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  1. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from carbgrl in I Have To Be Vanity Smurf For A Minute...   
    LOL yes amazeballs is good! I had problem skin, like kinda blotchy just on my left cheek. It's completely gone and my skin is smooth. I met my friend for lunch yesterday and she said it looks like I lost weight. I lost 10 pre-op and I'm not weighing myself until Wednesday (just weekly weigh-ins for me).
  2. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from desertmom in Greetings From Tijuana!   
    Well I'm almost 6 feet tall, I think that's why mine is so long. And it would take A LOT of food to pack it LOL!
  3. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from carbgrl in I Have To Be Vanity Smurf For A Minute...   
    LOL yes amazeballs is good! I had problem skin, like kinda blotchy just on my left cheek. It's completely gone and my skin is smooth. I met my friend for lunch yesterday and she said it looks like I lost weight. I lost 10 pre-op and I'm not weighing myself until Wednesday (just weekly weigh-ins for me).
  4. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from 2bsmallagain in Dr. Kelly Is Awesome!   
    He's great and he has been since he first called me on the phone last month. He answers all questions and is very friendly. I heard good things about him on these boards before I chose him. I would never choose an arrogant surgeon. I haven't met this new assistant everyone is talking about. I met Ana and Dr. Kelly's wife, she drove us around in a big van. They are great as well!
  5. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from Ashbeaux in I Have To Be Vanity Smurf For A Minute...   
    I'm five days post-op and my skin looks amazeballs!!!!
  6. Like
    SexySlim reacted to cissiesue in Dr. Kelly & New Coordinator Omar   
    I completely agree! Being a coordinator does not make you an expert on wls or on surgeons. I realize we have to rely on them for some things, but making your decision should have little to to do with the coordinator. It should be based on a surgeons credentials, and TONS of research! Some of the most brilliant surgeons have been known to be hot heads, temperamental, or just plain arrogant. (the tv show "HOUSE" is a great example, even though its fiction) It does help that they have a good bedside manner, but what this all boils down to is the skill of the surgeon. And I believe that most of these Mexican surgeons are very skilled. I'm going to Mexico for a life changing operation, not for silly gimicks, a mini vacation, or sightseeing.
  7. Like
    SexySlim reacted to BeautyVGSJourney in Dr. Kelly Is Awesome!   
    Congratulations SexySlim, and good luck with your new life!
  8. Like
    SexySlim reacted to DanityChai in Dr. Kelly Is Awesome!   
    Congratulations on the sleeve!
  9. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from 2bsmallagain in Dr. Kelly Is Awesome!   
    He's great and he has been since he first called me on the phone last month. He answers all questions and is very friendly. I heard good things about him on these boards before I chose him. I would never choose an arrogant surgeon. I haven't met this new assistant everyone is talking about. I met Ana and Dr. Kelly's wife, she drove us around in a big van. They are great as well!
  10. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from 2bsmallagain in Dr. Kelly Is Awesome!   
    He's great and he has been since he first called me on the phone last month. He answers all questions and is very friendly. I heard good things about him on these boards before I chose him. I would never choose an arrogant surgeon. I haven't met this new assistant everyone is talking about. I met Ana and Dr. Kelly's wife, she drove us around in a big van. They are great as well!
  11. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from energeticmonique in Anyone Gone To Mexico Alone For Surgery?   
    Dr. Kelly does not use a coordinator anymore. He books his own surgeries. I'm going on the 29th. I was actually going to go alone but one of my friends that had wls told me I will need support and offered to go with me. Based on what I read going alone is safe. And you will meet sleeve buddies on the boards that will be having surgery around the same time as you.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  12. Like
    SexySlim reacted to Karen B45 in How Is Everyone Doing?   
    Overall, yes. My surgery went very smoothly and I was up walking that night. I don't have a lot of pain and my incisions are small and not super painful. Plus I was never really nauseous....I think he knows his stuff for sure. I didn't care for Tijuana, but that has nothing to do with Dr. Kelly or anyone that works with him! Ana and his wife (who do the coordinating and driving you around, etc.) are very nice and do their best to make you comfortable and feel welcome.
