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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Imagettnthin

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About Me

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I was lucky enough to be tall all of my life to be able to carry extra weight on my frame. However, after getting married and having a baby, I fell into the comfort zone. As a wife and mom, I also took care of everyone else except myself.

I will turn 44 this year. Two years ago I decided to look into banding. I went to a seminar and liked what I heard, but I was not quite mentally ready for the commitment and lifestyle change.

In June of last year, I decided enough was enough. I tipped the scales at 350. How could that be? How did I let that happen? I was tired all the time. I couldn't even walk a half a block without being winded and needing to rest.

I I truly hated what I had become and could not even look in the mirror. I went to work every day because I had to, but I hated going out on the weekends and evenings because my weight resitricted me from doing things. I couldn't ride roller coasters anymore, had to ask for seatbelt extenders when flying on a plane, and finding clothes that fit became more challenging. No one, not even my husband, knew that I secretly cried in the bathroom because I was so embarrased by my weight and devastated by my choices. My husband, who is in wonderful shape, would tell me daily that he loved and adored me -- but how could I accept those words if I couldn't even love who I was?

Before all the weight gain, I was a happy go lucky person who live life to its fullest. I had been in the military, I had traveld around the world, I had been on some amazing adventures. Now, I was a prisioner in my own skin! I owed it to my husband, my child and most of all to myself to get control of my life and take charge.

On Dec 9, 2011, I was banded. It was a whirlwind of emotions on the day I checked in for sugery. To be honest, there was that little voice in my head as I was on the bed, getting my IV started -- you know, the complacent one -- that said, "Are you sure you want to do this? Think of all that fatty food you love so much!" But the stronger, healther person in me said "Hello new life".

I am now 65 pounds down, and it is almost the end of April. My eating habits have changed. I don't miss fried chicken, sodas or sugar. I've learned that lowfat cheese is delicious, ice tea tastes great without sugar and that 1200 calories a day (which is what my dietician recommended) is actually a lot now that the band is in place.

My new life has been a wonderful journey. It has not been without tears, frustration or temptation. However, I am now able to look in the mirror and smile.

Height: 5 feet 10 inches
Starting Weight: 350 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 285 lbs
Goal Weight: 180 lbs
Weight Lost: 65 lbs
BMI: 40.9
Surgery: LAP-BAND
Surgery Status: Post Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 01/01/1970
Surgery Date: 12/09/2011
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Combination
Insurance Outcome: 1st Letter Approval
Imagettnthin's Bariatric Surgeon
Zephyrhills, Florida

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
