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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by VIDALIABANDSTER

  1. Been a rough year but I think I am getting close to normal again. Port site got infected so January had it removed and replaced it in March. Many x-rays later to find my port site so I can get my fills and I might be .5 ml away from being right again.

  2. Just pass my 7th month after surgery and I have loss 67 pounds.

  3. Had my first band fill Friday the 20th, was not as bad as I thought. I only got 2cc's the doctor said my bad was dry, I will get 2 more in 1 month. looks like it is going to be a long raod to the green zone, but still loving it.

  4. Had my first band fill Friday the 20th, was not as bad as I thought. I only got 2cc's the doctor said my bad was dry, I will get 2 more in 1 month. looks like it is going to be a long raod to the green zone, but still loving it.

  5. My first fill is Friday January 20th, so excited and scared at the same time, but happy because I know I need it.

  6. I am down another 3 pounds this week! Yay me

  7. Been Banded since 12/20/2011 and my weight loss is at a stop, I feel I can eat anything. My first fill is 01/20/2012 and I sure hope it does something for me!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
