it wasn't for what I learned from my nutritionist.

    Why Isnt This Working For Me?

    Your calorie count seems a bit high for a banded woman, perhaps you could try cutting out some of the calories and see if that helps? Most dietitians recommend about 1200 calories a day for women. Can I also ask your current weight and height? That also plays a big part in required calories.

    New Here!!!

    Welcome and congratulations on your steps towards better health! I know it's a lot easier said than done, but try to breath deeply and relax. It's a relatively minor surgery and the recovery time is pretty quick. You'll be all done and happily living with your new band before you know it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
