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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bbrecruiter2000

  1. bbrecruiter2000

    Eight month bandiversary

    Hi Alexandra, I see you have dropped more weight!! Kudos to you. !!!! Babs in TX
  2. bbrecruiter2000

    opinions please

    Hi Chris, I would like to answer that question although it was not addressed to me. I have had 4 fills total. Fill one did nothing for me, but I was losing weight. Fill two really helped me with the portion control, but I was still eating quite a bit. I was losing two pounds a week average. Fill three was in early november. I was starting to get hungry at night especially and although I was losing weight at 2 lbs a week, I was having a harder and harder time to stop when I was supposed to. THree weeks ago, I had fill four. I was still losing 2 lbs a week, but I was struggling with the night time munchies and my quantities were still a lot bigger than most bandsters. This most recent fill has changed everything for me. Instead of losing 8 lbs over the course of a month, I have lost 10 lbs because my portion size is down to 4 oz a meal. We are in the business of losing weight and the guideline of getting a fill when you are no longer losing is just a guideline. When I told my doc at my last fill how much I had eaten the night before, he was in shock and agreed to give me the fill despite his initial impression not to do it because of how much weight I had been losing. I hope that gives you a different perspective! Babs in TX 334/241/180 -93 lbs 6/23/03 8 month bandiversary today! Yeah!!
  3. bbrecruiter2000

    How are you doing it?

    Bright, I have lost lots of hair up until recently. It is now slowing down and new hair is growing in. Just take a Multivitamin and brush your hair a lot with a soft brush. It will stimulate new growth. I see yo have dropped more pounds. I got on the scale and dropped 2 more which makes 9 pounds in the last 3 /2 weeks! Its picking up now that I have had another fill two weeks ago. Woohoo, only one more month to the century mark! Babs in TX 334/242/180 -92 and counting 6/23/03
  4. bbrecruiter2000

    How are you doing it?

    Well, I am glad to see that everyone is waking up here on this board. It was a little wee bit quiet here!!!. In an earlier post, I had mentioned that I was down -90 pounds in less than 8 months and someone asked me how I am doing it. For one, I did not have a pre-op diet and I am not proud to say that I ate up until 12 midnight before my surgery. I did not lose any before banding at all. As a matter of fact at 334lbs, that was the most I ever weighed in my entire life a few days before I got banded. In response, I want everyone to know that there has been no miracle here other than the band and good restriction. Its been through hard work and eating properly most of the time and I just wanted to say that there is no miracle pill, just diligence to stick to the program. I eat mostly Protein and some veggies and rarely eat more than 1100 per day. If I want something, I let myself have it, but mostly just stick to the hi protein low carb diet that is recomended for bandstersI do not feel deprived and I let myself have a cookie or some other sweet snack when I want it, which isnt too often. I exercise 3x a week at Curves, sometimes 4 And thats about it. So there really is no special diet or secret of the universe approach I have taken here. I consistently lose about 2 pounds a week, but I know this will be slowing down eventually. If I fall off the wagon, I get back on it again the next day and consider each day a new beginning. It really has not been that difficult to do so far. So for those just starting, hang in there and stick to the program. THis is not rocket science and it is not a diet, it is a way of life . Babs in TX 334/244/180 -90 6/23/03
  5. bbrecruiter2000

    World Breaking News!

    Bright, I am so proud of you. Well, you have more guts than I do picking some young studly personal trainer to aid you through your gym regimen. I go to Curves which is a franchise here in the US and it is an all woman's gym. Thank god! I am thinking of getting a personal trainer to start weight training at my community center. My lapband surgeon gave me another fill two weeks ago and when he looked at my tummy he said, "Ya know, you really are going to need a tummy tuck. The rest of you looks good, but the stomach is gonna need work." Well, I think he is wrong. My whole body is gonna need work and although I am afraid of plastic surgery, I know I will eventually give in to the need to have it done. Mostly boobs, tummy and bat wings. The gym will only help me so far!!!! If you ever come to the States, I would love to meet you. There is a big TX bandsters bash every year and theres also one in Vegas which gives us an excuse to get together!!! Babs in TX 334/244/180 -90 6/23/03
  6. bbrecruiter2000

    How are you doing it?

