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Everything posted by MzAngel
This was touched on in another thread and I wondered what everyone's opinion's where on the matter. I personally do spank my kids, if they've been really naughty or they have done something spank worthy. Then I see nothing wrong with a hand to the bottom. So come on all, tell me your opinion's on this matter.
I live in Australia and I swear those telemarketers are driving me crazy. Most of our call centre's have been moved over seas to india so you end up with someone who dosn't understand the english language who you know is reading from a script. You say no thanks and they ignore you and keep reading. AHHHHHH I've learn't to hang up whenever I get a 10 sec delay with that telltale international connecting call echo on the line.
which pic where you looking at?
And so people the moral of the story is ...... There once was a Red Indian who had only one testicle, and hose given name was 'One-stone'. He hated that name and asked everyone not to call him One-stone. After years and years of torment, One-Stone finally cracked and said, "If anyone calls me One-Stone again I will kill them!" The word got around and nobody called him that any more. Then one day a young woman named Blue Bird forgot and said, "Good Morning, One-Stone." He jumped up, grabbed her and took her deep into the forest where he made love to her all day and all night. He made love to her all the next day, until Blue Bird died from exhaustion. The word got around that One-Stone meant what he promised he would do. Years went by and no one dared call him by his given name until a woman named Yellow Bird returned to the village after being away. Yellow Bird, who was Blue Bird's cousin, was overjoyed when she saw One-Stone. She hugged him and said, "Good to see you, One-Stone." One stone grabbed her, took her deep into the forest, then he made love to her all day, made love to her all night, made love to her all the next day, made love to her all the next night, but Yellow Bird wouldn't die. What is the moral of this story?????........................... OH, Come on...take a guess!Think about it... (You're going to love this!) And the moral is... You can't kill two birds with one stone
FunnyDuddies - I just saw the pic of your kids, they are adorable I love your daughters hair
Quote: Originally Posted by MzAngel When I do spank it's one or two taps on the bottom, not so much to inflict pain, but more to get the message across. Some might say what's the point if they don't feel pain. I'd say that it happens so rarely that even that light tap is enough to convey the message that what they've done is wrong and unacceptable If you'd read my post you would of seen what the message is, What they've done is wrong and unacceptable. Up until now, I've not had to escalate further then the tap/smack on the bottom. My eldest is 9 and my children are extremely well behaved. I'd also like to add that I wasn't judging you on your methods, I was more upset by this comment Originally Posted by gadgetlady Most people here have expressed that they spank the other way -- out of control and in anger -- or that they were spanked in anger. Some think that's OK, and some don't. As a parent I don't like being told how to raise my kids, and if your method works for you then that's your choice. As long as your spanker dosn't leave marks then I don't neccessarily have a huge problem with it.
Actually, no one on this thread has expressed that they spank out of control and in anger. I certainly do not do it in anger, If I do feel that my temper is rising, I'll give myself a time out to calm down. I will try every other method (talking, taking away things etc) before I spank. When I do spank it's one or two taps on the bottom, not so much to inflict pain, but more to get the message across. Some might say what's the point if they don't feel pain. I'd say that it happens so rarely that even that light tap is enough to convey the message that what they've done is wrong and unacceptable.
Those darn smileys LOL, I meant I hope no one takes offence
Just putting this question out their, but those of us that have said we do spank have used examples on how we do this with out kids, I don't recall any examples of other methods from those that are against spanking. Is this becasue you don't have kids? I hope no one takes offese, just curious
There's a big diffrence between welts and bruising and a swat on the bottom which dosn't leave a mark..... I've tried the alternatives, and still do use them, I find they work much better now that the ultimate outcome is a spank. Trying to keep a child in the naughty corner with reasoning alone dosn't always work. If that child knows that if they don't stay in that corner, then they may get a smack...... the child will generally stay in the corner.
I have found with my children that the threat of is generally enough. I usually try talking to them, and punishing them in other ways (taking toys away, naughty corner etc) first. If all else fails then i generally tell them if that dosn't stop you'll get a smack, 9 out of 10 times it stops, if not then they do get a smack on the bottom. My older child who is turning 9 hasn't been smacked in over 3 yrs, I'm now able to reason with him better, but the younger one who is 4 still does occasionally get smacked. I do see a huge diffrence between smacking and hitting. To me smacking means one or two open palmed smacks to the bottom, hitting brings to mind fists going anywhere/everywhere and generally in anger. I definatley don't agree with hitting.
