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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DELETE THIS ACCOUNT!


    Follow Up Care

    I couldn't agree with you more! I say at least a dozen times a day, either there are a lot of unscrupulous doctors out there just banding people to make money with zero direction or their are a lot of people out there not listening to their doctors. Either way, there needs to be a lot more education among banded people.

    Hospital Stay

    I'd bring toiletries, like deodorant, tooth brush and toothpaste. I'd also bring a comfy robe because they will want you up and walking right away, and those stupid hospital gowns have a habit of flashing your bottom, so a robe is a definite must. Also, bring comfy clothes for your trip home. No blue jeans, maybe a house dress or loose pants like sweats. Good luck!

    Unfill For Convience????

    Actually, there is a way you can help shrink your pouch without emptying the band. It's not guaranteed to work but it's definitely worth a try. Have you tried the 5 day pouch test? http://5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html

    Liquid Diet???

    I say it's abnormal because general speaking, doctors consider reflux a warning sign of a band too tight or a slip. The fact it went away with an unfill leads one to believe it was in fact caused because of your band being too tight. Best wishes in whatever you decide to do.

    What's One Thing Do You Plan On Doing To Help Yourself?

    I'm going to get a family membership at the YMCA so when the weather gets too snowy and I can't take my walks, I can still keep exercising.

    Confused And Fustrated

    Just FYI- it doesn't matter if you have the Band, Sleeve, or Bypass. You have to make healthy lifestyle changes for a lifetime or you won't lose weight. All WLS surgeries are only tools, not magic bullets. The work is will always be yours to do.

    Liquid Diet???

    But do you realize acid reflux and weight gain aren't normal? You're not supposed to be having either. Have you spoke to your surgeon recently about all this? I would even go so far as to request a barium swallow to make sure your band is still in the proper place.

    Liquid Diet???

    Just my opinion, but why not utilize the tool you already have? The whole purpose of the band is to lose weight without having to go through diets like the Beaumont liquid one. I would make an appointment with a nutritionist to help you get back on track. I guarantee they can do far more to help you than any liquid diet can. Best wishes to you.
  9. Talk to the doctor who is doing your fills and have them recommend a nutritionist. Everyone is told different food guidelines to follow so everyone has a different idea of the "right" diet to follow. You need to see a nutritionist to set up guidelines specifically geared to you.
  10. Fill don't make you lose weight, making good food choices, limiting your portions, and exercising makes you lose weight. Please don't make the mistake in thinking you need fills to lose weight because you will risk getting filled too tight. All the fills are supposed to do is put adequate Fluid in your band so that you can be satisfied on less food for longer periods of time. Your loss so far (congratulations, you're doing great!) is all your doing. Just keep doing what you've been doing and you'll keep losing. Best wishes.


    1000-1200 calories a day, usually closer to 1200.

    Confused And Fustrated

    -Are you sticking to a cup or less of food per meal? -How many calories a day are you eating? -Are you exercising? -Are you getting in all your daily protein? All of these things are important to be successful with the band. Keep in mind being "super tight" isn't what will help you lose weight. Making good food choices and limiting your portions is what helps you lose weight. All the band is supposed to do is help you to be satisfied with less food for longer periods of time- not make food choices for you and not stop you from eating.
  13. First, it usually takes people multiple fills before they can tell a difference. Second, the amount in your band is completely irrelevant, all that matters is how you feel. Some people have adequate restriction after having very little in their band whereas others need a lot. It's all dependent on your anatomy so don't compare your Fluid to anyone else. When you do have adequate fluid in the band, it's supposed to keep satisfied on less food for longer periods of time. Ideally, a cup or less per meal for at least 4-5 hours. But keep in mind the band isn't supposed to stop you from eating more than a cup per meal, it's your job to restrict your portions, not the bands job. As far as calories, Protein, fat, and carbs, your doctor or nutritionist should've went over all this with you before being banded. If not, or you have never seen a nutritionist, I would advise seeing one to set up food guidelines. It's pretty crucial to success with the band. Best wishes to you.

    Chest Pain Please Help

    Yes, it's from the gas that was pumped into your abdominal cavity during surgery. Try a heating pad. Walk as much as you can because it will help your body reabsorb it faster. Best wishes.

    Stretched Pouch..! Please Help

    Please realize the band isn't supposed to stop you from eating anything. It's supposed to help you not be hungry on less food for longer periods of time. It's not meant to physically stop you from eating. Stick to one cup of food or less, regardless of how much you can physically eat. You could try the 5 day pouch test to see if it helps. http://5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html

    I Can't Stop Crying!