    Leo, I can relate. I finally gave up and cut my hair short and sleek and added some highlights. I was losing gobs of hair, but I had lots to start with. Maybe its just old age? LOL Babs in TX 334/244/180 6/23/03 -90 lbs
  7. bbrecruiter2000

    5 months - celebrating 80 pounds lost!

    Mary, You are doing fantastic!!! WOO HOOO! Happy dance for Mary. You sound like a fun person and I would love to meet you one day at a Bandster Bash. We can model our skinny clothes!!! Babs in TX 334/244/180 -90 6/23/03
  8. bbrecruiter2000

    Definitely not the easy way out.....

    Hi Kim, Don't be jealous. You will be there soon too. I do work hard at the weight loss, keep my caloric intake to 1000-1100. I work out at least 3x times a week at Curves and chase my kids around. I have two, surely not as many as you. (you must be exhausted!) I struggle through the plateaus for at least 10-12 days a month and inbetween have managed to consistently lose 8 pounds a month for the last 3 months. Before that it was 9-12 lbs, so now it is getting harder to keep up the big numbers. I do violate every once in a while (like today). Had some egg beaters for lunch with ham and 1 slice of cheddar, no Breakfast and ate a chicken and meatball parmagian sandwich barely nibbling on the italian bread and eating the innards. I followed that up with a real brownie! But the portion was small and in no way close to what I ate pre band. I think its good to play with your metabolism once in a while so your body doesn't get complacent. The trick is to get back on the band wagon at least 90% of the time. Babs in TX 334/245/180 -89 6/23/03
  9. bbrecruiter2000

    Definitely not the easy way out.....

    Kim, THat was eloquently said. And you are absolutely right. It shouldn't make a difference, but it does to a lot of folks. Obesity itself is seen as a sign of weakness and those who have lost weight without WLS and kept it off (3%) are usually the judgemental ones. For all the rest who feel this way, I imagine in some way they are jealous because they themselves need to lose some weight or just flat out predjudiced of the obese. Also, many people have a different breaking point and think that WLS is really meant for someone who is 300 lbs over their ideal weight. Most people probably including some of my family members think if I just dieted and exercised, I would be thin. WLS is really meant for someone else like the really morbidly obese. Most people can;t believe that I am about 160 lbs overweight and just the number is daunting to me. !! Now,some people think if they are 10 lbs overwieght, they are disgusting and revolting. Some people its 50lbs and for others it can be 100lbs or more before they were prepared to do something about the obesity. My thought process here is people that have never been morbidly obese have never lived in my tight shoes. They do not know how many diets I have tried or the embarrassment of not fitting in an airline seat and all the things I have not been able to do over the last 15 years or so. So my feeling is let them think what they like. I don't have room for negativity in my life and I don't have the energy to change their opinion. Besides, they are entitled to one even if I dont agree. Babs in TX 334/245/180 -89 6/23/03
  10. bbrecruiter2000

    Are you glad you did it?

    Kim, No regrets here!!! I love my band. There are some days I get frustrated because the band is fickle. Sometimes I can eat more and sometimes, two bites and my band tells me no more! But so far, it has been a very easy journey with very little problems. I have lost 88 pounds forever which equates to 55% of my excess weight in 7 months. Ya gotta love it! Babs in TX 334/246/180 -88 6/23/03
  11. bbrecruiter2000

    Selling Lapband on EBAY!!!!

    Hi Everyone, The person in question used a before and after photo of my friend Cynthia who has lost 210 pounds with the lapband and was part of the 1999 FDA trials. She has been informed that her pics were used illegally to attract people to buy this absurd package on how to get a lapband. Cynthia has contacted Inamed, since she is now a bariatric post op coordinator who owns the Bandlandia website and company. These pics violate copyright infringement and Cynthia would not advocate such a promotion. Her comment to me today was that you know you truly have arrived when someone posts your pic on Ebay! She has a good sense of humor about it and I only hope that there are not desparate people out there that would consider paying money for this service. Thanks for the watchdogs!! Babs in TX 334/246/180 -88 6/23/03
  12. bbrecruiter2000

    Message for Babs...........

    Hi Lulu, Good for you! I am trying to work very hard chewing everything to a pulp as well since my fill last week. I haven't barfed, but I had a golfball for 15 minutes the other day rushing down a piece of rib before I picked my baby up from daycare and boy did it hurt! Went to Chili's last night and it took me 30 minutes to eat all the grilled chicken from my lettuce wraps. The tortilla chips went down easy, so I limited myself to 6 of them. Its really a lot of work to think about chewing and portion sizes and I have gotten to the point where I eat and disect everything with my hands rather than use a fork and knife. I don't have time to cut up my Protein and I find it easier to use my fingers to eat. Screw what others are thinking! I am sure that I look like a cannibal, but who cares? At least I will be a skinny cannibal!!! You will get used to it after a while. Chew Chew Chew!!!! Glad to hear it is going better! Babs in TX 334/247/180 -87 7 1/2 months post op and counting
  13. bbrecruiter2000

    To Unfill or Leave Alone............

    Hi Lulu, We need more information. Are you able to get fluids down easily or this a problem too? Are you cutting up your food in little bites, the size of a pea and chewing it to a pulp? Are you eating solid Protein or soft foods? THere are so many variables here and we need more information to help you. If you are able to get fluids down, then you probably could wait it out a little longer. If you are not, then I would get an unfill. I had a fill last week and I am now at 2.25. When I drink liquids, they gurgle going down and I really have to chew chew chew everything and take my time eating now (usually about 1/2 hour to eat 5-6 oz. of protein) Keep in touch and let us know how it is going. Babs in TX 334/247/180 -87 6/23/03
  14. bbrecruiter2000

    I'm shrinking!!!

    Thanks everyone for yoursupport. Bright: I wish I had a decent picture of before and now. But unfortunatlely I don't. I did have a picture taken at my son's daycare during his birthday party. The pic is a little blurry though, but I thought of using it anyway. Its minus any makeup, but the important thing is that I don't have a double chin!! I will have to have my husband scan it or something. I have not taken any pics on my way down so far. I know, I should have, but I just never liked taking pics and it is hard to break the habit. Anyway, I am far from being ugly. I have brown eyes and dark short hair and attractive feature and my best feature is my really good teeth. I was blessed by my father who has the most phenomenal teeth of anyone I know and he is also a very good looking man. I am of Puerto RIcan and Italian descent, but you would not guess since I am very fair skinned like my mother who is a red head with blue eyes.! So its not because I am not attractive, I just have always been skittish about pics. I promise I will make an effort to post some good pics when I have time. Babs in TX 334/248/180 -86
  15. bbrecruiter2000

    I'm shrinking!!!

    hi Everyone, A couple of days ago, I went to Lane Bryant to see if I could buy some clothes on sale to tide me over . I couldn't believe it but I fit into a size 20 pants and a size 18 shirt. Haven't seen those numbers in about 18 years.! THis weekend I went to the park with my kids and for the first time ever since I have had children I got onthe swings and reached for the sky.! I have always been afraid to do this because I thought the swing would not hold my weight. It was glorious just swinging away and I also climed the monkey bars. Woohoo, the little victories are the most important! babs in TX 334/248/180 -86 and counting 6/23/03
  16. bbrecruiter2000

    What a good feeling!

