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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Imagettnthin

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  1. Imagettnthin

    Is This Normal??

    I am post op since Dec 9. Once I got back to eating "real" food, I too was concerned about my hunger issues and my intake. (I was worried the band failed!) However, these worries ceased after my first fill. I've now had 2 fills -- the last one being 2 months ago. I am down 65lbs. I keep my calories at 1200 a day. I use the My Fitness App on my phone and count every calorie (it has been an amazing help!). Also, I try to find healthy alternative food choices that make me feel full. I am now at a point where that mean little hunger monster is sneaking up on me again. I suspect it's time for fill # 3 and I am quite ready for it. Perhaps I will finally be in my "zone" after that? Hang in there, it is a normal part of the process! Wishing you the best of luck.
  2. Congratulations! I was banded December 9. My first follow up visit was a week ago & I am down 25 pounds! My pants are already loose! My first fill will be Jan 16 -- a little scared, but I know that everything will go well. I started soft foods now. Let me tell you that scrambled egg I made (using Egg Beaters) was the best thing in the world! My son & I even took a 30 minute walk today -- which made me tired, but also gave me confidence that I can do it! I have a long way to go, but it truly is "one day at a time". Best of luck on you journey!
  3. Imagettnthin

    Federal blue cross blue shield anyone?

    My first fill is Jan 16. I hit the 3 week post op point. Now the hunger has started to kick in and I find that I have to keep myself busy and distracted. I have been eating yougurt at Breakfast and Soup for lunch & dinner. Now that I am at week 3, I ate a scrambled egg today. I used egg beaters and melted a piece of fat free cheese on it. I had chicken salad for lunch and tonight another scrambled egg tonight with a few pieces of boiled chicken added (and I mean a few, like 2 table spoons). I also walked for 30 minutes. Everything seems to be staying down and not causing discomfort. Hope I am not going too fast.
  4. Imagettnthin

    Federal blue cross blue shield anyone?

    I have BC/BS Federal plan. I live in Florida. My surgery was Dec 9. Things seem to be going great so far (25 pounds down already!) . The hospital where I had my surgery said it was a $15000 surgery. BC/BS covered 85%, so my out of pocket was $2250. I opted to rest at the hospital for the night, but I left before I got to the 24 hour mark (hospitals consider you "observation" when you are 23-hours and under. I did pay $1000 up front and was told that I would receive a bill for the rest -- I was also told that I could make payment plans on the remainder owed. I've not seen a bill for anything and it has been 3 weeks. Also, be patient with the insurance. Mine got turned down the first time for more information. I had to get notes from my doctors for the past 2 years demonstrating that I was overweight and had difficulties in my attempts to lose. Once I was able to provide those documents, I was approved. The letter from the insurance company said the approval was good for one year. Naturally, I did not want to wait that long! Wishing you the best of luck!
  5. I had my surgery on 12/9 as well. After the surgery, I was told by the doctor I could stay the night or go home. I work in a hospital and really wanted the security of having a profesional around at least for the first 24 hours while I was recovering. By 6am the next morning, I was up and walking around and ready to go home. I did not experience should pain. Just a lot of tenderness in the abdomen from the incisions and a lot of bloating feeling. They are very right when they say walking helps relieve the pressure. I go for my first follow up visit tomorrow. I have not started a walking exercise routine, but I feel like I am ready. I am no longer on Clear liquids and have graduated to full liquids. (It is amazing what you can blend in a blender.) I have started experiencing hunger again, but if I make sure I have 3 healthy liquid meal choices a day, then it is not so bad. Drinking plenty of fluids between meals seems to help as well. I too do not know what I have lost. I do know that my clothes are already starting to loosen and everyone comments they can see the weight loss in my face. Yes, it makes me a bit sad when I see a delicious french fry and I can't eat it! However, the idea of not being around to see my 8 year old graduate from college someday makes me even sadder -- I am so glad I made this committment to myself and my family. Keep up the good work - nice to know there is a support system out there for members of this club!

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