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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bbrecruiter2000

  1. bbrecruiter2000

    Swedish bands

    Go Megan, GO Megan Go megan!!!! Wow! You will be a banded person in less than 2 weeks. We are rooting for you!!! By the way, the description of the AMI band sounds so sexy!!! It reminds me of the old advertisements about the "Corinthian leather" that Ricardo Montablan used to do for a car company........ But Megan, you are probably too young to remember!!! I am an old bird!!! Babs in TX 334/285/180 6/23/03
  2. bbrecruiter2000

    the BIG DAY 24 hrs away

    Christina, I was nervous about signing pre op release for open surgery. I would not sign it until my doctor agreed that he would not do an open if he could not do lap. My doc was cool. Told me the hospital required form, but he had not done open and would not do it because he was a lap surgeon. My biggest concern was that my stomach would be too fat and he would not be able to get in there with lap equipment. He then proceeded to look at my stomach and say " Ive banded bigger people than you and you shouldn't worry!" I felt so much better. If you are not comfortable signing consent, call your doctors office and talk to your doc and address your concerns. I do not know how large you are, but a good laparoscopic surgeon should be able to tell you if he expects there to be a reason that he should have to do this. Also, do not worry. You are making positive changes that will improve your life and feelings about yourself. I love my band!!! Babs in TX 334/285/180
  3. bbrecruiter2000

    Three month Bandiversary

    Hi Everyone, Today is my three month bandiversary. I am 47 pounds lighter and many inches smaller. I was pushing for 50 lbs lost by today, but I am still happy with what I have lost so far. I had my weigh in at Curves yesterday. I had lost 12 pounds and 11 inches in the last month and 6% of my excess body fat. I was embarrassed and afraid to do the weigh in and inch measuring my first month at the gym, so I am sure there were more inches that came off the first month, but I'll never know how much! For the newbies, make sure you get those pre/ post op measurements!! I have 1.75 CC presently in my band. I have never PB'ed and rarely have any difficulties eating what I want to eat for which I am grateful. THe only food which seems to give me any problem at all is chicken and I discovered that my problem lies in the fact that I eat chicken more quickly than I do denser meats, so that is why I have a little bit of discomfort when I eat it, so I have learned to slow down and CHEW, CHEW, CHEW! I also have noticed that I have vastly different levels of restriction from day to day and I am much hungrier in the evenings than at any other time of the day, which I understand is not unusual. I am not 100% sure that I have found the elusive sweet spot that everyone talks about, but since I am losing about 2-3 pounds a week, I am not going to attempt more restriction at this stage. My next mini goal is to lose another 30 lbs by Christmas. I am flying to NY to be with my family and I want to be able to sit in the airline seat without an extender and to be able to get the tray down ! I am hoping at my "projected weight" of 257 pounds and all those inches I have lost to be somewhat comfortable in the 17" wide seats on Delta! I have avoided flying for the last 2 1/2 years out of fear and embarrassment, but no more! I am liberated now! Thank you everyone for the support you have given me over the last few months. People are now starting to see the difference. My face is skinnier,definitely the bubble butt is somewhat smaller and my thighs are starting to shrink. I now have 5 inches space from the steering wheel in my car instead of 1 inch of space to breathe.! I even fit in the booth instead of chair at most restaurants and I have gone down two clothing sizes and fit in 24's instead of 28's. Still won't buy new clothes yet, so if you see a girl running around in baggy clothes fallin off her butt, you will know it is me! Woo hoo!!!! Babs in TX 334/287/180 6/23/03
  4. bbrecruiter2000

    Three month Bandiversary

    Bright: Glad your husband is coming. That is a great sign of support. Where will the children be when you are away?DO you know how long from the consultation date the surgery could take place? Vaseline, thats funny!!! Babs in TX 334/286/180
  5. bbrecruiter2000

    Three month Bandiversary

    Thanks Everyone! Goal at a year would be fantastic. Bright: When are you going to France? Isn't it this week? I like the banana dance. You will have to show me how to do that... babs in TX 334/286/180
  6. bbrecruiter2000

    how can I be gaining?

    Hi Bandgal, I went through the same thing coming off the liquid / puree diet. Heres some ideas: 4 oz of hamburger - 300 calories 27 grams of Protein 4 oz steak - 300 calories - 27-30 grams of protein scrambled eggs with 2 strips of bacon - 230 calories - 24 grams of protein 4-6 oz piece of lean pork - 300-350 calories - 25-30 grams of protein 2oz of cheese - 200 calories - 15 grams of protein 6 oz of fish with dill sauce - 200 calories- 30 + grams of protein shrimp and scallop combo - 250 calories 30+ grams of protein Red meat has more calories than fish or chicken and also may keep you full longer. Add some grilled veggies or a salad with salad dressing which also has calories and you will have no trouble reaching a 1000 a day. If you figure 350-400 calories a meal plus a snack, you will have no trouble to reach the 1000-1200 mark with 18 oz of food per day. By the way, the idea of the band is to eat until you are satisfied, not by some exact quantity. It is a different amount for everyone. My first two month it took 7-9 oz for me to be satisfied, but I was still losing at the rate o f three pounds per week. Babs in TX 334/287/180 6/23/03
  7. bbrecruiter2000

    how can I be gaining?

    Dear Bandgal, Please read carefully! You are not eating enough. I do not know what gave you the impression that Bandsters only eat 500 calories a day. You are starving yourself and will not lose this way. Please believe me when I say this to you. You need to maintain at least 1000- 1200 calories to maintain healthy weight loss. Most of this should be Protein and veggies and if there is any room left, then very little carbs. It is normal to see the scale go up and down a few pounds especially after coming off a liquid/ puree diet. I plateaued for two weeks after coming off the full liquids and purees. I even gained 2 pounds and kept bouncing back and forth for several weeks ready to pull my hair off. Put away the scale. Eat until you are full, not stuffed just satisfied. Exercise! Exercise! Please look at the long term here, not for instantanious results. I know I am regurgitating everything others have said, but look at the successful bandsters and you will see a pattern. Babs in TX 6/23/03 -47 and counting
  8. bbrecruiter2000

    I'm supposed to talk about my feelings

    Megan, Bright, Alex, You guys are so witty. Megan: Great thread. Most obese people think all of these things, but rarely share them with others because they don't think they will be understood especially by slender people. I do not know why I am obese other than the fact that I eat too much. I have never tried to pin it down to one specific or multiple things that occurred in my life that contributed to my weight gain. Way too deep for me!!! Yes, I come from a dysfunctional family, yes, I was mentally abused and physically abused as a child and yes I had at least one parent who forced me to eat everything on my plate and threatened me if I left food there. Would talking to someone about these issues help me? Probably to some degree, but I think I would benefit more from therapy to help me with some of the changes you mentioned rather than thrive on the past and why I got this way. I worry about lots of things; will I still feel the same way about my husband or will he feel the same way about me? Himself? WIll I want to take up skydiving or do something totally outrageous that was taboo before because of my weight? I got lots of questions... Bright: I am getting more and more excited for you as the big day comes! By the way, early eighties fashion is making a big comeback!!! Alex: Remember that one of the greatest strengths you have is the advice that you give others. Not many people are capable of this, so this is a wonderful asset which you have and I always enjoy your posts even if I have a difference of opinion. At least as far as this board goes, I have never thought that you were observing life from the outside. And from your photo, you look absolutely beautiful, so I am surprised to hear that you do not think you get lots of male attention now, but it is true that you will get more later! Babs in TX 334/289/180 6/23/03
  9. bbrecruiter2000


    Dear Bandgal, Why are you only eating 500 calories a day? That is not enough food or calories. Before I had a fill, I was able to eat 8-10 ounces of food. As long as it is healthy food, you should eat until you are feeling comfortable, no longer hungry yet not stuffed. Don't torture yourself on 500 calories. As you get hungrier and hungrier which is normal about 2-3 weeks out, you have to provide your body with enough nutrition and Protein until you get that fill. Hang in there!! Babs in TX 6/23/03 334/290/180
  10. bbrecruiter2000

    IVE PUT ON 10lb in a week!

    Hey Vampy, It sounds like you need a new scale.!!! I could see 5 or 6, but 10 seems excessive. The only time I have put on 10 lbs in less than a week was when I was pregnant in my last month. I increased by 10 lbs in Water weight and they decided to get the baby out early. CHeck yourself on a different scale and if it is the same, I would definitely call your doctor to find out why you are retaining so much water. Babs in TX -44 and counting' 6/23/03
  11. bbrecruiter2000

    Small woo-hoo!

    Hey Bright, You wont have to worry about fills if you move to Delaware and you will only be 1000 miles away from me in TX instead of 6 or 7 thousand! Just kidding! Make sure you wear "clean" underwear!!! September 26th is right around the corner!!! Babs
  12. bbrecruiter2000

    Story of Band Sabotage

    Hey everyone, Just thought I would comment and add my two cents; Its a shame when people have a procedure and do not know what they are getting into. I have to admit that despite all my efforts to research everything I could about the band and my options before my procedure, there was still a lot I did not know and I am learning everyday from other lapbanders. For the people out there that do not have internet access or have surgeons that have little experience, it is understandable that they do not know everything they should. Many of the surgeons do not offer good post op support and if you were one of the early bandsters, there weren't many people for you to talk with!!!There is so much conflicting information out there that it is easy to be misinformed or not informed at all. I have to admit there was a moment in the the first eight weeks where I had doubts whether the band was really a good investment for me. Mostly my doubts were based on the fact that I did not have restriction and thought; "IF I have to work so hard dieting now, will I fail in the long run?" I am sure if the gentleman in question had more information and a good fill in the beginning, maybe the outcome over the last year would have been different for him. The best part for him is that as long as the band is there he most certainly has the chance to educate himself about proper nutrition and better eating habits and try again!!! As they say, there are no free lunches! Now I only have cheaper ones...... Babs in TX 6/23/03 -43 and counting
  13. bbrecruiter2000

    What kind of eater are you?

    Tonia, Megan, Bright Tonia: THat was a great link. Thank you. Its nice to see a positive study. Megan: I think you have made a wise decision for yourself about counseling. I considered going to a counselor, not for the dietary issues, but for the emotional issues and changes I notice in myself. Bright: You have had a rough year and need to go easy on yourself. You will succeed with the band. I have no doubts because I will be helping you and you have dozens of other supporters that will help you stay on the right track!! Babs in TX -43 and counting 6/23/03
  14. bbrecruiter2000

    Small woo-hoo!

    Bright, Thats great! Buy a few things for me. The closest IKEA is in Houston, TX. I used to buy everything at IKEA when I lived in Holland. The dutch love their furniture. I am glad that Sarah will be taking care of you on your trip to Paris. When do you have the consult? Babs in TX
  15. bbrecruiter2000

    What kind of eater are you?

    Bright, The article is full of broad sweeping generalizations. They talk about eating habits but they also talk about doctor compliance. There is probably some truth to chronic sweet eaters having a more difficult time with food changes if there is an addiction to sugar. I personally did not have this problem. I was more of the "eat until you fall over full type". Lots of carbs and big portions because it took me so long to get full anyway, so that was half the problem. If you really think that sweets was most of your downfall, that is still something you can address post operative with an eating disorder specialist or dietician. What I find annoying is that if someone meets the criteria for the surgery, they should be able to do it and make their own decision if they need counciling , whether it be food or psychological issues relating to the weight loss. You can council someone until they are blue, but if the desire is not there to permanently change the eating habits or characteristics that caused the obesity, you will not succeed whether you have a Lapband or some other bariatric procedure. Babs in TX
  16. bbrecruiter2000

    Added a new pic.

