My c-sections were a dream compared to this. I had my band done on the 27th - I am still using pain meds every 4-5 hours. I only used tylenol with c-section. I am awake maybe an hour, take pain meds, go back to bed, sleep 3-4 hours and repeat. It is finally getting a little better today. I have stayed awake for a few hours at this time. I am very short - this may play a part in it. Every movement hurts. The other people that had it with me are doing much better. Guess I am just lucky....! I am planning on going to work Wednesday - I hope I make it.
For people out there that had pain - how long did it last? Anything help - I have been using ice, pain meds, been walking. I have had Jello, broth, popsicles and a small amount of Protein shake. So far no issues with food. I have been going to the bathroom.... What else is there?