  13. Like
    SexySlim reacted to Seannie in 9 Days Post Op - Sleeved In Mexico - Dr. Ponce - Long Story   
    Holla everyone! Just wanted to give a status of my experience with getting sleeved - and in Mexico to boot!
    Arrived in Tijuana on Thursday March 8th, was met by a driver and driven across the boarder to the Hotel Lucerna. The drive was actually quite nice. I've been to TJ before, and I'm from LA, so I knew what to expect. The hotel was actually just 15 to 20 minutes from the boarder in a pretty nice area of town. Made small talk with the driver, met my coordinator Trish - and was taken to my room. The hotel was nice - modern - kind of like a "Ramada Inn", or maybe a "Marriott Suites" (kind of sort of). The rooms are nice, clean, nice sized TV, bottled Water, pretty tile in the bathroom, etc..... Really like any decent hotel that you stay in here in the states.
    After check in I was driven across the street (literally) to the INT Hospital. It's also relatively modern, only 4 stories with about 13 rooms on the floor that I stayed on. When I say the hospital is CLEAN.. I mean.. CLEAN. You could dang near EAT off the floor. I do have to admit however, that after a while, the smell of "Fabulosa" cleaner, nearly made me sick.. but I digress...
    I met with one of the doctors, who did the EKG and my blood pressure. I just KNEW that I was not going to pass the BP because I hadn't taken my medication in a couple of days, hadn't eaten, was STRESSED out with all that I was going through.. BUT, he took it and said it was really good.. like 142/80.. huh?? Had to ask my coordinator if they had a different numbering system in Mexico because surely that couldn't be right.. (being sarcastic of course!) The EKG took like 5 minutes and I passed with flying colors?? what?? So I cross the boarder and am in better health than when I left Atlanta?? Oh well, that was great news for me.
    I left the hospital, went back to the hotel for the night - met my mom - who flew in separately and went to sleep. My surgery was the first one that next morning at 7. Got to the hospital around 6:30, they put an IV in my hand (first try!), got some fluids in and I was taken to the OR. I walked in myself, holding my IV bag with one hand, the back of my gown in the other hand (yep,they were about to see ALL of me - but dang it - can a sistah's arse be hidden for a minute??)
    Ok.. let me focus here... It looked just like any other OR, they were playing what I consider to be "Mexican" smooth Jazz ... yes baby!! The operating table itself was skinny as I don't know what.. I told the 2 doctors/nurse in my best - trying to be cool in spanish... "delgado??" meaning skinny?? They laughed and said it's ok, hop on... The first doctor, named Dr. FRIDAY . um, I said to him, did you say FRIDAY? is that in English or is your last name Viernes, that means Friday in English (He said "you are a comedian")... um, no, just delirious and nervous, and when that happens, I turn into Richard Pryor, I don't know why!!!) So, the next doctor comes in and I say "Dr. Ponce??"... he says no, I'm the anesthesiologist.. Alright I said, now the party starts (they probably can't stand American sense of humor ). I told him I was talkative because I was nervous and he says Don't Be.. well, that was all I remember...
    You know how you watch movies, and they do really quick flash backs?? Well, waking up in the recovery room was like that for me. I don't remember much except briefly waking up and swinging. I mean SWINGING like I was Muhammad Ali! I remember telling the young nurse next to me that I had to go - because I was going to be sick, and she kept saying relax, relax! I was busy trying to escape. Next thing I know, I'm back in my room and my mom and Trish walk in and my mother is yelling at me.. Sean, Sean.. OMG what are you doing??? I was not in the hospital bed - I was on the floor! I know this sounds crazy, but I was so freakin sick from the anesthesia that I couldn't get LOW, enough.. FLAT enough, and COLD enough! I had to get to the floor STAT!! The nurses are rushing in, my mother is screaming SEAN IT'S AGAINST THE LAW TO BE ON THE FLOOR IN A HOSPITAL... really Mom? really?? well, if you were sick with what feels like the ebola virus - you would care less!
    Anyway... the first 24 hours were like a nightmare. I was alternatively nauseous and in pain from the dry heaves. Between my mother barking orders at the nurses, then back at me..SEAN you are going to ruin your new stomach if you can't control those dry heaves!.. Um... lady, do you think I want to do this???? You think I want people walking in here with my arse out, on my tip toes, throwing up air in the trash can???
