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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ericaharrod

  1. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Justdoit- I have done that a few times now, it doesn't feel good. It does get easier after a few more fills, so hang in there! One meal, one night, and one day won't undo all the work you have done so far!
  2. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Justdoit- I have done that a few times now, it doesn't feel good. It does get easier after a few more fills, so hang in there! One meal, one night, and one day won't undo all the work you have done so far!
  3. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! I have been stalking everyone. I send encouragement and love! You all are doing great and I am glad we have a place to go for support from people who understand. I am doing well. The fluctuating calorie intake is working! I lost another two pounds making a total of 52lbs. I go for another fill tomorrow. I think I am almost to the green zone, I bet this one will do it and I am excited! I am looking forward to my workout tonight, Jazzercise and then two on two basketball with my sister and her dh, both very fun!
  4. Hello! I could use someone for support and friendship in this journey. I was banded on 1/5 of this year, I have lost 47 pound so far but have plateaued the past 3 weeks. I am married and a mom of 2 year old twins. I am also a RN in an urban emergency room and work full time. I live in Louisville, KY. I am feeling pretty discouraged with my plateau and would enjoy talking with someone who has been there and gotten through it. Erica
  5. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Justdoit- I am here too! I read everyday on my email. Congrats everyone for all the SV and NSV. I have the best news so far in my lapband life, I have broken through my plateau and I have now lost 50lbs, I am so happy!!! I had plateaued for 3-4 weeks and I was getting so frustrated. I decided two weeks ago to increase my exercise but continued to eat the same amount of calories (around 900) and lost nothing last week. So even more frustrated, I did some research and decided my metabolism maybe had stalled. I decided I would try a few high calorie days (1500-2000) and I initially had a few pound gain, but when I started to have my low calorie days again the weight started to melt off. I have lost 5 lbs in in 4 days! I now plan on eating a day or two of high calories every week and to keep my metabolism up. I hope this trend continues
  6. My mom who also has lap band has this whenever she eats too much, or drinks too much beer. I don't know what causes it though.
  7. ericaharrod

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Hello everyone! You can all add me. My user name is ericaharrod
  8. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hello everyone! I have been keeping up with everything through my email. I am still struggling with my plateau. I have increased my exercise so hopefully that will help. I have a lofty goal considering my current plateau. I would like to lose 18 pounds putting me at the halfway point for my weight loss. That would put me at 65 pounds lost and my goal is to lose 130. Good luck everyone!
  9. ericaharrod

    Any Nurses Here?

    I am an ER nurse in Louisville, KY. I was banded on 1/5/12 and have lost 47 pounds so far. I took a week off work and it was sufficent, I just had to make sure not to lift or push a strecther for the 1 week back to work. Good luck to everyone who is getting the band soon!
  10. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I am glad to see everyone doing so well. Nicole- I know what you mean about bathing suits! Ever since I had my kids almost three years ago, I can't get any that fit right and make me look like I am not preggo I live in Louisville, KY. I have hit a plateu and I am frustrated big time. I am stuck at 46lbs lost. I am so close to 50lbs lost, I can taste it! I have been stuck for almost two weeks. I am glad I can come on here and get some inspiration from you ladies! My third fill went well and I go for my fourth fill in two weeks, I can't wait!
  11. ericaharrod


    So, today was my 3 month bandaversity. I stepped on the scale this am and... I offically weigh less than my DH. I haven't been there since we dated over 7 years ago. It is an awesome feeling! I have lost 43lbs so far. I have also went from a size 24 to a size 16! I just wanted to share my excitement with people who understand.
  12. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Oops, double post
  13. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Nj2- congrats on fitting into a 14, that's major! Good luck everyone with their upcoming fills, yay progress! I have been stuck a few days one pound away from being lighter than my DH I will be so excited for that to happen. In other news, I fit in a 16 the other day and I thought it was a fluke but I decided to try on another pair and they fit too!!!!! I was just into size 24 prior to my band, whoohoo a 16 now! My goals are less snacking and less wine
  14. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Oktham- Good luck with your appt. Remember they are there to help you. Share your frustrations and see if they can help. Nicole- I am sorry your home life is so stressful. The music in the car is a good idea. You could also park the car in the driveway and go for a walk before going inside. Are the kids yours, do you want to spend time with them? If not really, then you should go to the gym everyday after work. Good luck.
  15. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    resptech2band- You might be waiting to long to eat. I sometimes get that weird growling of the lower part of my stomach, it I don't get my normal full feeling right away. shonda225- Your body probably went into shock from losing 18 pounds so quickly. And I agree, the time before the first fill is white knuckling it. Hopefully your next fill will help. You haven't failed, you are still on your journey. kymie9899- Great job on the early morning workout! Way to go! JustDoIt130-Two kiddos with lice, that sucks. Good luck, I hope you don't have to cut your little girls hair! ready for my journey- Size 18 falling off of you, that is great! Aren't NSVs great! As for me, Doctor appt went well. I had my second fill and I am healing well from the port flip surgery. Even better news is that I have offically lost 41 pounds. I am super excited to be to 40 pounds! I am looking forward to 50 pounds gone now! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I am 2 pounds away from weighing less than my DH, I can't wait!
  16. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Jayadee- I can't believe they wouldn't tell you about your band, it is your right as the patient to have that info. Also, your weight loss is great, don't let that jerk get you down. rockonhan- I am glad your appt went well. Let us know how the carb counting goes, GL! NJ2NC- Good luck with the decision on BC, it is hard when other aspects of your health impead weight loss. I used the nuvaring before I had kids and loved it, but I was also morbidly obese and not trying to lose weight, so I never thought about it. Justdoit- Have you made it to your 30 pounds? I have a hard time with the not drinking while I eat also, I love spicy foods. As for me, I have my post op appt tomorrow. I am hoping for a fill, my weight has basically been at a stand still. My incision is healing well this time and tonight was my first night back at work, so getting back to normal.
  17. ericaharrod