    Hi Jennye, congratulations on your fabulous weight loss. Tomorrow I am visiting my surgeon for a checkup. Havent seen him since I was 6 weeks post op. I wonder what he willthink when he sees I have lost 86 pounds. Its a great feeling that stays with you all the time. Enjoy the victories.!!! Babs in TX 334/248/180 -86 and counting 6/23/03
  17. bbrecruiter2000

    Too complacent

    Alexandra, Its good to hear from you again. I understand the complacency issue you are giong through. Unlike yourself and despite all the pounds I have dropped, I have not changed as dramatically as you in the clothing sizes. I started at a size 28 and I am now in a 22 pants and 18-20 top. So I honestly did not see any real big changes in my size until I lost more than 60 lbs. I could see I was compacting because I go to the gym 3x a week, but it took a while for me to really notice the changes. My biggest challenge is the food I buy my kids. I have a 2 and 8 year old and they want to eat chips and ice cream and fruit Snacks. Then there are the birthdays!!! Cake, Cookies and assorted other junk food. I was eating off my son's birthday cake for three days and those carbs made me want more carbs. Then I started nibbling on a corn chip here and there thinking, Mmmmm, I have done so well so far and one chip won't kill me.... Well, I have noticed the change in the last week or so. The weight isn't dropping off anymore. So on Monday, I made a commitment to get another fill and cut out the junk. So for the majority of this week, I am back on the wagon again. Regarding motivation and why I am doing this: I think of my kids and at 251 pounds, I am still a walking heart attack waiting to happen. This usually scares me back on track. With a BMI of 40, (started at 53.9), I am healthier, but I am still afraid. I know that I will never be a fashion model, but I think monthly goal setting is important to keep us on track. My monthly goal is an 8 pound loss, and if I should go below that, I need to reevaluate what I am doing. Decide what number loss per month for you is acceptable and what you are prepared to do to make it happen. I know this is not a race, but without the goal setting it leaves too much room for me to cheat and fail. If motivation is a problem, get out a piece of paper and write down all the reasons you decided to have a Lapband. You are one of the bravest and tenacious people I know. You fought a whole year to have this band and most would have given up a lot sooner. Babs in TX 334/251/180 -83 and counting 6/23/03
  18. bbrecruiter2000

    Happy 3 Month Bandiversary to me!

    Hi Bright, You evil wench. Glad to see you are doing so well. I don't post here that often anymore and I miss your wittiness. I am almost 7 months out now and down (drumroll....) 83 pounds.!!! I had a minor setback last week until yesterday. It was my son's birthday and I ordered a cake that was very big and have been eating off of it for the last 4 days. Also I have been eating some junk food the last few days, so now I am back on the wagon again!! Would like to reach my century mark by month 9. My goal is to lose 120 lbs by my first aniversary of being banded. Your face looks beautiful and I love your dieting secrets. I don't know about the seaweed though.... Yucccch! Babs in TX 334/251/180 -83 and counting 6/23/03
  19. bbrecruiter2000

    I'm BAAAAACK! (and 1 year update - LONG)

    Hi Donali, You sound happy and healthy and that is what banding is about!! Thanks for sharing and your honesty about what you are eating and not eating. I have the same life opinion that you do. You should not feel deprived when you have a band and life is meant to be enjoyed!! ( In moderation...... I preface) Babs in TX 334/251/180 -83 and counting 6/23/03
  20. Larry, I totally agree with you about bulk eaters being more successful than snackers and sweet eaters. I am a bulk eater and when I feel full with my band, I stop eating. The quantity could be 4 oz or 8 oz, but it is a third of what I ate before. I also think that the folks who are willing to change what they eat as well are even more successful. First Protein, then veggies and if there is room, some limited carbs. Also, finding a good doc who will offer you solid followup care is important to keep you on the "band" wagon. I am always surprised when I hear what some bandsters eat on a regular basis and why they wonder how come they are not losing. ! Babs in TX 334/254/180 -80 and counting 6/23/03
  21. bbrecruiter2000

    good news & bad news!