    I was crazy the first 24 hours... I refused to sleep in the hospital bed, because it wasn't firm enough and was hard to get in and out of. So, yours truly slept on the firm, narrow couch and my mom in the hospital bed! Good Grief, they probably thought these ladies are nuts!! I kept telling my mother we needed to get back across the boarder to an American hospital because they don't understand my pain level here! See... when you spell DRAMA.. it's really spelled S-E-A-N!
    They finally realized that I was having a reaction to one of the pain medications that they gave me. So after 24 - 48 hours - any many different medications, they found the one that basically knocked me out! I slept for 7 hours and on Sunday morning - I woke up and smiled at my mom. She said she had gotten up in the middle of the night to check on me because I hadn't been thrashing in my sleep, whimpering, etc.. she said I was so still that she thought they had given me an overdose!
    I have to say that I have a low tolerance for pain, BUT a high tolerance for pain medication... Not trying to scare anyone but thank goodness my mom was there to help guide me through this. The nurses did later say that it's the first 24 hours that are the hardest and most folks get through just fine. I had a tremendous amount of gas..they kept telling me to get up and walk, and when I did, I had to walk the halls with my eyes closed to keep from being sick. Can you imagine how I looked?? I had my yoga pants on, bra and an open back hospital gown. My hair was all over my head, and I was walking with my mother holding one arm, me holding the the IV, and my damn eyes closed! round and round the floor.. alternatively opening one eye and then immediately shutting it..
    They'd be talking about me to my mother in Spanish (she has a functional level of Spanish), telling her she was great, because I was so spoiled! .. Yeah, whatever ladies... just keep the dang meds coming so I can get better!
    I left the hospital Sunday night, back to the hotel, and have been recovering nicely ever since. My scars are okay, still a little sore - but overall I'm feeling pretty good. Especially when I got on the scale and was down 10 pounds from the day of surgery. WOW!!
    I met with Dr. Ponce and we reviewed my diet for the next 40 days. It's very similar to what allot of you are doing.. 10 days of Clear liquids and water, followed by another 10 days of water, broth, yogurt and "creamed" Soups, then another 10 days of similar foods, but can add small amounts of Protein... I was okay without food the first couple of days. I stayed full on all the water/broth. I just started feeling "head" hungry this weekend, and made the pivotal mistake of thinking I could eat a few "goldfish"... ummm, no, no Sean you can't! I felt sick within 5 minutes and vowed to NEVER do that again. It's like being one of Pavlov's dogs... you only got to show me once or twice, then I'm okay with following strict directions.
    Would I do it again? Yes - in a heartbeat. The first 2 days were hell for me - but that's because of my own intolerance to pain (gas) and anesthesia (nausea) . Sorry, just have to keep it truthful. That was my personal experience, not that it would be yours. Bottom line, If I can get off my high bp medications, lower my already heading toward high cholesterol, and lower my pre-diabetic numbers.. then what do I care that I was in pain for a few days? Oh, I forgot to mention that when they took my BP, right before I left the hospital, it was 125/80........... and THAT'S with all of my drama AND no high BP medication...
    I'm on my way... and thank God I did this...
  14. Like
    SexySlim reacted to BeautyVGSJourney in Having To Rethink My Choice Of Surgeons   
    I am with you CrazyCatLady, I thought of Dr. Aceves but he is also too high priced for me. My health is my priority, so if I don't do it with someone else I won't be able to afford it for at least one more year. I have always heard great things about Dr. Kelly, and yes I heard all the bad rumors out there too. I am a medical student currently, and thankfully I know what kind of questions to ask, I just called Dr. Kelly and spoke to his assistant, he should be calling me soon (he is seeing patients who recently had surgery). According to his secretary the rumors have been sent out by the people who used to represent him, I have looked and read a lot of those posts and they do seem to have something against him. I know that if those things where true he would had lost his membership to the american associations and he has not (I looked). If someone is that serious about him being dangerous they would had reported him (specially since most of his practice is for american patients), I have not found any reliable negative information about Dr. Kelly. I am hispanic and I know for a fact that most Mexican and other hispanic hospitals has well as facilities are manipulated by money, even more so than here in the USA. A doctor might loose his privileges in a hospital if he refuses to pay what they want (regardless if he is a good or bad surgeon). Here in the USA is very different, they do background checks and the like. I don't know if he has lost his privileges in hospitals or not and honestly its pointless to call a "hospital" in Mexico and ask (there were some numbers posted in another forum) because you don't really know where you are calling and what they have to gain/loose from their info.