You opened up a whole new can of worms with this comment, I'm gonna start a new thread on it
You must of missed my previous post where I stated that I no longer smoke and can't stand the smell of it due to pregnancy. You must of also missed the posts where I stated that I do agree with venue's either being totally smoke free or allowing smoke, that way the public is allowed to choose and no one has to be subjected to smoke if they don't want it. The last I checked I lived in a free country, so smokers should not be made to feel like the outcasts of society when there doing something that is totally legal. What got the fire going in my belly is years of comments such as "Don't you know it's bad for you" and "battery acid and ammonia" just to name a few. I will say it again, smokers are not dumb or stupid they know that it's not good for them, but like any addiction, smoking, over eating, drugs or alcohol it's an addiction.
It's funny you say that LOL, about a year ago I was on a flight from Australia to the UK, about 7 hrs into the flight I got that whiff of smoke and boy was I already craving a ciggie badly. I followed my nose and low and behold I found the secret room that all the flight attendents where smoking in LOL:roll: I turned on the charm and they let me into the room to have a few ciggies with them. It turned out the room was a cross between a staff room and a communal sleeping room.
Hey over eating is so gross, do ppl realise that their putting so many calories into there bodies and harming themselves ............... I'm sure that's got you upset, turn the tables and see it from a diffrent perspective, the same way many of us have food addictions we couldn't kick, believe it or not there are also those that have smoking addictions. Smokers are not stupid, they know what there doing to their bodies, they know about the chemicals and all that stuff. Either they just don't have the will power to quit, or in some cases, they don't care they enjoy smoking.
Hey all, Just putting the word out to see if any of u Aussie's can help me find a really good Sydney Doc. I'm having a few "communication problems" with the one that banded me, and as i'm now having lot's of problems i need to find another doc to go to. And help, suggestions would be much appreciated thanks Angel
I'm one of the rare ones that had lots of complications with the band. I had a slipped band that was ignored for over 6 mths while I was pregnant, But finally after finding a good surgeon my band was replaced and all my problems have been resolved. I'm technically at my goal weight. I figure when i give birth i'll be losing pounds just by delivering LOL. With all the complications i've had theirs one question i get asked over and over again "Would you do it again, if you could turn back time?" My answer ABSOLUTLY, NO QUESTIONS ASKED IN A HEART BEAT
Carlene - I'm sorry if I had a go at you, I suppose I've got a bit of a chip on my shoulder still from years of lectures LOL. Either that or i'll put it down to hormones I'm lucky I was able to quit smoking as during this pregnancy I can't stand the smell of it. And in general no one is saying that you have to be subjected to second hand smoke, when i go out with my kids i choose non smoking reasturants, when i'm visiting friends, even if they are smokers I used to step outside to light up. I always asked if it was ok to light up if other's where seated around me. But gone are the days where you could enjoy a smoke with a beer, or light up after a meal. What's wrong with giving the business the choice so that there's an option out there for those of us who do want to enjoy a smoke???
Nothing annoys me more then ex-smokers who become prechers. Sorry but if you were once a smoker then you would know that preaching is one method that does not work to convince someone to quit. I don't smoke now due to pregnancy, but i still remember what it felt like to be an outcast of society. Having to not only leave a reasturant/bar/any building for that matter, and walk 10 meters away. By smoking your not doing anything illegal so why should smokers be made to feel that way??? In Australia it's getting to the point of ridiculous, beaches are becoming smoke free, there's even talk about whole towns/councils being smoke free. I agree with previous posters that the business itself should be able to decide whether it want's to be smoke free or not. That allows the rest of us to choose if we want to go their or not. What ever happened to freedom of choice???
WOW ur lucky mother LOL, if i was her I'd be walking round with some pepper for whenever the mood hit :roll:
Be creative, vegetables are good for you in more then one way:roll: :roll::roll:
Or we could go one step further (or dirtier LOL) the better the strength in your thighs, the better you can wrap them around your man LOL. Oh darn i'm gonna get real dirty now LOL, the more weight I lost the deeper my husband was able to go, anyone else get that?
BJean - U lucky thing, mine have sagged quite a bit. They havn't reached my waist as yet LOL, but I'm thinking there a litte firmer at the moment due to pregnancy, I'm dreading what they'll look like once i've finished breastfeeding. I definatley see a new pair of hooters in the not to distant future. Mew - I love that one, my husband likes to fish as well, i'll definatley be adding that to my list of sayings :biggrin1:
:roll: I am totally loving this thread LOL. Your worried about your mother, I gotta keep my hubby away from this thread LOL, his banded as well and i don't think he'd find it as funny me discussing his member and all :biggrin1: . But a new question for you all, he's always been well endowed, but has gotten alot bigger with his weight loss, anyone else experience this???
Katir - You reminded me of that old saying "It's not the size of the ocean..... it's the motion of the ocean" I must say that is so true. Some guys have the package and just don't know what to do with it :biggrin1: