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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bbrecruiter2000

  1. bbrecruiter2000

    Approved or not???

    Sheila, Most insurance companies have a pre-certification process which is handled by a third party vendor. My insurance required I establish medical necessity with a company called Health International. The vendor outlines the criteria given to them by your insurance company and then they give you the criteria and if you meet it, they send it over to your insurance co with a recommendation that the surgery is medically necessary. It has been officially preauthorized, which means that letter was forwarded to your insurance co and that is officially an approval and is adequate for your docs office to move forward. COngratulations! You are on your way to being a bandster!!!!! Babs in TX 334/263/180 -71 and counting 6/23/03
  2. bbrecruiter2000

    my band was removed !!

    Antonio, I am sorry that this has happened to you. It is my understanding that 1-2% of bandsters have erosion, slippage or gastro/esophagus problems. It is not common, but it happens. Also, some of these problems can occur when a patient has too much restriction. It sound like your daughter might be suffering from this problem. If she is having extreme reflux, she should have an unfill and hopefully this will resolve the problem. I personally have not had any problems with my band. This is a very different journey for everyone. Babs in TX 334/263/180 -71 6/23/03
  3. Hola, Its amazing how we keep track of our banding date anniversary but I can't remember simple things like appointments. I have been thinking of all the things I can do now and all of the things I will be able to do at my one year bandiversary. Next summer, I will wear a sleeveless dress and a bathing suit in public. At least thats the goal. I will also get on the biggest coaster at 6 Flags and I will go horse back riding in June without killing the horse. Now that I am minus 68 pounds, I am able to run up and down the stairs, workout 3 -4 times a week without passing out and I am down 3 clothing sizes from a barely squeezing into a 28 to a 20-22-24. My next mini goal is to get to 247. This is what I weighed when I was 23 years old and went to Europe fifteen years ago. I am so looking forward to any weight under 200 and my biggest goal is to weight less than my husband who is 205. I believe I am realistic by aiming for a goal of 180. I won't be skinny by any stretch of the imagination, but I will be a size 13-14 and be able to shop in regular stores to buy my clothes and people will definitely not be staring at me because I am so huge. I have to admit that I look in the mirror and I do not really see myself as much thinner than before. I realize that I still have 86 more to go, but its a lot better than saying I need to lose 154 pounds!!! I like being an advocate for the lapband whereever I go. I am not afraid to tell people at the gym, the grocery store, at parties and even clients. I am not ashamed of being banded and I only hope that people who need support are lucky enough like me to find their way to this board and make friends that will help them like all of you have helped me. Thanks and hang in there with me for the next 86!!! Babs in TX 334/266/180 6/23/03 -68
  4. bbrecruiter2000

    I'm 44.155844155% on my way to goal at 5 month bandiversary!

    Hi Bright, Glad to hear from you again. I wish I were more savvy about posting pictures. This is something I need to do. I went shopping yesterday and bought size 22 pants. I have not worn 22 pants in 15 years, so this was a major achievement. I ate so much today for Thanksgiving that I am feeling way bloated and extremely guilty! I had ham, a little turkey,sweet potatoes, half a roll, some stuffing, green Beans, pumpkin pie with ice cream and a very small piece of chocolate cake. Now bear in mind, I was grazing all afternoon and early evening (2pm-7pm), but I am kinda upset with myself about this. My typical day on the food front is about 1200 calories or less. Usually I don't eat Breakfast, just coffee. lunch is usually scrambled eggs with a little cheese or tuna or some kind of meat and veggie. dinner is the same. Usually I do not eat more than 6 oz of food. Today I ate more than 10-12 oz, but I did not eat breakfast or lunch and my first food was two oclock. Anyway, when i am more awake, I will post a more extensive menu. I usually aim for drinking 64-72 oz of Water and exercising 3-4 times a week. Babs in TX 334/265/180 -69 pounds
  5. bbrecruiter2000

    Should I be starving ALREADY??

    Dear Hodegard, Two weeks after my surgery, I was starving and could have easily sucked down half a pizza. I did not have any restriction until my 2nd fill, which was two months after my surgery. Even now, I have lots of restriction early in the day and I am wide open in the evenings. Night time is the only time where I have trouble with compliance and I really have to work at being good. Even though you feel really hungry, I guarantee you if you ate protein 6-7 oz and some veggies, it would still be half of what you ate before or less. Make sure you get lots of protein and drink lots of water and it will help you get through this healing phase. Babs in TX 334/268/180 -66 6/23/03
  6. bbrecruiter2000

    Met a mini-goal

    Sandy, Congratulations on your success so far. We have pretty similar stats and you will have no problems to reach 100 by your bandiversary. you banding buddies will keep you on track and 6 pounds a month is very doable!!! Babs in TX 334/268/180 6/23/03 -66 and counting
  7. bbrecruiter2000

    Don't you just hate it when....

    Hey Barb, I know you probably do not want to hear this, but the only way to lose weight even with a band is to eat healthy and exercise. IF you are gaining weight, then you are not eating the bandster way or you are eating too many calories. Protein and veggies on a salad plate. Eat slowly and chew you food thoroughly. Keep your caloric intake to less than 1200 per day. Stay away from the carbs and junk food and exercise and you will lose. Until you get proper restriction, it is harder to lose, but certainly not impossible. I did not have restriction for 3 months after banding and still lost almost 50 pounds, so it can be done. However restriction in itself won't keep you from putting junk in your body. If you want to pollute with junk food, you will find a way to do it even with restriction. I have some restriction, but some days I feel like I have none and I have to make a conscious effort to behave. When I absolutely feel I need to have something, then I do. But most of the time I think, Do I want to lose a pound this week or gain one? So there is a lot of work that has to come from you as well. Don't worry about the folks who drop 22 pounds on liquid diets. They most likely will gain it all back once they stop. Also, some people mistake small gains in weight as a permanent thing. I have had weeks where I gained three pounds and lost 7 the following week. I retain a lot of Water about two weeks of the month and usually see a big drop only one week of the month. It is hard on the brain, but the highs, lows and plateaus are part of weight loss. Babs in TX 334/268/180 6/23/03 -66 and counting 2.00 CC
  8. bbrecruiter2000


    Congratulations !!! You must be thrilled. :D :D :D What a great early holiday present. Woo hoo, happy dance... Babs in TX 334/271/180 -63 and counting 6/23/03
  9. bbrecruiter2000

    I'm BACK and banded!!!!

    Yeah!!! Woo hoo!!!! Bright, I am so happy for you. I kept checking here to see when you would be able to post. Its funny how the brain works. I think back to my time in the hospital and I only vaguely remember the pain. Much like having babies and C-sections. You think you won't survive it when its happening, but months later you look back and think it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be!!! Are they disolvable stitches or does someone in Ireland need to take them out? I have no doubt that you will do great with your band. You husband sounds like a delightful guy who will be a constant figure of support for you. Make sure you get the photos of yourself and measurements through your journey. IT is something I haven't done and probably should do. ONe of these days, I will post a photo.! Babs in TX 334/272/180 -62 and counting 6/23/03
  10. bbrecruiter2000

    hooray...the 50 pound milestone!

    Hey Quakergirl, Congratulations on your success! Fifty pounds is phenomenal and is half way to the Century Club!!! Keep up the good work!!! Babs in TX 334/274/180 6/23/03
  11. bbrecruiter2000

    Bright News!

    Hi Sarah, Wish Bright well for me. THis is very exciting and I know she is in good hands. Wish her well and good luck for me. Babs in TX 334/274/180 6/23/03
  12. bbrecruiter2000

    4month bandiversary

    Hey Everyone, Just had my four month bandiversary. Time is a speedin' by!!!! Down 60 pounds and more than 30 inches off my bod. Woohoo!!!! I have a waist!!! Only 94 lbs more to go...... By Christmas, I will be halfway through my journey!!!! My goal is to lose at least another 17 pounds before Christmas. Might just fit in those little airline seats on my way to NY this year..... I love my band!!! Babs in TX 334/274/180 6/23/03
  13. bbrecruiter2000


    Leannie, The numbers are weight. Mine is 334/274/180 which represents my starting weight a few days pre op. My present weight is the middle number and desired goal weight is the third number. Good luck with your surgery in December. Babs in TX
  14. bbrecruiter2000

    Need Urgent Positive Thinking!!!!

    Hi Bright, I am thrilled that your big day is finally here. I feel like a mother hen since I met you in your "fledgling" discovery stage and now you are metamorpha "sizing". Like that word? You'll do great and it is so nice that your family and children will be with you. I will be thinking about you this week and I will put a note in my calendar that we should be receiving an email by Friday from you!! Good luck and have a great trip!!!! Babs in TX 334/274/180 6/23/03
  15. bbrecruiter2000

    4month bandiversary

    Chris: I am going to Mahopac to stay with my sister, but I will be going to Manhattan for some shows and shopping Alex: I never thought I would be able to lose so much in a short time. I am convinced it is the exercise and the copious amounts of water. Also, food does not have the same significance to me it once did. I love food, but sometimes I don't think about it for hours. Today, my first meal other than my morning coffee was at 2:30 pm. I had some scrambled eggs with ham and cheese to get some protein. Bright: I am glad that you have reappeared! I was missing you!! Isn't your surgery at the end of this week? How are you doing? Babs in TX 334/274/180 6/23/03
  16. bbrecruiter2000

    Got on scale and guess what!!?

    Hi Everyone! I got on the scale this morning and saw I dropped another 3 pounds. I had to check three times to be sure. I have lost a total of -55 in 3 1/2 months!! Woohoo! I do not have anything in my closet that fits anymore, but I found a pair of pants that I bought 10 years ago in Holland and they fit!. THis is the smallest I have been in at least 8 years. Went from a 28 to a 24 pants/22 shirt. Isn't the band the coolest invention in the universe? Well, it is to me..... Babs in TX 334/279/180 6/23/03
  17. bbrecruiter2000

    Got on scale and guess what!!?

    Bright, You have picked the two forms of exercise that will make you lose faster without making youself sick or hurting yourself. I have a swimming pool, so I swim in the summer and do Water aerobics when it is warm. I also do the 3x a week at the gym. I started 3 1/2 weeks afte surgery. My workout is a cardio workout, I go to a franchise gym for women called Curves. I know you probably dont have these in Ireland. It is a combination of cardio step aerobics and equipment combined in a 25 minute workout and 5 minutes of stretching. I started 26 pounds heavier than you, so if I can do it, so can you. It is easy, I do not sweat too much, just a little and I can do it at lunchtime and go back to work. Now the winter is coming, I will have to find something other than the water aerobics to fill in the gap. I am thinking of buying elliptical and having it upstairs inmy game room so I can watch tv and ski/walk/cycle at the same time. They are expensive, so my husband and I are researching the best one for us. Babs -55 and counting 6/23/03
  18. bbrecruiter2000

    Got on scale and guess what!!?

    Lori, I drink about 70-80 oz of Water a day. I recently upped it from 45-50. This seems to help a lot with the weight loss. My fill level is 1.75 CC. That was my second fill. The first was 1.00 and did nothing for me. I work out at the gym 3x a week, sometimes 4 if I am really ambitious. I eat twice a day and one snack in early evening. I can eat about 5-6 oz of food, sometimes more if I sit too long at the table. I have never PB'ed or vomited, but chicken seems to be the hardest thing for me to eat, so I eat it very slowly. Breakfast: coffee with cream and a splenda Mid morning : 32 oz of water Lunch: Small Low carb tortilla with either tuna,chicken, or eggs with some lettuce tomato and some grated cheese and some kind of sauce like 2TB of garlic sauce or salsa to help with digesting. Mid afternoon: 1 Fruit2O flavored water with no carbs, sugar or calories. Sometimes I will have 2 oz of cottage cheese Dinner: 4-5 oz of fish, chicken or beef with salad, cheese or a vegetable like endive, mushroom, broccoli or asparagus. Sometimes I will make a stir fry with pieces of beef, water chestnuts, sprouts, mushrooms, pepper and onions, broccoli. After dinner: Another 32 oz of water along with my snack Snack: Le Carb ice cream 4 oz, has only 120 calories, or an Atkins chocolate bar, or Jello or low carb pudding Last night I had 2 oz of salmon with 8 small Shrimp (*Scampi) and a small salad with feta and cucumber and 1/4 of a low carb tortilla with two tablespoons of guacamole. Once or twice a month, I go out for my cheat night with my husband where I let myself have Pasta, rice or some other high carb treat. I think you have to do this to feel good about yourself and enjoy once in a while. Babs in TX 334/279/180 6/23/03
  19. bbrecruiter2000

    4cc band

    Laura, I am certainly no expert on fills, but I can assure you that there is no such thing as running out of fill space in your band. If you were to fill the band to 4 CC, you would not be able to swallow!! If you were lucky enough to find a fill doc who could fill it up to the max and then remove Fluid incrementally so you would feel comfortable to know what total restriction is, you would see what I am talking about. I presently have 1.75 CC and have some restriction. I know if I went to 2.00 I probably would be very restricted and might lose faster, but I like the fact that I am comfortable eating 6 -8 ounces of food without barfing. In fact, I have never barfed and I intend to keep it this way. The difference from 2.00 to 2.25 is extremely different. Finding the sweet spot is always difficult because each person is starting from a different place. Some have the band higher on the stomach and have more restriction immediately. Some people have a bigger/ stomach. Some people have a band that tightens or loosens when they are stressed. There are so many factors that determine where that sweet spot is for every person. Just rest assured that you will not run out of space!!!!! Babs in TX 334/284/180
  20. bbrecruiter2000

    It's My Turn!!

