I had my surgery 3 years ago and was doing great then I moved and for some unknown reason got extrememly tight. I was eating almost nothing and lost more weight then I wanted to. I wanted to have better energy and to be able to eat things besides liquids. I got some unfil and it made a big difference but i was concerned because my dr took out a lot. I gained some weight which was fine but it didn't level off so I returned and got a fill but I am continuing to gain weight. I am concerned because I don't know what to do, I was checked out before and was told i had no slippage and etc. If I get another fill I am worried that i won't be able to eat at all. I'm not sure how to get that middle ground between eating a peanut for dinner and where i am now. What if there is none and I have to decide between being unable to eat vegetables, being skinny and unhealthy or being able to eat them and being heavier?! Fills are expensive plus none of my clothes fit again. Going to the dr. tomorrow but just need some advice or if anyone else has been in this position. I'm going a bit crazy!
thanks in advance for any help or comments