    Body Dysmorphia

    I have only lost 38 pounds so far, but I lost 80 pounds before and still felt obese. I was talking with my dh about this and he has a theory. It will take as much time as you were obese to feel skinny. So in my case, I have been obese for 15 years, so it will take 15 years after I lose weight to feel skinny. It seems to make sense to me, what do you all think?
  18. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Kathleen- we must have been posting at the same time. I don't know about the port hurting again. I was still a little sore every now and then before my second port surgery, but nothing terrible. If it really starts hurting you, or if start running a fever, I would call your surgeon. I hope it feels better soon.
  19. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Meredith - thanks! Justdoit- have fun with dh birthday. Good luck making lap band friendly choices! Let us know how it goes. B-52- congrats on reaching your goal in a year, that's awesome! How much did you have to lose for goal? As for me, that pesky pound is gone along with another:). Now I am down 38 pounds, hopefully back om track now!
  20. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    OTAKEM- How many calories are you eating? Just do it- I might not post a lot but I read everyone. I appreciate you posting! As for me, I am healing pretty well from my port revision. Mostly off my pain meds. I took one today because I took the kids to the zoo and I was hurting afterwards. I forgot to take my nausea medicine and then threw up an hour later. Stupid pain meds, I always have to take nausea medicine, it makes me so sick without it. I wish I was back on track, I can't even exercise for another week and half! I am not supposed to lift more than 10 pounds for another week also, so much for my 26 pound two year olds. Oh and on top of that, I have been stuck a pound up for a week since surgery. Oh well, enough venting for me. How is everyone else doing?
  21. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    I love myfitnesspals. My user name is ericaharrod, imagine that, lol
  22. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Justdoit- Stay strong with pastries, you can do it! Also, you could try taking a prenatal Vitamin or one made for hair and nails. I am feeling better and trying to stop taking the lortab. I am going today to a lap band support group, I am looking forward to it. How is everyone doing today?
  23. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Horsegirl- I have had times where I get stuck briefly and it feels like tightness in my chest. Mine has always gone away on its own. My operation went well yesterday. I have a 3 inch incision right above.my port. I found out my first fill didn't get put in the right place because there was no Fluid in my band, he put two cc in during surgery. I am pretty sore and nauseated. Back on meds for a few days. I follow up this upcoming Thursday, I doubt he will give me one, but I want another fill. I will be glad to get back on track!
  24. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Nicole- My surgeon says there are less complications if done during surgery, less chance of infection. It does stink to have to have surgery again, but I want it work the right way. He says that he will put mesh down and sew overtop of that so it holds to my muscle better. NIKOL- I know what you mean about long days and kids. I work 12-14 hour days, 3-4 times a week. I also have two year old twins. It is tough, but you are worth the time and effort. Walks count as exercise, not to mention chasing a two year old! Try chewing a piece of gum while working, that way you don't pick and snack. Good luck! I go in the morning for my port revision. I am excited because I get another fill during surgery. I hope everyone else is doing well! Erica
  25. ericaharrod

    January Surgery Bandsters Group

    Hello all! I have been reading everyone's posts, I have enjoyed keeping up with everyone. I had my surgery 1/5/12, had one fill, and have lost 37 lbs. I went for my second fill this past Thursday and was informed that my port had flipped. I am now scheduled for another surgery this Monday. I am still in shock that I need to have another surgery. The surgeon says it will only take about 15minutes but I will be under general anesthesia. The only good news is that I will get another fill during surgery. Has anyone else had this problem? I wish I didn't have to have surgery again, my first incisions just healed! Erica

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