    Megan, Good luck to you. I am fascinated about how things go with the clinical trial and wish you good health and success. You must contact us on Tuesday/Wednesday and let us know how everything went. Babs in TX 334/284/180 6/23/03 -50 and counting
  21. bbrecruiter2000

    starting to freak a little

    Hi Christy, I am down 50 lbs in slightly over three months. I have 100 more to go. I won't say that I am typical, but I work hard at the loss with consistent exercise and food modification, so I am averaging 3 lbs a week lost. I know that the weight will never come back and that is the important part. I have no doubt that I will be at goal in less than a year and a half at the pace I am going. This is a support board and you will find that although 99% of us are losing weight, we all want to lose faster and will complain a lot when it isn't happening. I have been known to do this on occasion. That is human nature. It took me 20 years to put it on but I want it gone in a day if that was possible! Also, lots of people on the boards are new and are learning how to use the tool they have been lucky enough to be given. Thanks to modern science!! Most of the lapbanders in my area have lost weight. SOme will lose 10-30% of excess weight and some will lose 100%. I havent seen anyone who hasn't lost any weight at all and it is extremely rare to see anyone gain weight with the band as long as there is proper restriction. The same could be said of any WLS surgery. At lot has to do with effort, exercise, proper restriction, food modification. You get what you put into it. My best advice is educate yourself about the band and understand that it is a slower and more healthy way to lose excess weight than other WLS surgeries. Babs in TX 334/284/180
  22. Dear Sharon, YOur surgery is still six weeks away, so you need to get a grip on quantity control. Even with a band, you will still have to watch what you eat and exercise if you want to be successful with this. THe band is only a tool. IT sounds like mentally you think that you will not be able to eat foods you like when you are banded . This is not true. You will be eating less of the foods you like. I was banded after my summer vacation and during the three weeks I was away I was in Vegas. As you know, the food is plentiful there and I started practising self control while I was on vacation. I ate til I was full then stopped. The higher the weight you start, the longer it will take you to lose it. Every pound you add, just makes your journey harder and longer and makes you more unhealthy. There is no magic wand here and I will not sugar coat this for you. Get a salad plate and take 20 minutes to eat what is on it. Protein first, then veggies and if you have any room left then some more protein. DOn't drink while you eat. Start practicing good bandster habits. CHew chew chew! Babs in TX 6/23/03 334/285/180
  23. bbrecruiter2000

    Need Encouragement

    Hug, Hug Hug Hug!!!! Waiting is the hardest part of the process. I started at the wrong surgeons office. Their requirements were more stringent than my insurance company. The docs office was slow, non responsive and tied to a state university. I switched docs and the process roared ahead at a rapid pace. It sounds like you will know something soon. I think what kept my spirits buoyed was I knew that there were other options even if my insurance co said no. I could go to Mexico and have it done, I could take out a loan and have it done, I could appeal etc... Just know that you have lots of options, stay optimistic and everything will happen in good time. THis info is brought to you by the "most impatient person in the universe"! babs in TX 334/285/180
  24. bbrecruiter2000

    My crazy tongue

    Megan, You are hysterical. I sometimes keep myself entertained in the day with all the gurgly noises that eminate from my stomach. I will say that one of the problems I have encountered being banded is that I have a lot of air coming out the back end. I know.... tooo much information!!! Most bandsters I know get a lot of gas which I understand comes from swallowing lots of air. So you have it coming out of both ends!!!! See if your doctor tells you this much information!!!!! Babs inTX
  25. bbrecruiter2000

    My crazy tongue

    Hey Megan, I would like to answer these questions. Regarding the swallowing and tongue issue. If you cut your food up really really small when you eat and only take small portions of everything before you put it in your mouth, you will never have trouble or worry if you accidently swallow before you are finished masticating. You will never have a problem, because you have not created one by putting too much in your mouth in the first place. The Water issue: I drink water just like I used to. I dont guzzle and I try not to suck in to much air through my nose when I swallow. If I drink to fast, nothing really happens other than I can sometimes hear gurgling noises at the band site as the water goes through to the lower stomach pouch. I trust this answers some of your questions. Babs in TX 334/285/180 6/23/03

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