    Hi Bright, You look fantastic!!! You can really see the difference in your face. I have been having trouble lately with being compliant. THe last few weeks, I have been eating poorly and not sticking to the bandster lifestyle and I have not lost much this month so far. Anyway, I will go easy on myself during the holidays and not beat myself up for eating the wrong foods. I missed you and Happy Birthday.!!!! :D :cool: 334/261/180 -73 6/23/03
  22. bbrecruiter2000

    Only 99 to go!!

    Hi Donali, You are so grounded and well balanced.!!! :cool: Regarding metabolism, you are very correct about trying to manipulate metabolism by occasionally adding calories to your diet. If you get a chance, you may want to read the manual they can loan you at the gym called Curves. The guy who started Curves has an approach to increasing caloric intake and then doing a sort of Atkins like induction everytime you gain more than 3 pounds. He believes that the time it takes for you to gain the 3 pounds back decreases each time you increase and reduce caloric intake until you are able to get your metabolism back up to a 2000 calorie level without gaining weight. I am hyperinsulinemic, so I don't do carbs very often. But I find if I do them once a week and have some kind of moderate gorgeout and then get back on the low carb wagon after a break of a few days, I am able to lose faster and more efficiently and I seem to drop oodles after I do this. I also now have less than 100 to go. This was a major victory for me to be able to say that I only need to lose 81 pounds instead of 154!!!! Babs in TX 334/261/180 -73 6/23/03
  23. bbrecruiter2000

    my band was removed !!

    Antonio, I am sorry to say this, but there have only been 9 known complaints about the Lapband reported since February 2001. I followed your instruction and typed in adjustable lapband and every single listing that included INamed, Bioenteric and lapband as well as adjustable came up and it was only 9!! Since the band was approved in June 2001, that would make 8 since FDA approval. Of the 8 people, only 1 had their band removed because they could not tolerate it and had reflux. The other patients all kept their bands and the problems were relatively minor and had to do with punctured tubing due to improper fills or port replacements. So really only one person had the device removed. Now if you are talking about people that had issues before 2001, that number will be greater but definitely will not substantiate any case you have against the manufacturer if you were banded after FDA approval, since your doc should have told you about the potential yet small amounts of problems you could have after surgery. Since there have been more than 15,000 people banded with the Inamed FDA approved lapband since June 2001 in the US, this is a very very small number who had any significant problems, so you are part of a really really small statistic. I agree with Donali. You sound bitter and are looking to vent. Now I know that people have side effects, but band removal is not common unless there is erosion or esophagal irritation that cannot be relieved with an unfill or other medical issues that could not be identified or known to the surgeon prior to surgery. But if you feel comfortable to keep looking and you feel compelled to give us information, please be sure you have correct updated information about the product you are slamming! THere are just too many happy bandsters here and unless you are really looking for help, you may find that we are all just too happy with our bands to focus on the negative. Babs in TX 334/261/180 -73 pounds 6/23/03
  24. bbrecruiter2000

    chewing, chewing chewing.... ack!

    Hi Everyone, I have found a technique which works well for me. I eat with my fingers a lot!!! I find that if I put a piece of chicken or fish between my fingertips instead of cutting everything to baby size portions, I am able to control the portions better and eat faster than I can picking up a fork and knife and cutting. Also, I never put anything in my mouth bigger than something that can fit between my thumb and first finger, so I wind up with really small quantities. I hope that makes sense...... Babs in TX 334/263/180 -71 and counting 6/23/03
  25. bbrecruiter2000

    What was your post-op diet like?

    Here was my diet: 1st week - clear liquids 2nd week- creamy liquids 3rd week- pureed foods 4th week-solids 9 weeks sounds like a bypass post op diet. I don't know how anyone could do 9 weeks til solids without a fill or appetite supressants. Now I don't think someone should be eating steak at 2 weeks, but I was eating soft foods including cheese and soft meats in week three. I also did not have a preop diet either. Babs in TX 334/263/180 -71 pounds 6/23/03

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