    Bright, There you are. Havent heard from you in a while. Are you making progress? Babs In TX
  17. bbrecruiter2000

    Added a new pic.

    Jeunesse, you are doing great!!!! Hoe gaat het met jou? I cant believe the difference in your face. It is so much thinner than before!!!! Good for you. I am making progress myself. I finally got off the plateau I was on for several weeks. I am now down -43 pounds in 2 and half months. Not as fast as you, but I have been on solids and the Dutch post op diet is much stricter than mine!!!! Plus you are a "little" exercise machine!!!!! Glad to see you doing so well. Tot ziens! Tot de volgende kier!!! Babs in TX
  18. bbrecruiter2000

    What kind of eater are you?

    Hey Megan, There is some substance to this report, but I am a firm believer that it is difficult to tell which patients will be successful with the band vs non successful ones solely based on eating patterns and doctor compliance issues. THe first doctor I went to had me see his psychologist. I had psych testing for two days and a two hour meeting with a student on rotation at the hospital. (it was supposed to be the shrink). They reported back 6 weeks later with their recommendation that I seek 3 months of PRE -Op therapy because they had concerns about doctor compliance issues because of something I said during my interview. The psychologist who had never met me said to me that people with my "profile" tend to have a harder time with coping and anger management issues and do not listen to their doctors bla bla bla.... So I went to a different doctor and psychologist for a new psych test and she said I was normal and did not exhibit any of the things the previous psychologist saw. Well here I am 2 1/2 months later and 43 pounds lighter already. I eat properly, exercise for the first time in my life and do all the right things because of my will and drive to succeed. People can change bad habits and post op therapy is more important than pre-op therapy because no one truly knows how they will do until they "Just do it"!! "Past behavior is not always a predicator of future behavior" If it was, then most of us should not be banded!!!! Babs in TX 334/291/180
  19. bbrecruiter2000

    When to exercise?

    Hey Larry, its Babs in TX saying hello! To answer your question, any exercise you can fit into your daily regiment will help you with the weight loss. Before I was banded I did not exercise at all except to play with my children and walk around a little. This is not true cardio exercise where your heart is beating consistently at more than 20 beats in 10 seconds for at least 20-25 minutes. True cardio workouts whether it be a very very brisk walk for a half hour or cycling, or jogging, swimming are the only true ways to speed your metabolism. IF you are not doing this, you will not lose as fast, nor will you improve your health dramatically. The first few weeks, try walking as briskly as you can. When you feel up to it, find a good gym or buy a bicycle or some home exercise equipment. Make sure it is something you enjoy doing or you will be quick to give it up and find excuses not to do it. I like Water aerobics, pilates,my gym is fun, but I hate walking in the hot TX sun and prefer other ways to get my exercise. Don't let your present weight make you insecure about doing things to improve the quality of your life or the length of it!! 334/291/180 6/23/03 -43 and counting
  20. bbrecruiter2000

    Texas bandster

    Hi Everyone! I was banded by Dr. Carter on 6/23/03. So far I have been doing well with a weight loss of 42 lbs in 11 weeks. I am very happy with my band. I have not PB'd and I presently have 1.75 CC in my band to date and I have had two fills. Good to see so many of us here.!!! Babs in TX 334/292/180
  21. bbrecruiter2000

    Card for restaurants?

    Lisa, I have one and Dr. C gives them out at his office. They come from Inamed and are not really official, but would really help if you get in an accident to keep in your wallet, so if you can't explain what it is then hopefully that will help. When I recently went for an MRI, I gave them the card because I wanted them to know about the "implanted device". IN restaurants, I explain only if food is overcooked that I need something medium rare, like a piece of meat. Since most of the child menus consist of bread, and fried junk, I won't even let my children eat them. THe last restaurant I went to had only fried foods for the kids menu which I would not eat anyway.
  22. bbrecruiter2000