    There are great risks associated with this and any other surgery and even just any medical treatment, and there are so many others that we just don't know about because the VGS is so new. For me I know the risks (and trust me when I say most surgeons here in the US kill, and have great many complications all of the time, we are human and even the best can and will sometime in their career have complications). I am doing my own research and if at the end I feel I need to wait a year to have the surgery here in the states (I actually think most surgeons in mexico are better qualified to perform this surgery since they have had much more practice) or else where then I will, but so far I am really leaning towards Dr. Kelly, unless I find something scary in my continued research. I will keep you posted if you would like.
  15. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from cissiesue in Dr. Kelly Preop Diet Ideas?   
    They are both great surgeons from what ive read. To be honest I read about DR. Kelly and how most leaks occur at the top of the pouch and he takes a flab of fat and stitches it around the top portion of the pouch. When he called me and I had my list of questions ready, he told me that without even me asking. And of course the fact that you are in the hospital for 2 days and he uses the tape instead of sutures. I didn't want to have to take my own out.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  16. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from shrinkydinkme in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Here's my story, it's pretty long...
    I've always been a big girl, big and tall. I think since the 2nd grade. I remember weighing 90 lbs in the 2nd grade, I don't know what the norm was for 2nd graders in the 80's. I don't remember ever weighing less than 200 lbs. I'm 5'11". I won't list every diet program I've been on, but I was successful with slimfast/ephedra/daily exercise, HCG, and the Body for Life Challenge. WeightWatches frustrated me because I was allowed more points because of my height, worked out daily, and wouldn't lose while everyone else would lose 3+ lbs/week. At one point I thought something was wrong with me, my metabolism measurements were not low according to the BodyBugg.
    No doctor would ever mention my weight. I thought that was odd. Fast forward to 2011 when I switched to Kaiser insurance. I was the one to bring up my weight because my doctor skipped over it since I have excellent blood work and vitals *eye roll*. He suggested the VSG and said he had many successful patients with it. My BMI is 39 (280 lbs, yikes!) and I have high cholesterol (he told me that is a co-morbidity). I first heard about VSG after learning the rapper Paul Wall had it. I said nah, I can lose it on my own, he wrote me a Rx for Phentermine. FF a year later, I'm 20 lbs heavier, I couldn't tolerate the Phentermine, I'm very sensitive to stimulants. I made the call and said lets move forward with the VSG process.
    I met with the nutritionist. She didn't see how I was qualified, she said my cholesterol is a little high but my LDL looks great and is "to die for." Yes, she really said that to me. So I gave her my family history of diabetes and she said she will use that. She needed documentation of my weight from 2009. I tracked down some records from a Bariatric Clinic I went to. I had an issue getting the records to her in a timely manner. I would e-mail and call to follow up and would never get called back.
    I got fed up with Kaiser's unprofessionalism. I was pissed off because I'm not fat enough and too healthy to get an instant approval. I learned more about Medical Tourism from reading these forums and started researching surgeons in Mexico. I chose Dr. Ramos Kelly. I sent him an e-mail directly last week and he responded to me in 15 minutes. Yes, 15 minutes! I sent off all my paperwork, and he called me yesterday and we spoke. I picked his brain (I'm a PhD) and requested photos and/or videos of my stomach. We both laughed. I'm weird like that! He said I can bring a camera and he will snap some photos of my somach for me. Yay! My date is set for March 29th and I couldn't be happier! I'm finally making the investement in my happiness that I have deserved for years. I have only told 2 other people that I'm going to Mexico. I can't take the ignorant comments when it comes to Mexico. A friend and I went on vacation in Peurta Vallarta last year and I couldn't believe all of the ignorant comments we got before going (I hope you don't get kidnapped...really?!?). I love Mexico! The culture and the food! Viva la Mexico!!! I told a few close friends that I am having WLS done this year, and my parents. I stopped telling people because some family and friends were not supportive. Like, one of my fat friends was like I don't want you to have the surgery, but I will support you. WTF, why you want me to stay fat like you? Sorry, that's mean but that's what I was thinking in my head. I have 2 friends with the band and one with gastric bypass, and I have their support. I'm 32, single, and make good money and I deserve this. I was just thinking today that I will not be fat on my 33rd birthday this year!
