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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ericaharrod

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 10/12/1984

About Me

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    Emerency Room RN
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  1. Happy 28th Birthday ericaharrod!

  2. ericaharrod

    Need Some Encouragement...

    I am sorry to hear about your ankle, I hope PT helps. And..... GET UP AND EXERCISE!!!! You have proved that you can do this, so do it! Set some goals, google low impact exercises, and do it! You will do awesome when you commit!
  3. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Horsegirl and otakham- I plauteued around 220 for almost two months so very frustrating, but it will pass. Hang in there! Nicki- Great job on 5.5 lbs! I hope it sticks I lost 3 more pounds this week for a total of 67lbs! I am finally more than half way to my goal of 130lb loss. I have lost 7lbs total in the last two weeks and am well on my way to 100lb loss my birthday in October I am just so happy that the extra exercise and being extra careful with my eating is paying off. It is so extemely pleasing to see the scale moving! I have had lots of great comments lately and that is also really nice. Also, my wedding rings flew off my hand yesterday, good NSV but also scary, I would hate to lose them. What have you all been doing or plan to do when your rings don't fit anymore? Erica
  4. ericaharrod

    My Fitness Pal!

    Add me! User name is ericaharrod.
  5. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Kymie- Awesome on 7lbs, you go girl!! Nicki- Good job getting back on track. I might have to look up the firm videos everyone talks about, it sounds like a good work out. Meredith- I think you should do the kickboxing, it sounds like fun. You would do great. 4lbs gone this week! Besides right after getting my band, this is the most I have lost in a week. I hope this is a sign of good things to come, on my way!
  6. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hello everyone! Happy 6 month Bandaversary!!! We really have come far, we rock! Chrissy- Thank you so much for the encouraging post. It helps to read that in black in white. To everyone who is plateaued. I was teetering between a few pounds for 2 months, it was the most frustrating thing. Normally I would have given up and binged, but I perserved and that time passed and I am losing again and even though the scale wasn't moving, I was losing inches. Hang in there, you are doing it even if the scale doesn't say so. So to try to accoplish my lofty goal, I have tried to workout 1.5 hours a day to 2 hours a day. I have also majorly watched what I have eaten and tracked everything to a T. My offical weigh in is later today after I go home and sleep after my night shift. I will post what it is. I so desperately want to get to 65lbs lost, which would have to be a 5lb loss this week, I am not holding my breathe but we can all dream, right? Erica
  7. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Ladybandit, I am glad your irritation went away. Reaching the sweet spot helps, I hope you are there! Nicki, It stinks when the scale doesn't reflect our work. Hang in there, I am sure you will have a loss next week. Kymie, I am glad they are supportive at work. The one person was supportive so far. So the other night, I decided a new goal for me. I want to reach a 100 lb weight loss by my birthday which is October 12. So that is 38lbs in 3 months. I know that is an extreme goal, but what if I can do it? I really haven't been the perfect bander and I have lots of room for improvement. I am really going to try to exercise 5 days a week and focus on getting my protien first and then veges and fruit. Do you all think I am completely crazy?
  8. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Nicki and Chrissy- Thanks for the advice. I think you all are right about letting it go. I like that I should be a "super model" for lap band Nicki- Have fun with your video today, and I have some hips too Chrissy- I usually have a problem with constipation too, I think it affects my weight loss also. Just keep up with that water, We have had miserable heat and humidity in Kentucky also. Because of it, I have been trying to exercise in the pool, it is one of the ways to get the burn in without completely burning up, lol. I am already down 1lb of the two I gained on vacation. I am 4 pounds away from being at the halfway point for my weight loss (65lbs of 130), I can't wait to get there. And not to toot my own horn, but if I look this good at 62lbs lost, I will be a super model at 130lbs gone, lol. I hope everyone is doing good today! Erica
  9. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hello everyone! I am back from a week at the beach and two week off work. I had a ball and over all didn't do terrible with my eating, I also worked out 4 days while at the beach. I only gained 2lbs over the two weeks of not really watching it and eating lots of ice cream I am ready to get back on track and lose some more weight. Kymie- I did the % thing you posted and it said 22.18%, I like the idea of that! I love reading everyones posts. It really helps to see other people going through the same things as you. Oh, speaking of those things. I came back to work and someone I work with asked me how much weight I had lost and how I did it. I had only told a few people, manly management about my band up to this point. I told her that I had lapband surgery and she said, "I already knew that!" She said everyone knows that. I asked her how she knew and she said someone mentioned it and it spread like wildfire. I am surprised no one had told me that everyone knew. I don't mind terribly that people know, but I really feel betrayed about the fact that someone blabbed. How would you all feel, do you think I am over reacting? Thanks, Erica
  10. ericaharrod

    How Much Have You Lost?

    Love it! I have lost the elephant penis and a rack of baby back ribs.
  11. ericaharrod

    Ttc In June

    Angie, I am sorry to hear about the negative. That is very tough. I wanted to pop in, I know I am late in the conversation, but I did IVF about 3 years ago due to male factor and female factor infertility. I was blessed with boy/girl twins after the first cycle, they are now 2.5 years old. I have two close friends who got pregnant after two cycles and have healthy babies. I just wanted to wish everyone luck in your emotional journey!
  12. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hello all!! Amica- Congrats on onederland, that is awesome! Chrissy- GL getting to your goal, keep it up! JDI- We have black widows too, they are nasty little boogers. We actually have had our outside of our house sprayed with bug spray every three months to help keep them away from my kiddos. Well last week I didn't gain or lose. I have been struggling with choosing bad foods. I have lots of good excuses, just ask me, LOL. We went to an amusement park on Saturday, my 6 year wedding anniversary was Sunday, and now it is Fourth of July week. And there is no end in sight for my excuses. We leave on Friday for the beach. I need some tough love and encouragement. I don't know why I do this to myself, it is silly. I am thinking about doing a liquid diet for a few days before vacation to get the sugar and fat cravings under control. Anyone else have any ideas?
  13. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hello everyone! I am a nightshift nurse, so I usually check on here on my lunch breaks, (usually 2am I am glad everyone is doing so well, we are an awesome group. Savannah and NC2NJ- Congrats on 6lbs in one week, that is awesome!!! You go girls! Thanks everyone for the suggestions for my dinner last week. I got salmon and ate about 3/4 of it with no problem, it was perfect! I also wore a new dress to the dinner. It was less fabric than I am used to It came to just above my knees and was sleevless, I almost felt naked. I felt good though, pretty and almost sexy, lol. I lost another 3lbs last week, which puts me at 60lbs lost!!!! Super excited, hoping I am on the right track now. Hope everyone is doing well!
  14. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Nicole, Congrats on the nice jeans, you will be in 14s soon. What kind of job do you have where you swim two days a week? NJ2NC- Great job on the Lg dress, it is awesome to get all those compliments, wtg! JDI- Love the stay away from things with fins comment, too funny! Awesome job with the 60lbs!!!! I am nervous. I have a dinner later today for work at a fancy steak house. The menu will be limited because they are renting the room. I also will be there with co-workers who don't know I am banded. I just want to look normal eating w/o getting stuck. I am really tight right now and have trouble keeping down anything that is tough at all. Any words of advice?
  15. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Just do it- We are going to Gulf Shores in July and then Hilton Head in September. I love the beach. I hope your first day back was ok. NJ2NC- Hang in there. I have been there a lot too lately. It is very frustrating to do so much and be stuck, but this too shall pass Chrissy- Good job on still being in onederland! Nicole- Goood luck with the fill you just got, I hope you are almost in the sweet spot.

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