    Post Op depression

    Alexandria, Post band, there are many things that will affect your emotions. SOmetimes I get depressed and other times I not sure if it is depression, but rather self discovery and not liking what I see in my immediate future. SOme examples are plateaus that may seem endless, cravings for foods that I want but absolutely should not have, things not moving fast enough and not reaching mini goals. etc... Regarding the quantity (or lack of) issues you are having now, this will resolve itself once you get some good restriction. Up until a week ago, I had none and had trouble stopping when I felt full. I really didnt understand the chew, chew chew thing until I got the fill. You will view food differently, knowing that it will take you 20 minutes to eat 3-5 ounces of food. But you will also know that you will be full as well. My solution when I go out in the real world of restaurants and buffets is to fill the salad plate up with as many different items as I can of healthy food and this makes me feel like I have so many choices that I no longer feel bad about the quantity issue because I get a taste of everything! Keep tons of healthy Protein Snacks easily available at your fingertips; pieces of lean ham, cheese, hard boiled eggs, Jerky, ready made tuna, pieces of fish and meats and nibbly things like carrot sticks, celery with a little blue cheese dressing, IF you are frequently eating lots of protein during the day, 4-5 times, you will never be hungry and will not feel you are missing anything!! Alex, keep you chin up! Yo u will get on the scale and suddenly see a huge drop. Ten day plateau is not much. I just came off a two and a half week plateau and wanted to scream, so I do understand. Love from TX Babs 6/23/03 334/294/180
  23. bbrecruiter2000

    3rd week and no loss at all!

    Janean/mary, Thank you so much for your wonderful post. I have an obsession at looking at the scale everyday!!! SOmetimes even twice. I have been on a plateau for two weeks now, even after getting a fill last week where I actually have some restriction. My body does not want to let go of the pounds. I wish I had he willpower to NOT get on the scale everyday. I am going to try to stretch out the days between weigh ins until I am only doing this once every two weeks.!!! Mary, I had the same situation in my first month and a half. 1st week, 12 pounds, second week 10 pounds, third week 3 pounds and then nothing for 3 weeks!!! You can imagine my dismay! A lot of this was Water retention and when I finally got to the weight loss it was slowwwww!!! Hang in there you can do it! Babs in TX 334/296/180 6/23/03
  24. bbrecruiter2000

    Useful information!

    For those of you having a difficult time getting insurance approvals from your insurance co and newbies who want more info and for everyone else who wants detailed info about the lapband: Hi Everyone, I was looking around at some stuff on the the internet about the Lapband. I found the coolest home study and certification course for surgical nurses that are members of the AORN, which was published in May this year about the lapband. It is by far the most accurate information I have found including pre op, post op and the operation and how it is performed. The link is: www.aorn.org/journal/homestudy/may03a.pdf This information might be useful for people trying to appeal with their insurance co because it shows statistics of all bariatric procedures and according to the AORN, they quote that lapband patients lose 50-75 percent of their excess weight by year three and the numbers looked even better than the bypass. They also have a list of references and professionally published papers that support these figures. Cooh! Babs in TX 334/296/180 6/23/03
  25. bbrecruiter2000

    My Doc told me NO KETOSIS...

    Hi Coal, No, it is not difficult for me to get the Protein down. My fill level is at 1.75 now. I had no restriction until last week when I had my fill. I now have restriction, but as long as I chew, chew chew, I am able to get down the meat. Hamburger seems to be a problem and probably steak will be too, but I have eaten soft pork, fish, chicken and low carb tortilla with no problem. I have not barfed even on the hamburger, but any lean dry meat is uncomfortable, so I try to have a sauce handy to help get it down. I eat verrrrry slowly, usually 25 minutes to eat 3 oz of meat and some veggies. I love cheese, but really try to moderate that, not exceeding 2 oz per day because of the high caloric intake. Just so you know, I am a slow loser. If I did not do Atkins, I would be lucky to lose a few pounds a month. I am now averaging about 2.5 pounds a week, but I am presently plateauing for the last two weeks and I think I will go on liquids for a few days. Good luck with your surgery!!! Babs in TX 334/296/180 6/23/03

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
