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LAP-BAND Patients
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    how far apart????

    How far apart fills are depend entirely on your doctor. I'd trust his judgement. Keep in mind though, you say "I can still eat a lot tho". The band isn't supposed to physically stop you from eating anything so don't gauge whether or not you fill based on how much you can eat. Whether or not you need a fill should be based on whether or not you're satisfied on a cup or less of food for 4 or more hours, not how much you can eat. Best wishes.


    Just my personal opinion, but I wouldn't waste my time with any diet drugs or gimmicks. As you stated yourself "until I quit and went back to my old way". You can't stay on stuff like Hcg forever and when you do go off it any weight you lost just rebounds right back. The same is true for all the other prescription and OTC diet drugs and supplements out there. I got the band to be healthy and to lose my weight in a healthy way. No more fads or gimmicks for me. Again, just my opinion.

    soft food

    I know it's hard, but remind yourself your post op diet has nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with healing. Your stomach has been stitched and needs time to heal. Cheating on your post op diet puts you at very real risk for band slips and ripping those stitches. So, stick to your post op diet and remind yourself your health is at risk when you feel tempted to cheat.

    3 weeks post op

    I know it's hard, but remind yourself your post op diet has nothing to do with weight loss and everything to do with healing. Your stomach has been stitched and needs time to heal. Cheating on your post op diet puts you at very real risk for band slips and ripping those stitches. So, stick to your post op diet and remind yourself your health is at risk when you feel tempted to cheat. Best wishes.
  5. Hello I can only speak for myself and what my own surgeon taught me, but you're actually not supposed to feel your band. I know I can't feel mine ever, even during fills. The only time I become physically aware of the band is when I get stuck (which is entirely my own fault). What the band is supposed to do is allow you to go longer on less food without hunger. To be more specific, to be able to go at least 4 hours on a cup or less of food without being hungry. But here's the cool thing- when you're not hungry and feel satisfied food is no longer a preoccupation. Too often people think the band is supposed to physically stop them from eating and as a result keep getting fill after fill trying to achieve this. Inevitably they end up too tight and put themselves at risk for slips. When you tell them the band isn't supposed to physically stop you from eating, I hear a lot of "well then what good is it?!" When you're satisfied and not hungry, you're freed from the obsession with food so many of us have lived with forever. I was a big time volume and binge eater. Because I have adequate Fluid in my band that desire is gone. I actually skip meals entirely because I'm not hungry. That is something I NEVER thought would be possible for me- yet it is and happens often. And for the record, I can eat anything as well. Some people do have problem foods they just can't handle anymore but not everyone. If I take small bites and chew like crazy there isn't anything I can't eat. (and I wouldn't want it any other way, being honest) The other big misconception is that you should feel full. With the band, it's simply not the case, in fact if you're trying to achieve that full feeling you had before your band you're likely eating too much. The band is about satisfaction not fullness. Here's a really excellent article that I think explains all this very well, have a look because it explains all this a lot better than I ever could: http://drsimpson.net/fills/Lap-band-eating/lap-band-not-restriction/lap-band-and-restriction.html As far as weight loss, I know a lot don't want to deal with tracking calories but it really is the easiest way to make sure you're not eating too much or too little. Yes, eating too little can slow your weight loss big time. When you track calories, you can easily see where changes need to be made. I can only speak for myself, but I know without a doubt I'd have never lost all the weight I have without religiously tracking every single calorie I've consumed since the day I got home from the hospital. It does get better, by the way. The fact you're asking questions is good- it's how you learn and when you have realistic expectations of the band it's a heck of a lot easier to adjust to. You're going to do great. Best wishes

    Annoyed at loose skin comments

    Yes, I have had to deal with it and it's infuriating and insulting. And yes, being as I've lost almost 200 pounds in 14 months, I do have a ton of excess skin that I will have to get removed. What I tell people is this: I can easily hide excess skin under my clothes. There is no way I could hide almost 200 pounds of fat . I'll take the excesses skin over the fat any day. Best wishes.
  7. Very interesting article that I thought I'd share. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some of the most firmly held beliefs about weight loss are unproven or downright untrue, according to an analysis comparing concepts promoted in the popular media with data from the scientific literature. The findings were published online January 31 in a special article in the New England Journal of Medicine. "False and scientifically unsupported beliefs about obesity are pervasive in both scientific literature and the popular press," write Krista Casazza, PhD, RD, from the Department of Nutrition Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues. The authors discuss a total of 7 myths, along with refuting evidence. Here are some examples: Small changes in food intake and/or exercise will produce large, long term weight changes — This idea was based on the old idea that 3500 kcal equals 1 pound of weight. But it does not take into account the fact that energy requirements change as body mass changes over time. So, as weight is lost, it takes increasingly more exercise and reduced intake to perpetuate the loss. Realistic weight-loss goals will keep people motivated — This idea seems reasonable, but it is not supported by evidence. In fact, several studies have shown that people with very ambitious goals lose more weight (eg, TV's The Biggest Loser). Slow, gradual weight loss is best for long-term success — Actually, a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled weight-loss trials found that rapid weight loss via very-low-calorie diets resulted in significantly more weight loss (16% vs 10% of body weight) at 6 months, and differences in weight loss persisted up to 18 months (Int J Behav Med. 2010;17:161-167). A bout of sexual activity burns 100 to 300 kcal per person — With intense sexual activity, a 154-pound man burns approximately 3.5 kcal per minute. However, given that the average amount of time spent during one stimulation and orgasm session is about 6 minutes, this man might expend about 21 kcal total. But, he would burn about 7 kcal just lying on the couch, so that amount has to be subtracted, which gives a grand total of 14 kcals of energy expended. The article also explores 6 "presumptions," or widely accepted beliefs that are neither proven nor disproven. Among them: Eating Breakfast prevents obesity — Actually, 2 studies showed no effect of eating vs skipping breakfast. Adding fruits and vegetables to the diet results in weight loss — Adding more calories of any type without making any other changes is likely to cause weight gain. Eating fruits and vegetables is healthful, however. Weight cycling, aka "yoyo dieting," increases mortality — The data are from observational studies and likely confounded by health status. Finally, the authors offer 9 facts about obesity and weight loss that are supported by data, among them: Moderate environmental changes can promote as much weight loss as even the best weight-loss drugs. Diets do produce weight loss, but attempting to diet and telling someone to diet are not necessarily the same thing. Physical activity does help in promoting weight loss and has health benefits even in the absence of weight loss. For overweight children, involving the family and home environment in weight-loss efforts is ideal. Providing actual meals or Meal Replacements works better for weight loss than does general advice about food choices. Both weight-loss drugs and bariatric surgery can help achieve long-term weight loss in some individuals. According to Dr. Casazza and colleagues, "The myths and presumptions about obesity that we have discussed are just a sampling of the numerous unsupported beliefs held by many people, including academics, regulators, and journalists, as well as the general public. Yet there are facts about obesity of which we may be reasonably certain — facts that are useful today." And they conclude, "While we work to generate additional useful knowledge, we may in some cases justifiably move forward with hypothesized, but not proven, strategies. However, as a scientific community, we must always be open and honest with the public about the state of our knowledge and should rigorously evaluate unproved strategies." Original article: http://www.medscape....warticle/778600