    But if you go to the ER, they can hook you up to an IV to hydrate you. Then at least you'll be ok until you can call your surgeon tomorrow. You don't have to let them touch your band, just get the necessary fluids in you to make sure you don't put your health in jeopardy.

    Lose Inches Or Lose Pounds? Which Do You Prefer?

    Logically, I know I should prefer inches, but the truth is I prefer to lose pounds. The reason is completely illogical, too. If I lose inches but not pounds, I start getting moody because mentally I really need to see the scale go down in numbers. If I lose pounds but I don't notice lost inches, I really don't care because I'm so happy to see the numbers on the scale fall and I know the inches will come eventually. I know, it's totally foolish if not backwards thinking on my part, but it's the honest answer.

    I Can't Stop Crying!

    First and foremost, if you are dehydrated go to the ER. Second, you need to realize the amount of Fluid in your band is meaningless, all that matters is how you feel. Some have tons of restriction with very little fluid and others have no restriction with a lot of fluid. It's all dependent on your anatomy. The amount of fluid is completely irrelevant. Seriously, go to the ER. They may even call your doc (or another bariatric surgeon) to come take some fluid out for you immediately. Best wishes.

    I Did It..

    Congratulations!! And that is exactly how you'll get stronger. When I was banded, I needed a handicapped parking pass just to make it to the front of a store. Once inside I needed a motorized shopping cart to get around. Now, I am walking about 2 miles a day with ease. I am able to take my son to the zoo and chaperon my daughter's band festivals. When I first started walking I think I went about a block, maybe less. Over time I just gradually pushed myself little by little until finally it was no longer a painful battle but a true enjoyment. You're totally rocking this


    I firmly believe that sometimes we truly need to allow ourselves a pity party to process our emotions, deal with them, and move beyond them. You've been through a lot between the divorce and having to live with your mom. I think any sane person would be going a little batty by now in your shoes. And let's be honest, it doesn't matter how wonderful your mother is, two grown women who are used to running their own households just can't always cohabitate easily. I give you both a lot of credit and respect for trying to make it work. So, have your down day and know it's ok to feel like you do. You're human and you're entitled. As for the medical issues, please don't overlook them. I fully admit I tend to run on the slightly paranoid end of the spectrum due to to my own life experiences (I have MS and it took me years to be diagnosed because everyone kept missing the warning signs) but do be sure to follow up with your doctor. Hang in there, Donna. You're obviously a very strong lady and you'll make it through this too. ((hugs))
  21. There are only restriction issues if you allow them. If you're not happy and need it loosened, you get it loosened. If you don't mind not being able to eat certain things, then you just deal with it. I've been banded for 9 months and have zero restriction issues. I still eat anything and everything I want.
  22. Everyone is different, from what they can and can't eat to the diets they follow. I eat Pasta, rice, bread, potatoes, etc. all the time, if not daily, with no problems. I just take very small bites and eat slowly. I also don't follow a low carb diet yet still lose weight very well. It's just another example how we're all different and what applies to one person doesn't apply to all. Just go slow and cautiously when trying new foods to see what your body can handle, and be aware that may well change after every fill. Best wishes.

    Herniated Disc?

    Here's an interesting fact I'm just now becoming aware of... I never had back problems before except once in a great while. Lately, I've been having almost constant lower back pain. It actually feels like my lower back is compressing, it's hard to describe. I only know it hurts pretty bad. So I went into my PCP and told him. I also told him I was thoroughly confused why after losing over 150 pounds I'm having back problems but when I was bigger I didn't. He said it's actually very common after massive weight loss. The reason is, when you're larger, we tend to have a sway back to accommodate the weight from our bellies, curving forward. Our bodies and spine get used to this and see this as the 'norm'. When we lose a lot of weight, our entire spine alignment changes and we gradually lose that sway back posture. When that happens it can cause considerable back pain, because even though it's in a more normal position, our bodies don't see it that way. He said to expect back problems for the next 12-18 months while I finish losing weight and my body adjusts. He did say once my weight stabilizes and my spine is settled into it's proper "new normal" position, the pain should slowly go away entirely again. In the meantime, I now I have a script for Vicodin for when it starts really hurting. Just an interesting fact I've recently learned about weight loss and back pain.

    Oh My Stars, I Can't Eat Anything!!!

    You are too tight and that is definitely nothing to "grin and bare". You're putting yourself at real risk for a slip by being too tight. Call your surgeon for a slight unfill as soon as possible.
  25. Oh yeah, I've had chubby chasers trying to hit on me, idiots spamming websites, and trolls trying to lure me into some money stealing scheme. I just report them to the admins and they're taken care of pretty quickly.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