    Ok, so that's my story. Thanks for reading
  17. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from energeticmonique in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    I have some samples left of the nectar Proteins and I bought a case of Premiere Protein from costco yesterday since I heard they were good.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  18. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from energeticmonique in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Hey there! I'm going to Dr. Kelly as well. Looks like I will miss you. My date is the 29th.
    Sent from my iPhone using VST
  19. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from Caradina in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Cool! I'm getting sleeved a week after you, on the 29th! Good luck with everything
  20. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from cissiesue in Sleeved Yesterday By Dr Kelly   
    Dr. Kelly is scheduling his own surgeries. His assistant is Ana and her email is wls-clinic@hotmail.com. I have Dr. Kelly's personal email also I just can't get to it right now. I emailed him and he emailed me back in 15 minutes! Ana is wonderful and I am scheduled for the 29th!
  21. Like
    SexySlim reacted to Becca in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Congrats! You are making such a great decision! Let me know if you need anything.
  22. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from shrinkydinkme in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Here's my story, it's pretty long...
    I've always been a big girl, big and tall. I think since the 2nd grade. I remember weighing 90 lbs in the 2nd grade, I don't know what the norm was for 2nd graders in the 80's. I don't remember ever weighing less than 200 lbs. I'm 5'11". I won't list every diet program I've been on, but I was successful with slimfast/ephedra/daily exercise, HCG, and the Body for Life Challenge. WeightWatches frustrated me because I was allowed more points because of my height, worked out daily, and wouldn't lose while everyone else would lose 3+ lbs/week. At one point I thought something was wrong with me, my metabolism measurements were not low according to the BodyBugg.
    No doctor would ever mention my weight. I thought that was odd. Fast forward to 2011 when I switched to Kaiser insurance. I was the one to bring up my weight because my doctor skipped over it since I have excellent blood work and vitals *eye roll*. He suggested the VSG and said he had many successful patients with it. My BMI is 39 (280 lbs, yikes!) and I have high cholesterol (he told me that is a co-morbidity). I first heard about VSG after learning the rapper Paul Wall had it. I said nah, I can lose it on my own, he wrote me a Rx for Phentermine. FF a year later, I'm 20 lbs heavier, I couldn't tolerate the Phentermine, I'm very sensitive to stimulants. I made the call and said lets move forward with the VSG process.
    I met with the nutritionist. She didn't see how I was qualified, she said my cholesterol is a little high but my LDL looks great and is "to die for." Yes, she really said that to me. So I gave her my family history of diabetes and she said she will use that. She needed documentation of my weight from 2009. I tracked down some records from a Bariatric Clinic I went to. I had an issue getting the records to her in a timely manner. I would e-mail and call to follow up and would never get called back.
    I got fed up with Kaiser's unprofessionalism. I was pissed off because I'm not fat enough and too healthy to get an instant approval. I learned more about Medical Tourism from reading these forums and started researching surgeons in Mexico. I chose Dr. Ramos Kelly. I sent him an e-mail directly last week and he responded to me in 15 minutes. Yes, 15 minutes! I sent off all my paperwork, and he called me yesterday and we spoke. I picked his brain (I'm a PhD) and requested photos and/or videos of my stomach. We both laughed. I'm weird like that! He said I can bring a camera and he will snap some photos of my somach for me. Yay! My date is set for March 29th and I couldn't be happier! I'm finally making the investement in my happiness that I have deserved for years. I have only told 2 other people that I'm going to Mexico. I can't take the ignorant comments when it comes to Mexico. A friend and I went on vacation in Peurta Vallarta last year and I couldn't believe all of the ignorant comments we got before going (I hope you don't get kidnapped...really?!?). I love Mexico! The culture and the food! Viva la Mexico!!! I told a few close friends that I am having WLS done this year, and my parents. I stopped telling people because some family and friends were not supportive. Like, one of my fat friends was like I don't want you to have the surgery, but I will support you. WTF, why you want me to stay fat like you? Sorry, that's mean but that's what I was thinking in my head. I have 2 friends with the band and one with gastric bypass, and I have their support. I'm 32, single, and make good money and I deserve this. I was just thinking today that I will not be fat on my 33rd birthday this year!