    Weight-Loss Myths Refuted in New Review

    Well that depends on how much you weigh and whether you're male or female. That is just the number of calories your body needs to exist. For weight loss, especially with the band, it's going to be different. I would definitely talk to your nutritionist to establish a healthy calorie range for yourself.


    I think the answer is- you can if you don't have problems swallowing them. You'll have to give it a cautious try and see how you do.

    My restrictor plate is in!

    Hello and welcome! I'm sorry, what is a restrictor plate? I've not heard of this before.

    Financing FREAK OUT!

    Care Credit offers a line of credit specifically for medical stuff, including bariatric surgery. Maybe you could apply with them? http://www.carecredit.com/

    eating out

    It may be shocking, but Chick-A-Filet has a GREAT bandster sized healthy meal. Their kids' chicken nugget meal. It's 4 unbreaded baked chicken nuggets. You can get applesauce for a side as part of the meal, too. When I was traveling down south last summer, this meal was my savior in a sea of horrible fast food. The chicken is seasoned and tastes really good, too.


    Do your homework. Learn the facts and risks of both. Also learn what you'd be required to do for both as well as what you can't do. I personally love my band. I couldn't justify hacking out 3/4 of my stomach for the Sleeve or re-routing my intestines for Gastric Bypass. Plus, I didn't want to deal with dumping or malabsorbtion. For me, the Lap Band was the logical choice because it's reversible, far less drastic, and far less risk of serious complications. Good luck with whatever you decide is best for you.

    Vacation and the Lap Band

    I definitely wouldn't remove saline for a vacation. In fact, my surgeon refuses to unfill band just so people can over eat on vacations. He said it defeats the whole purpose of the band. I had to have a total unfill in August for emergency surgery (not band related). I can tell you when you do get a total unfill, it's not easy to get back where you were. Just my opinion and experience.

    24 hours after banding

    Congratulations on taking a major step towards good health!

    Favorite meals???

    I have favorite websites lol. These are both great for healthy but tasty meals: http://www.skinnytaste.com/ http://www.emilybites.com/

    Not losing

    I would talk to your nutritionist, perhaps they'd have some insight to help you kick start the scale.

    LB Postponed

    I think you need to do what you think is best for you, be it band or no band. It's your body and this is a life changing decision. If you really don't think the band is for you then don't do it. I would like to point out something though. The majority of Lap Band horror stories you see are the fault of the patient not the band, the biggest being people walking around with their bands too tight and it resulting in a slip. Then there's the ones that chronically over eat, eat around the band, and vomit. I even met a woman who had a slip from carbonation. Unfortunately it seems the ones that holler the loudest are the ones that are having problems- you don't hear from the majority of happy band patients because they're too busy enjoying their new lives. The band does require changes for life. If people don't change their eating habits, they won't lose, it's simple as that. Too often people go into this surgery expecting magic and that's not the case. It's a tool and it requires work. For actual facts (not anecdotal evidence from a forum or Youtube) have a look a this link. It's a very large study on the long term success of the band: http://www.futurity.org/health-medicine/weight-stays-off-long-after-lap-band-surgery/ Best wishes on whatever you decide.

    Weight-Loss Myths Refuted in New Review

    Ok here's the BMR calculator I use. I like it because it actually decreases with age and recognizes the differences between men and women. http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    Weight-Loss Myths Refuted in New Review


    Dinner tonight

    I think I'm going to have some turkey chili with beans, with a tablespoon of low fat cream cheese mixed in, and some low fat shredded cheese sprinkled over the top.

    Not getting enough protein

    You'll have to try different ones until you find one you like. My favorite is unjury, but you can only buy it online.

    Not getting enough protein

    I've been using this kind lately, too. It's not bad, especially considering a lot of the other ones I've tried that were horrible.

    Growling stomach

    It may get a little better, but it's been my experience that banded tummies are noisy. I know mine makes a lot of noise. It took awhile to adjust because it used to be growling equals hunger and that's not the case after being banded. It's really not so bad

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
