Hey yall Ive been doing a lot of research and learning about the lap-band, and even called the surgeon today to see if my insurance is gonna cover it. Im 5' 11" and 285 lbs, with a family history of high blood pressures, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes, so I shouldnt have many problems with insurance. Im just worried if im gonna be able to stick to what I need to do. Ive read a lot about people who say they dont like the stuff they used to before they were banded. I love steaks,venison, burgers and such, and Im always having people over to grill, etc. Not that Id have to eat them a lot, but I dont know how I feel about never being able to eat a steak again. I just dont know if im gonna be able to give all that up, but I know I need to do something about my health. Is this normal? Or is hoping lap band will work for me just wishful thinking?