    Ok, so that's my story. Thanks for reading
  23. Like
    SexySlim reacted to mnbsleeve in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Congratulations!!! This has been an amazing journey! Looking foward to reading about your progress!!!!
  24. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from shrinkydinkme in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Here's my story, it's pretty long...
    I've always been a big girl, big and tall. I think since the 2nd grade. I remember weighing 90 lbs in the 2nd grade, I don't know what the norm was for 2nd graders in the 80's. I don't remember ever weighing less than 200 lbs. I'm 5'11". I won't list every diet program I've been on, but I was successful with slimfast/ephedra/daily exercise, HCG, and the Body for Life Challenge. WeightWatches frustrated me because I was allowed more points because of my height, worked out daily, and wouldn't lose while everyone else would lose 3+ lbs/week. At one point I thought something was wrong with me, my metabolism measurements were not low according to the BodyBugg.
    No doctor would ever mention my weight. I thought that was odd. Fast forward to 2011 when I switched to Kaiser insurance. I was the one to bring up my weight because my doctor skipped over it since I have excellent blood work and vitals *eye roll*. He suggested the VSG and said he had many successful patients with it. My BMI is 39 (280 lbs, yikes!) and I have high cholesterol (he told me that is a co-morbidity). I first heard about VSG after learning the rapper Paul Wall had it. I said nah, I can lose it on my own, he wrote me a Rx for Phentermine. FF a year later, I'm 20 lbs heavier, I couldn't tolerate the Phentermine, I'm very sensitive to stimulants. I made the call and said lets move forward with the VSG process.
    I met with the nutritionist. She didn't see how I was qualified, she said my cholesterol is a little high but my LDL looks great and is "to die for." Yes, she really said that to me. So I gave her my family history of diabetes and she said she will use that. She needed documentation of my weight from 2009. I tracked down some records from a Bariatric Clinic I went to. I had an issue getting the records to her in a timely manner. I would e-mail and call to follow up and would never get called back.
    I got fed up with Kaiser's unprofessionalism. I was pissed off because I'm not fat enough and too healthy to get an instant approval. I learned more about Medical Tourism from reading these forums and started researching surgeons in Mexico. I chose Dr. Ramos Kelly. I sent him an e-mail directly last week and he responded to me in 15 minutes. Yes, 15 minutes! I sent off all my paperwork, and he called me yesterday and we spoke. I picked his brain (I'm a PhD) and requested photos and/or videos of my stomach. We both laughed. I'm weird like that! He said I can bring a camera and he will snap some photos of my somach for me. Yay! My date is set for March 29th and I couldn't be happier! I'm finally making the investement in my happiness that I have deserved for years. I have only told 2 other people that I'm going to Mexico. I can't take the ignorant comments when it comes to Mexico. A friend and I went on vacation in Peurta Vallarta last year and I couldn't believe all of the ignorant comments we got before going (I hope you don't get kidnapped...really?!?). I love Mexico! The culture and the food! Viva la Mexico!!! I told a few close friends that I am having WLS done this year, and my parents. I stopped telling people because some family and friends were not supportive. Like, one of my fat friends was like I don't want you to have the surgery, but I will support you. WTF, why you want me to stay fat like you? Sorry, that's mean but that's what I was thinking in my head. I have 2 friends with the band and one with gastric bypass, and I have their support. I'm 32, single, and make good money and I deserve this. I was just thinking today that I will not be fat on my 33rd birthday this year!
    Ok, so that's my story. Thanks for reading
  25. Like
    SexySlim got a reaction from Caradina in I Guess I'll Stop Lurking Now...i Have A Date!   
    Cool! I'm getting sleeved a week after you, on the 29th! Good luck with everything

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